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Who we are and who we dream of being | Kelly James | TEDxCuracao

I’m from a small town called Muskogee

Oklahoma some of you guys have probably

never heard of it it’s a small town

about 35,000 people but it’s really not

a good place it actually were actually

four times the national average when it

comes to crime rate and we’re listening

one of the top 100 most violent cities

in America so as you can imagine this

created for a very interesting childhood

and my whole life was not much better

there’s just there was drugs alcohol

abuse you name it it happened in my home

and what I remember most from my

childhood hey that’s me what I remember

most of my childhood is the messages

that I would receive from the people

that I loved and they told me that

you’re never going to be anything you’re

going to end up in prison your end up

dead as a matter of fact they told me

I’d never see my 20th birthday well I

did make it to 20 years old a little

past an hour but on my 20th birthday my

life changed dramatically me and a

friend went to a nightclub as 20 year

olds do and we were having a good time

drinking talking to girls it was very

packed and I remember seeing my friend

running towards me and I knew something

was wrong and he had been an altercation

with a group of people that were there

and he pulled out a gun and he emptied

the clip to the ground and it jammed and

there was so much happening at this

moment they were fighting and we were

all standing around watching the fight

and I remember looking next to me I felt

something cold touch my hand and I

realized that the person standing next


he had a gun also and you know how in

the movies they slowed everything down

and and everything is happening in slow

motion well that’s exactly the way it

was happening he pulled up the gun and

he pointed it he was standing so close

the barrel that gun touched the back of

my friend and he pulled the trigger boom

boom I don’t remember how many shots he

fired I wasn’t afraid I just wanted to

see who this person was and I expected

to see this cold evil person but when I

looked over to him because literally

he’s standing right here I didn’t see

that at all I actually saw somebody who

was afraid and I saw somebody who

regretted the decision that he had just

made and he dropped the gun and ran out

and I went over to my friend and as he

was taking his last breath I remember

looking in his eyes and seeing something

very similar he was afraid and he

regretted the choices and decisions that

he had made in his life so I went home

that night and as you can imagine I

didn’t sleep very well and I began

thinking about the choices and decisions

that I was making for my life because

the life that I was told that I was

supposed to have that was just my

environment that’s just what I believed

it was supposed to be and so did they

and I began to think about what if they

had made better choices what have they

had made better decisions about their

lives what would have happened what

decisions can i make about my life right

now in that moment so i made a decision

that day that i was going to create the

life that I wanted regardless of my

situation regardless of where I lived I

was going to create the life that I

wanted and I did so there’s some


to the story this is where I moved to

Houston Texas much better place great

job and I said you know what if i’m

going to write this story let me write

it the way I want to write it so we’re

going to live in a nice city why don’t I

add a wife beautiful wife and kids let’s

see what how that turned out there she

is haha two kids and to me before this

this was never possible this is not what

I saw I didn’t see this growing up and I

chose to make this happen for my life

and then I wanted to make a lot of money

and I saw people who did sales I said

you know I want to do sales too I want

to make a six-figure income so you know

what I said let’s see if we can make

that happen and there it is this was my

team i ran for fortune 500 company at a

home depot but but i tell you this story

because the people that I work with now

I work with introverts you guys may have

noticed that from my introduction I work

with introverts in my business because

these people people who are introverts

have been told that there are only

certain jobs that they can work they

have to be the super social people to be

successful and it reminds me so much of

my story of growing up where somebody

told me that I had to be something a

certain way to be successful and I’m

here to tell you guys that you can

choose the life that you want you can

truly design the life that you want and

I want to share with you guys what I’ve

shared with them to design their life

for the people that I mentor and the

people are mentoring business as

introverts so the first thing I tell

them is listen first of all except the

things about you that you cannot change

if you’re an introvert if you had a

tough upbringing whatever it is you just

accept it and move on it is what it is

let’s move forward number two you have

to believe in the things that are great

about you because each of you have

something that’s great about you so you

have two apps absolutely believe in that

and number three you have to have the

courage to go after what you want in

life you actually you absolutely have to

do that

there’s a quote by Meg Cabot and it says

courage is not the absence of fear but

rather the judgment that something is

more important than that fear the brave

may not live forever but the cautious do

not live at all from now on you are

traveling the road between who you think

you are and who you can be the key is to

allow yourself to make the journey thank

you [Applause]

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