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The extra weight can not be defeated. Relax. | Marina Maggi | TEDxEkaterinburg

good afternoon me
call Marina’s T-shirts
you spring marina it
magic just promised
that he will also look
my statement with
of this perspective I
fitness coach coach
directions and current
11 years I work
overweight issues
something like this and
looked 25 kilograms
back and my main
if I quickly remove
this slide is what you
understood the main
my goal is always
was not easy
the translation
aspirations for
certain forms of
figure namely
question of nullification
food addiction to
and I suffered and
for 11 years as I
has she already said this
the issue was
curiosity first
spread to
field of dietetics
then i’m fond of
sports training
became it from
interesting to study and I
there was no answer there
to your questions and
further mine
curiosity went into
area of ​​psychology and
physiology even on their
danyar physiology
came to
in fact I’m standing
here today on
scene in order to
share with you
those things that
I personally care about and
tell what I mean
now observed in
context of this
industry as
the question is being solved
now I see how
man from here it was
my personal always
The problem I see
how much we
are mistaken
regarding the decision
the question of excess weight
and I can see how those
ways that we
they often choose
not just do not decide
this question they are his
today I will try
just open it
and actually you
choose the scheme here
on it we will
stroll for
the entire presentation for
in order to
understand the essence of
misconceptions I
I will put you down a bit
rights and
well, or remind you of her
so we come across
with events in life
parts of these events
safe part
unsafe events
on them we react
through fear during
fear of you
unnecessary for you for example
system is not up to
reproduction you
this moment and
includes everything
fear reaction is needed
in order to
was formed
behavioral acts
this is either an escape or
struggle you must with
problem with which
either to compete or
escape from it and in
As a result, you
either survive or
do not survive
there are two forms
survive there
two forms of survival
this solution to the problem
or accept it
problems if its
impossible to solve
I want to focus on
this attention is
what exactly is here
hence from this cycle
begin to
unwind all
Distortion glitches with
which we then
we are dealing with both
problems with forms not you
wishes will
decisions and non-acceptance
The problems are such
two forms, for example
take me now
specifically, I am
are not safe for
yourself amongst me
two speeches
thousands of people this
For the first time I feel
how I’m afraid of me
there are two ways
response or
escape if you are
I asked to fight
close the door with that
parties therefore
chances of fleeing
I’m getting smaller and I
I live here
burning my fear and
survival for me
will be if suddenly I
I manage not today
fuck up in front of you
that is that part of me
which very much wants
much you like it
and very afraid
screw up why
really want you
like it
Even the Revolution
has long proven
people like this
increases its
chances of survival and
for me will be
the result is that I
I will bring to you the idea
I do not manage
fuck in
I will decide, as it were,
question or problem with
which faced
unsafe events
If I do not
It will be possible to do this
then, respectively, y
I will have one way out
it is to take that from me
did not work and
There is no other option
I want to focus on
this attention is
that this is how we
should come from
points of view
physiology of others
options you do not have in
If you do not
survive in case
if you do not decide
question and not
accept then you do not
survive that
occurs in this
moment because
now we often
you just do not
solve problems and not
we assume that c
making skills in
we are all very bad in
we are very
difficult to take
some events we
confidently solve them
often but even
the strongest people with
acceptance feel
some kind of
accept and this is
in case you do not
survive what
occurs from a point
view of physiology you
as a matter of fact remain in
threat to life and
your body
is not ready to reduce
pressure because
you now have something
specifically threatens and
you are now
here under this
source of
the tension is
tension in fear
it is necessary to
event with
accumulate and
or overcome it
either run away but
remaining in it
lasting perspective
we do not do either
one nor the other, and
physicians know who
sit here
that a long time
under adrenaline
pressure is death
for us is very fast
we quickly get sick
and very quickly
dies so very
It is important to accept and
solve our body
a computer
operating system
which coached
their survival
millions of years
evolution and I want
say that
the body thought about
situation in
If we do not decide and do not
accept some
life situations
We learned to defend
we have protective
mechanisms are not
scientific term for this
my may terminology
mechanism of local
anesthesia I am very
now I do not want
build a physiologist
and generally a lawyer for
that’s why
studied here since I
this was understood
now let’s
let’s try to convey
mechanism of local
anesthetics of songs
action is so important
any ways you
reduce flow
strains that
rise and do it
it’s through a stop
process of thinking you
very often you can
it reveals that
when you use
with local
anesthetics still
I will say that what to these
