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La malediction de la connaissance | Serge Macé | TEDxEDHECBusinessSchool

hello a few years after
of a registration problem had me
asked to do a course in economics from
30 hours to four students
to give you a little idea of
short it looked like that then
obviously I know what you think
it’s something basic it’s
elementary it’s easy it’s the
standard macroeconomy two first
years and for my students did that
was not that easy and for them
help for more user-friendly stilts
as they were 4 I would have asked to
approach and thanks to this proximity
spatial their low numbers for the
first time I was able
to evaluate their understanding in time
real alas what I saw is that in
did he understand not much about this
that I explained included a lot
less well and much slower than this
that I thought until then I was
victim without knowing it from a bias
cognitives identified by
psychologists that corresponds to what we
call the curse of the
so what is it about this
tendency of the one who explains what I
am doing their loan to them
his interlocutors without going
account of prior knowledge
they do not have yet but who
obviously they would serve for
understand this trend comes from everything
simply because we have trouble
imagine once we know what
it’s not knowing
we are somehow cursed by his
know then I’m going to do a little
experience that will allow you to
understand a little bit better senonches
not here your goal here is to
recognize the music that I’m going
tap closely so I tried it 1
some of you have recognized very
little but what I know is that me at
when I step high and I had
this music in mind and what got me
given the subjective impression that this
music was much easier
recognizable that they were
really to break the suspense in everything
case for those who did not
discovered that’s what it was
now i’m going to ask you
I’m going to tap again but I’m going
ask you not to think about let’s go
children of the homeland so tried not
do not think let’s children of the homeland
obviously you could not do it anymore
you already have the music in mind
in fact you have just been a victim of the
curse of knowledge
if you were to explain
something was explaining the way a
other person
you would be in danger of being
victim of this same curse by
example if you ask someone
there from the control room how to leave
from here you can reach the car park
underground so that’s what she risks
to explain to you I accelerated on the
you are going out of the auditorium
you see you follow you go down
desperate in the tasks turn to
right assure even close to you we’re going
to say is that they are de rigueur
the tension was still alive
you think well developed there you will see
your steps you carry you are you
staff parking that’s what
you will hear but look at that
that’s what she’s going to see is what she
will visualize the moment she goes to you
give explanations
you’re going to feel from the auditorium yes the
Red carpet
you follow you go down the stairs
in the tasks you turn right
on yourself make half turn
you pick up the other stairs that
still descend from one floor once
that you have come down this second
staircase you turn right again
on yourself and you go in direction
drink dispensers the vuvu
deported on the left you continue
you go back a concrete power is at
end of this corridor you will see a
blue sign reserved for staff
there you will see a flight of steps
gone from personal edge here you are
understand what happens when
she explains to you
she can not not visualize the
way that’s what allows it
to explain and that’s what gives it
also the feeling of being clearer
that she is
really for those who listen to
things for the first time then
obviously in everyday life we ​​come to
communicate we get to get to the
place of our interlocutor but is this
what studies show is that in
actually it’s a lot harder to
do not usually believe
and the curse of knowledge
also relates to knowledge
purely factual some time ago where
a few years actually I had laid the
next question to a hundred
first year students
so it’s not so many of you
know the answer but the answer
actually this question was martine
aubry who is current mayor of lille and
About 40% of the students were in
able to give this answer
obviously today given
the state of the Socialist Party if I had
ask the question again
I will have a much higher response rate
weak in any case in a second
time I asked this question that was
what is the percentage of students from
first year who know the good
answer then those who did not know
for whom the answer the question
seemed difficult 20 we had
tend to think that this answer
was also difficult for others and
they estimated on average that 34% of
students would be able to give the
good answer you see it’s not very
far from the real percentage now
those who knew those for whom he
was obvious that martine aubry was the
first secretary of the Socialist Party
have tended to think that obviously
everyone knew the answer is
this time the summer you predict that
65% of people would be able to
predict this answer the curse of
knowledge can take forms
sometimes very subtle look
the following experience
imagine someone we’ll call him
christine c who is in this room is
finished reading a book and who chooses to
put it here in the blue box
christine knows goes away between a
person and this person without the knowledge
christine chose to move the boxes
when you look and christine comes back
and the question posed to
participants of this experience was
the next where christine goes she
watch first I leave you
a few moments of reflection done so
you think about the question you
go to see coming with answers that
are plausible
the first is that christine is going
actually look in the blue box if
she kept the memory of the box in
which she deposited free she goes
first go to the blue box
is actually 71 % of the participants
given this answer
now maybe some
of you said maybe after
everything that christine did not keep
memory of the color of box 1 to
keep in mind that its location and
for this reason she will be heading
maybe rather to this one in
the original experience 23% of people
give that answer in a second
the participants were invited
this time to respond to the same
question but not hold back a scenario
very little different so the beginning
herself christine lays her book
in the blue box and then goes between
someone who unknowingly christine this
This time to keep what will be chosen
to move the book into the red box
then moves the same box again
question christine is coming back or is she going
watch first
so it’s obvious that christine does not
do not know that the book has been moved in
the red box and so if you have to
answer that question you do not
should not take account of this
in practice what we show
researchers is that
a number of participants
a lot of trouble not to use this
privileged information
remember that it was the
percentages we had obtained in the
first scenario
in this second scenario now more
the individual thinks it is possible and
even likely that christine looks
first in the red box
then you understand the phenomenon of
knowledge curse is a
insidious phenomenon that is difficult to
here i would just like to offer you
a few few lessons that I pulled
my experience as a professor of economics
for twenty years every
days subject to this curse of the
little advice that you can yourself
use each time you will have to
pass on your knowledge that this
so be trainer manager or any
simply parents
the first tip is a little bit
obvious but at but worth the effort
recalled the first council was
improvised not prepared if you do not
do not prepare in fact you prepare yourself
go see that most of the time you
do not really know what you are
think mastered and if you do not prepare
it’s okay it’s not complicated or
would just not be good but this
that shows the curse of the
knowledge and that not only you
will not be good but in addition you do not
would not be aware who is undoubtedly
secondly, do not let yourself be fooled by
acquiescence nods
or the approving smile and I saw
a few here since just now
I have a colleague who recently had to
do a two-day course a course
he had in front of him two students
who were particularly attentive
particularly interested and who
continually their momentum through
nods by smiles this
which put pressure on him
in fact he was trying to complicate a
little bit his course he’s wondering but
who are these students who seems all
understand for whom everything seems
very obvious and the next day before
start his new short anyway
try to go see them and there actually
he discovered that both students in
question were Chinese did not speak
and in fact had absolutely nothing
understood that he had explained the
okay just we could not
help nodding and
to acquiesce whenever the
teacher watch them the third
lesson that I draw from my experience
when you are possible prefer the
short version
gold when you are thrown into your
explanations you are a little bit
intoxicated by your explanations but the
problem is that most of the time
your interlocutors are not and the
most of the time they have a capacity
of attention that is much more
reduced than the one you lend them
and that’s the advice that I
I’ll immediately apply to you
thanking you for your attention
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