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The potential of brain stimulation | Sandro Krieg | TEDxTUM

let me give you an example of what I bet

you hope will never happen to you this

is a patient who came to our department

with a new epilepsy this epilepsy was

due to a brain tumor and the location of

this tumor is in a very essential region

which is called Broca’s area which is

known for the production or conception

of language so what brain tumors have in

common is that they’re not only consist

of tumor cells but they are highly

infiltrative which means that the tumor

consists of tumor cells but also has

incited humor working brain cells and in

a lot of cases this brain tissue is

still highly essential for the patient

itself and for some of his most

essential functions so what do you tell

such a patient about the therapeutic

options of his tumor should it be

resected or i afraid just by the

location and you counsel him and tell

him he shouldn’t be operated on so for

doctor and for me as a surgeon it’s

quite hard to tell your patient that you

can’t help them because you’re not sure

if there is function or it is not of

course when we operate on the brain we

roughly know where function is located

for instance motor functions look at

tier two so called precentral gyrus like

for a movement of your body this is the

understanding of language as I told you

this is Broca’s area for language

production mainly social behavior

arithmetic processing which means the

ability to calculate and memory however

this is in the healthy brain we know the

brain tumors actually impair the

function of the brain and kind of caused

a reorganization in some patients and

some it does not

this means that motor function doesn’t

need to be here it can also be here the

language doesn’t need

you can also hear so how do you know

before surgery

greatest functions located and what do

you tell your patient that make search

reasons at all or not so that’s why in

2010 we decided to leap forward and

actually test a brand new application of

an actually old technique for mapping

brain function which is called a long

name navigated transcranial magnetic

stimulation or short but easier and TMS

and what an TM has does is that it has a

stimulation coil which is put on the

patient’s head it’s handheld and induces

a magnetic field which penetrates the

skull it then hits the brain and where

it is in the brain it elicits an

electric field and this electric field

then stimulates or inhibits neurons and

the newest thing is that we can actually

navigate in the brain and visualize

which point and small area in the brain

we’re actually stimulating or inhibiting

is to see here between the red and blue

arrows so we can really see in

high-resolution MRIs where we stimulate

the brain and if you then examine the

response of the brain by electrodes of

the muscle or by observing the language

of the patient or even the ability to

perform some little and easy calculation

tasks you can make a map of the brain so

it’s quite powerful technique so in the

last six years we learned a lot new

things are about our brain tumor patient

and their functional anatomy this is the

fusion of the maps of the motor system

of 100 brain tumor patients you see in

light blue the motor area for the arm

and the hand and in dark purple for the

leg and in pink I draw in for you again

the Prasad gyrus which is the

traditionally thought region for motor

function and as to see here that the

actual region in brain tumor patients

where motor function can be is far more

spread so you can’t just buy anatomies

tell a patient if you should operate him

or not even if you separate these

hundred patients in five different

groups so that each group only has

patients with the tumor in the same

location is to see here you see that the

region of the motor area is totally

different depending on the tumor so even

a tumor location then determines in a

way how your motor cortex is reorganized

in the brain

and the same is true for language I

showed you earlier the yellow blue

regions but as you see here in this heat

map where that blue means a high rate of

patients have motor function inside this

area it shows you how much more spread

language function can be in brain tumor

patients so coming back to a patient as

I showed you at the beginning whom we

couldn’t tell where function is located

because we assume this by location this

is a tumor we might not operate and

actually that still happens today we’re

able to perform individual maps for each

patient which we actually do a lot of

times a week it takes us 2 to 4 hours

for each patient and we can then counsel

patients and tell them about the risks

and benefits of surgery if it makes

sense or not if he has a high risk to

lose some part of his language or motor

function or not and the same is true for


beginning at age of 2 we’re able to also

perform naps for them this is actually

the case of a smart kid who has two

brain tumors as you see here in orange

in blue you’ll see again the motor areas

and in yellow and blue you see the

fibrous which are kind of the cables

which bring the information down to a

spinal cord and as you can imagine on

these slides with such detailed images

you can tell the parents much easier but

the problem of the therapy is

and if they want to do surgery or truth

another treatment and you can show them

in a way that they really understand the

problem three years ago did a study on

which we analyzed patients who came to

our department for a second opinion

because they were told they tumors not

removal or the 51 patients we operated

on forty-seven seventy-four percent of

those had complete tumor resection which

means we resected all tumor you saw an

MRI scan none of the patients with their

first brain surgery in our department

had any new deficit although they were

told they have high risk and you

shouldn’t operate the tumor in another

study we compared tations were operated

on without preoperative TMS data and

those with TMS data and we saw that the

rate of complete tumor removal increased

from 58 to 78% however there’s actually

just the beginning of using TMS in the

surgery there are some specialties who

already used TMS also non levitated

since decades for pain tinnitus a

depression but also a stroke and what

patients with stroke have has main

problem in many cases is that they’ll

suffer from a weakness of one side of

the body and we know today that if you

have a injured half of the brain half of

the brains called hemisphere so if you

have an intern hemisphere the healthy

hemisphere has inhibitory pathways which

even makes the hell injured hemisphere

even worse so it inhibits the inert

atmosphere what we can do with TMS is

that we apply inhibitory pulses which is

kind of an overstimulation so the

healthy hemisphere and avoid that makes

the injured one universe and it works

actually well most drug patients and a

lot of studies and we actually do that

study now on our brain tumor patients

which is ongoing who suffer actually

after surgery from a problem with moving

arm or leg

and we have really amazing cases some of

them matriz we don’t all a patient who

could move his right arm and hand for

five weeks after surgery and then we did

treatment on hand with TMS and after

some sessions his talent or show moved

in his hand in another case we had a

young woman who could write the day

after surgery not move her left side of

the body and at the seventh day of

treatment she actually walked to the

treatment room so it’s what not only for

us especially for the family it was kind

of a miracle for effort was also like a

very strong treatment effect at thinking

even one step further this is a PET scan

a PET scan shows you biological activity

of tissue which means it shows you where

the tissue is most highly active and

also where the tumor is highly active

and this is again a two men so called

Broca’s area and I told you before we

don’t know where language is usually so

we did a mapping on him and

unfortunately the mapping showed us

right inside the tumor this is actually

a tree lingual patient it showed us for

every of his three languages that he has

essential language function inside a

tumor so what do you do with such a

patient do you tell them well we won’t

operate at all do we tell him why we

remove some part of it we try to remove

everything and can happen that you

cannot speak anymore after surgery we

can then try some tumors treatment it

might work might not or you think one

step further and you apply to these

highly essential brain areas inside the

tumor you apply inhibitory TMS treatment

and make it much harder for the brain to

actually produce language and then you

force the brain to find new solutions

so finally coming back to our knowledge

about the functional anatomy of brain

tumor patients we know that this

different from healthy people so we

shouldn’t treat them like they have a

normal function atomy but we also do not

have to because today we’re able to

perform individual Maps we actually do

that on a routine basis in our

department several times a week and we

do that with a powerful help of brain

stimulation and as I showed you today

this is just the beginning of this

technique thank you very much [Applause]

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