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Una abogada con corazón de cocinera | Nelly Córdova Morillo | TEDxAvDeLosRíos

and as they are good afternoon
I have heard
do not know what taste and what emotion the
be in front of you and give me the
opportunity to share a bit of the
story of my life
I had the fortune
like many and many Tabasco women
to grow around kaka channels or
such backyard vegetables and
at the end a smoke stove from where
wonderful dishes were born
emblematic of our kitchen
traditional and that he not only fed
in the body but ended up falling in love
my soul
I had the fortune as many
and so many Tabasco families
to be born
in a family
simple modest
with great values ​​and principles
Respectful of its traditions and
proud of its roots
they are my family the pillars that
gave identity and meaning to my life are
they who forged the cook
traditional that I am today and the woman
from my maternal grandfather I learned between
so many things that chocolate is drunk
very cold
and very hot
and very thick neither too watered nor very sweet
not very bitter
he taught me that the earth is cultivated with
respect and with love
and that nature gives it back to you
grateful in abundant in abundant
taught me
the sublime that can be the taste of
pp armadillo meat spit and
of the deer
but he also taught me that women and
the men of good fight respect their
breeding times and their offspring
because they will be the ones that feed us
tomorrow and the new generations
taught me
and it’s a religion for me
go very early very early to the market
before the first rays come out
of light because only in that way are you going to
Fill your lungs with field smell
cool and you will be able to find
first yuccas that still fly to
wet earth
from my mother I learned that women from
this land born in tabasco are from a
unshakeable spirit that despite
the adversities or the circumstances of
life stand up
they get up and fight every day to forge
sons men
honest productive managers but
especially committed
with its people and its land
from my paternal grandmother I learned
the few times I had the opportunity
to enjoy your company that there is not
nothing better to heal the soul than a
good chicken broth and
from my sister
my companion of many adventures
entrecanals and cocoa beans I learned
that it does not matter who is at fault
we both take the punishment
all these characters
they were the pillars
that forged the woman and the cook
4 years ago
I am a lawyer by profession
I’m not not four years ago he pleads for
I skipped the profession
I am a lawyer by profession
admitted to the juárez university
but I am traditional cook for
vocation and passion
4 years ago I made the decision
to abandon the exercise of
profession to devote myself to what
I’m really passionate about cooking
cook with firewood and cook with grapes and
I left little by little the toga and the
mortarboard if it does not work out well
I return
and gentlemen I dressed
of the traditional tabasco costume for
honor the artisan women of
my people
and start the most important project of
my life and that in which I believe I’m going to
begins the restoration of a small
chontal house in the ejido buenavista in
comalcalco tabasco a wonderful house
it took me a year and a half to restore it
and place elements in them
with which the modest families of
tabasco lived and lived together
has old clay tiles rescued
of a former cacao plantation extinct
brick floor paved
an old sewing machine because I want
evoke remember and keep alive
ladies after their long day
sewing and making their own
an old mortar because it had to be pillar
harvest coffee protect it very
well for then have a good coffee
cast in blanket sleeve and a metate
to grind a good chocolate
among many other things more the
Chontal cooking recreation
She’s so perfect
that transports in time 50 70 years
back and you know what the reason is
my intention was
rescue the tabasqueño
transport it in time 50-60 years
and bring again bring
back to your mind and your heart
aromas and flavors
on the tables of the houses of us
all tabasqueños
we can not find a good baked
a chirmol a minced meat with rice
and that is truly sad
we want everyone
We from Tabasco give ourselves the opportunity to
to be in that place to recharge us
batteries and to realize that it’s time
to claim pride
to belong to a prodigious land
of men and women who with their hands
They have kept our story alive
our commitment is
that each of us look at
those great characters
and we transmit all our legacy to the
new generations only
and only so
we can say
that we have a heart a heart
and whoever pumps it is our
identity our pride for our
roots and respect for our
thank you very much
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