species are very
often feel that
I do not think problems
means problems like
would not know each other
familiar and mechanisms
anal anesthesia
acts on
the following principle
he needs to save you in
the moment here now
because right in
the moment you do not
survive in the moment
here and now you
now specifically
bad and organ
application of the
local anesthesia
it can not be justified
you substitute yes you
go to the uralmash 2
one o’clock in the morning
skirt to meet that
a crowd of 2 I write
Gopnik say
tomorrow we will escape
he does it right
he does it right
now and tomorrow can
be the same crowd
but it will also be in
moment here and
now therefore each
a piece of cake he you in
moment rescues
every step he saved
saved saved like this
there is a mechanism
bond scale
anesthetics can
be anything more often
all that
turning off the process
thinking most often
this food is nicotine
it’s alcohol
drugs and other
ways, for example
from this all are born
species depending on
indeed, shopaholism
all these
ways the body of you
protects the problem
do not think and
application mechanism
local anesthesia
justified there is
three problems with all
first they work in
moment here and
now they have a very
short and
actions because
as I said this
mechanism of survival
works directly in steps
in the moment
Survive Survive Survive
the second since you
there is already a primary
voltage source
which is formed
from primary
collisions with
the problem is you
Have not decided and you
remained in the previous
streaming voltage
and 3 is always from the principle
physiology you
faced with
feedback when
interaction with
any local
anesthetics because
destabilizes and
system of external
you bring
some opiate and
the system declines
according to principle
feedback from you
you must reject
back to
stabilize you
you will always
communication is the first thing
you begin to feel
bad feedbacks
state of health
such as the
my problems are
I am engaged in
overeating you always
will feel
yourself a little bad
the body gives you
feeling on
micro-level understand
What means
feedback you
afraid of the feeling of strings
your stomach
will increase drowsiness
and will be high there I
if you have not read these
micro signals
the body starts 7
accumulate and then
you see already at home
overweight problem
and I want to draw
here attention is
that this is not a separate
The problem is simple
which you with micro
signals were not considered
for example you have an extra
weight becomes
problem you are now
do not go to the store and
you are now afraid
do you now
afraid of bathing
season 1 remember well
like this and this
is becoming
problem in the
if you believe
the signals are not considered
you get one more
negative cycle
obesity and this is already
feedback loop
which in itself
is an
problem and forms
a new cycle and
distortions, for example
when you have
obesity is already diabetes
already in itself diabetes
not overweight
note and
by itself, diabetes
will be
source of new
distortion I want
draw your
attention to the fact that
our attention with you
wakes up in
mostly in the context of
excess weight we are when
already have excess weight
we begin to think
here he is an enemy just about me
there is a problem I
very clearly aware
that’s what you need
fight and
what do losing weight i
I’m dealing with a problem
very long time
I read for three years
lectures on these topics
and I can say that I
studied the weight loss itself
being still such
very very deep and
by 90 percent all
losing weight in the case of
body reactions
identical I think that
now I’ll talk with
you in the context of
that we make you ourselves
some girls themselves
learns and so what
way we trust
firstly, when we
we sit on a diet
process we
some idea about
new food finds
but it is necessary
some idea
necessarily new with
parsing it
it turns out
new because it is
just limited
unusual unimportant
as scenery in
this is what changed
further strengthen
ban further you
start all
control you
it is very important when you
just what did you eat at
what portions and so
further control
the following
expectations and debts
the body of a girl
begin to wake up
from the morning sense
would quickly be on the scales
jump and organisms
become very
Something must do everything
time it is straight here
should quickly lose weight
he must give out
faster results and
great amount
fears appear on
theme is thin or not
thinners from where
slimming speed
when it seems to you that
you eat a little
more than necessary but
next we pass
these are the first results
lying around here
almost all
because from the first
results we
manage to create
voltage source
I want to say that here
these food outlets from
ideas ban control
debts of expectations are all
this is how you understand
voltage sources
to an existing
the flow that us
is formed at the top and
food as a source
local anesthesia
we actually
blocking the protective
mechanism that us
protects it very much
important to understand the first
two weeks you do not
will you
that the system is inert
but after two weeks
very well feel
as you in principle already
as if losing weight
very unimportant and
like everything before this
was normal because
that those problems
which you start
to feel it becomes
more visible and so
after the first
the results fly
almost all
slimming speed
you want faster
waiting for long
organism and beyond
inevitable cheese and
just because you
made a huge
number of mistakes
