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Living As A Passionate Beginner | Gina Choi | TEDxLoyolaMarymountUniversity

I am passionate about figure skating
sewing all your thinking you’re probably
thinking she might be pretty good right
maybe a few metals a couple of Olympic
team stories
sorry to let you down but I actually
just started taking beginner lessons
last year and most of my classmates
still get dropped off at the rink by
their parents and for now my skate stays
firmly on the ice yeah yeah throw myself
into the air with blades attached to my
feet doesn’t quite fit with me yet so
now I’m wondering knowing all of this
was useful say that I am passionate
about figure skating could I possibly be
passionate about some things that I have
yet to master this word passion we’ve
placed an unreasonable amount of
pressure around this word and we bought
is the false belief that passion
requires expertise and skill when
actually the essence of meaning of the
word passion is something quite
different passion is simply an intense
desire or enthusiasm for something and
yet we’ve taken this word and we’ve
qualified it in our minds as having
always do with experts and we’re afraid
and we’ve shied away from it as a result
of that and there’s a reason for this
when we look at our sources of
inspiration they all share something in
all these inspirational people that we
look towards have made careers out of
their passions when there’s athletes
celebrities entrepreneurs scientists and
you look at these people with awe
instead of breathing the beginner and so
we apply a similar thought process to
our own lives and it looks a little bit
like this we start with our intention I
want to find my passion
and since we’re practical and we wanted
to fit in from our lives we find a space
for it and a lot of the time
it comes in the form of a drop because
our successful inspirational role models
have all of that path but if you’re like
the 80% of an unhappy employees drill
pipe eventually you’re going to say I’m
unhappy this is not my passion I don’t
like this job and you think another job
is gonna make us happier and so we rent
them me repeat only to find ourselves
stuck in this perpetual cycle and we
don’t stop to think if our passions may
not exist within this circle at all but
your career doesn’t have to be your
passion and your passion doesn’t have to
be your career and yet before all of our
effort and attention into one small
circle of what we think we can do and
what we think you know and we ignore the
rest and let me do this we miss out we
miss out on all the amazing experiences
that we have get to try and we just
focus on what we think we can’t do but
there’s a better way to think about our
desire for passion in our lives you have
to be like all learners and you have to
be beginners I learned this very early
in my life it’s been my entire childhood
with the title new girl between the ages
of 7 and 18 I attended 11 different
schools all across the US and now I was
not a military child
I didn’t even have a good reason for it
and so I didn’t like it obviously as a
child I hated being friends and familiar
places behind but reflecting back on my
childhood as an adult and see that it is
one of my favorite parts of who I asked
it has literally shaped what I have
today and cultivated my love for
lifelong learning with every move I
learned to embrace change and new
experiences as a natural part of my life
and my tolerance to change improve
practice and repetition sometimes you
just need a few things with new eyes you
just need a change and it doesn’t have
to be a career altering decision
so don’t start calculating outcomes
before you’ve even begun just build up
to confidence to get a few years ago I
set up an interest in the complex world
of wine yes
drinking wine but also learning about
the history and process of making it too
and my reason for this is very simple I
just wanted to stop really intimidated
by the big wine list that restaurants
during client dinners we’ve all had that
and so when I travel wineries I take a
pretty serious looking camera with me
and a little book and a lot everyone in
the room is tasting and did these
scribbling down notes and asking
questions and because of this I’m
invited into barrel rooms and private
tastings with winemakers all things that
should call us cost a small portion
because about this $10 note book
represents to these passionate experts
ten dollars and their passion is
contagious the more I learn about their
craft the more invested I become and as
someone who loves to read and study I
purchased every comely textbook that I
can find online and I hope to take the
exam someday this taught me that taking
the position of a learner opens up your
world so many experiences beyond what we
think of ourselves so often when we
think of ourselves we’ve already bought
ourselves that it’s not like us before
we try something new and it is unlike
what we can do with what we’ve already
tried and so we don’t I have friends in
their twenties tell me that they’re too
old to get into a new field at work or
pursue a passion and the ironic thing is
yes there are their 20s but they’re also
some of the most brilliant inspiring and
encouraging individual today at all so I
encourage them and I remind them of
their full selves as I curse myself and
you to continue to try new things to
dive into new experiences because it is
there and open up up your world to new
things you become more like
yourself choose the life of a lifelong
be a beginner and you’ll find new
passions whether you like bumping other guys too late on your feet or not
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