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Más consciente intelectual | Teresa Millán Casés | TEDxZaragoza

According to Carmen Jiménez, the students
able are those who learn to greater
rhythm with greater depth and greater
amplitude that his equals especially
they find in family and teachers the
proper encouragement and guidance
are called as a group to get a
excellent or bright performance already
lead knowledge innovation and
social cohesion
10 percent of children have
high intellectual abilities I’m not
speaking only of those who have a
IQ of 130 or more
because the theory of intelligences
multiple of Gardner taught us that
There are many types of intelligence and
we have the simple talent that stands out
only in a mathematical verbal area
creativity the complex talent that
stand out several and the gifted one that
they highlight all
neurologically his brain is different
is more sensitive to stimulation there
more unions between different areas this
it leads them to learn faster to grasp
more information and to relate some topics
with others more easily in short to
think different
this causes questions to be asked that
other children are not made like the one with
5 years wondering
How bees do to make some
Sometimes wax and other honey
they have more fears because they are capable of
understand intellectually issues that
emotionally they can not assimilate
like the fear of death with the 3
this difference creates difficulties for
Sometimes your hobbies have nothing to
see what they do at school
their conversation topics do not interest
the other children or their games are
parents like all parents
we try to pave the way for that
we created an association a space where
be able to be with other children like them and
do activities according to their
well help them to be themselves already
integrate into society
this process starts in the family
I think we all have in my head that
stereotype that a child with high
capabilities is a clever child that takes out
good grades but this is not always the case
reality is more complex
Sometimes this reality is that of a child
that asks you questions for those who do not
has an answer
at 18 he asked
the ray is liquid solid
others question you as the one with
four years I said
because we give you a picture for the
ideal mother a matrix of al not us
I would never scream
others bother us like the one with
seven years in the visit a monument
he took notes in his notebook and
punctuated the comments of the day
others question the environment as the one
with six years old he said I do not know why he had
so eager to go to the senior school
that would let me create
live situations like this
Being a father is not easy
If your child is also different from some
way less yet because what is
difference usually causes in the environment
it is incomprehension
starts in the form of nerd dots
human calculator
they hurt the children who receive them
but I think they should hurt us all
kind of society we have
who criticizes who wants to learn
they are not children’s things
the motes that said and that can be
thought by a child
but what happens
they call it “gifted”
here some adult has intervened
the name of how many researchers
we know
how much space do they devote
the news
when we have seen a politician
inaugurating a laboratory
we realize that our society
It’s scary that your son opens his mouth in
public to be rejected by
companions with the parents of the
capacity round 46%
the environment discover that it is different and
reject him for it
but above all that they that what
capture everything discover our fear and
decide to hide
as parents we have to accept our
children as they are to support them so that
dare to be themselves and so that
come out a world that may hurt you
it is difficult but it is what you have to do
not because they have high capabilities but
because they are children and neither they nor us
they have chosen to be what they are
but these parents do it in the
we read consult with specialists
we talk to parents of other children like
ours but at the door of the
school we shut up
we are afraid
as I tell parents that they
they complain that their children are all
late doing homework that to me what
it worries me is that mine does not have
homework because everything has finished in class
they will not understand me
we shut up nobody knows our
reality and we do not give the option that we
understand , support us and help us
our children feel accepted
and in this way we are the
first that we hurt our
to change this we need everyone
to change the social value of the
after the family the next step
is the school our educational system
classifies children by age what
together in the same classroom, heads that
they can be at very different levels and
to educate in equality is to give each
one what you need and the children with
high capacities need challenges
they need to respond to their
difficult questions without thinking that the
do to annoy or to question
the teacher’s authority need
create invent and experiment
this is possible and does not require large
investments requires training and
what can we do if a child in the first
first elementary school already writes stories
so look for a moment the week for
that every child can read the stories that
have written and so possibly others
little by little they are encouraged to do it
If they do not find the
stimulus they need and their interests
they go on the other hand they demotivate
if everything is simple, they do not need
strive do not learn strategies of
coping with difficult tasks neither
tolerate the frustration that this entails and
they are not ready for courses
30% fail and do not get the title of
compulsory secondary education
60% do not get the title of
baccalaureate or equivalent and 70% no
got a higher degree
the ‘brain drain’ does not start when
a university graduate with a
bright record goes to
work abroad
the ‘brain drain’ starts when a
potentially bright student abandons
the educational system before finishing
the studies I would have liked to have
or when a student after 15 years of
study at a pace that is not yours
with colleagues and teachers who do not
they always understand you and sometimes you
rejects prefer to study in front of a
computer and choose a university to
distance instead of staying where
has next to his house
they are in the family and in the
school the support they need is
They will dare to show themselves as they are in
there will no longer be a curriculum that limits them
and will be able to bring their topics of interest
as far as they want to write
marine animals robotic
even so they are going to need a space that
welcome them to encourage them to develop
new mentoring ideas to help them
direct and enhance your talent in
definitive environment that helps them
discover who they are in what they excel
and that can contribute to the world
they think differently they are therefore source of
innovation and I invite you to reflect if
we can afford to lose them because
can reach the world of work with notes
mediocre lack of self-esteem and lack of
social skills by not having
never fit in his peer group no
I know if as a society we can afford
waste everything they could have
that’s why we have to change laws
schools but mostly mentalities
to identify and support them
it is not better to stop thinking that they have
normalize and start to value the
for what they are
we are prepared to have a student
a son a neighbor a companion
I work a friend with high abilities
intellectuals to accept it just as
is to realize what he thinks
says and does not because it feels
superior but because it’s like that
and you need all our support to
dare to get the best out of himself and
contribute to a better society
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