from above I always
I say stall is inevitable
if you did here
it’s all here and after
tear you all right
we all stop
then you stopped
connoisseur on
stress at a breakdown and
no rest after
frustration we punish
we blame ourselves for the plague
Norman will be
feeling guilty we
draw conclusions about
what we are
that we have
some not so
gave birth increase
ban increased
control and the
amount of fear and
bit appears
all this
voltage sources
already existing
voltage flow across
important account
in order to
the body is on you
began to protect is important
only one tense
you are now or not and not
important in general
what about you
tense you can
be tense at
the theme of what you are on
work something is not
gets on and can be
tense because
you just gave up
men from the reservation
you need to lose weight
that’s why many
girls who
are overweight
when they hear
this comes home
what do i jam then
that their just
and threw it
because you
just threw
because you’re here
this they can not yet
do this with
I’m special
drew all this
the circuit is so linear
so that you can see
that from the right side
this is an increasing
flow voltage and
The system will start you
protect in any
if you
increase it
the tension I wanted
show that with
local anesthesia
from the moment
failure or
problem solving
the body starts us
actively protect us
we do not start
understand how we
arranged and begin
actively fight with
overweight though this
is not
with her problems and
what we do next
here from the first
flow with
each new
step we add
new source
is an
source of
tension and
other methods
are also
source of
the voltage of this
there is no way out and
statistics are
proves russia
now in the fourth
place in the list of the most
of the world’s thickest countries
guess which one
place Ural
federal district
on the first on the second
place with a central
by regions is not very
good news for
we are well that
concede to him to lie in
the federal district
so that’s what I wanted
say that with
The problem is not solved
through my struggle in May
theme is called only
not the top turnover
what then do
The first is to decide and
accept situations
learn the skill to take
and accept even that
you are now concretely
The problem is not
You can apply this
what you do not take
well, like when you
accept any
situation even directly
now you screwed up
something happened
accept you already
go to
a huge
recovery for 7
years on the cellular
we absolutely
A new mechanism for us
there is not a single cell
our body
creatures seven years old
so learn
take a second
stop fighting
with the body organism
need every morning
wake up and shoulder
to kiss for the fact that
you have such
protective mechanisms
which protect you
the third thing you need
do in context
specifically about closer
excess weight
roll back
up by reverse
roll away
learn not
feel guilty
learn not to do
conclusions about me
learn not
prohibit learning
do not punish yourself I
I know that many
the girls tried it
do now
turns a finger at
temple and tell the marina
you are crazy it
tried and everyone
once I have it and
do i pile up
the food is even stronger and
this happens I know
I know the same
passed I know what
we are doing projects
the practice of permission
practice is its
thing is
we allow people in
period of time
it’s about 2
months there is
absolutely everything they have
straight homework
write out everything that was
not allowed but buy
four sport rhythm a4
crayons mdm with huge
just sit munching
and you will not believe it
who’s my people on
cried and cried
misfortune and wept
from fear that it is
very afraid of either
month and very hard
but you will not believe that
occurs two
months with people, I would
did not stand here that
so sure if
there would be no personal
results from me and
Would not it be now
result in girls
which are the first
girls who
trusted techniques
trusted this
system girl you
here and I want to say
that if you
Trust the system
if you stop with
You fight her if you
realize that
protective gear
which is stronger than us
many many many times
because they are simply
older and our
local here that
self-awareness with the idea
about what we need
to lose weight simply is not present
resources for
above thesis above
melting system of you
kind neutralize this
happens through a stall
or depreciation of you
find that through
two to three months you
just be
wake up with an even
breathing and you
find that you are already
you can calmly
pass by this one
here’s a long long
hyperbole counter
tasty things I
could not have been earlier
to pass through him now there
calmly can it
physiological pathway
losing weight is the way
even breathing and
impossible through
fight you just
There is no choice because
we are all the time
we twist the new
new cycle of distortion
in concluding its
I would like to speak
I say a very long time
was ill with this problem
excess weight and
zeroing food
dependencies i know
good like that like this
it hurts how much pain
can bring
I am very overweight
I know well
to be afraid of bathing
I know well the season
how is it to be
abandoned with a reservation
you need to lose weight i
I know how I really know
how it hurts and how
me their big dream
I really want you to
and your children did not know
this pain
baptize and this one
the whole cycle of distortions
we screwed it because
that they fought and quit
From it we can
only through love
Thank you
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