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El secreto de la concentración relajada | Erika Clarke | TEDxBlvdTeofiloBorunda

at 20 years old it was my first games
Central American and Caribbean us
we found in the tennis final in
doubles against puerto rico and we go up
with much advantage and to a point of the
gold medal
I lost that key point and from there we did not
we return to recover but the most
interesting was my mind got hooked it
engaged in that key point in the
you would have in the gold medal of
coach who was very angry at me
Courage and impotence
it was a vine of thoughts never
I managed to silence my mind to return to
party is more I do not remember even a single
point after
be ready is a pride for mexico
we end up being criticized by our
managers with bulls as that’s why the
women are made to cook
from there it would be a very difficult year full
of hard workouts and many
I went sinking little by little into
frustration and distrust without knowing
how to get out and what made me happiest
started to scare me and that started
seize me
we agree that if there is no
fear does not exist courage either
when we are in a state of
dissatisfaction fear does not leave us
change it and that frustrates us by provoking
more dissatisfaction and the truth and already
I was sick of all that
I was playing in the stands
They were totally full and we are not going
that’s where my parents were, they had not
seen competing in a year and as in other
sometimes I was going up and I was at a point
of win
a mistake here another one over there I started to
go of the hands I got entangled in my
thoughts and I lost it
What’s unfortunate is that my reaction was
that I had already become a
habit to throw the racket in this
occasion was with all my strength and not
ask me how but it bounced and came out
shot the bleachers hitting a
people started to whistle and abuse
I remember having a man scream not the
you will see the training racket
I do not remember anymore, just that I liked them
until they left the court they booed me
me to the Mexican they were there
to support
then went to look for the lady to
ask for an apology and there was factory
and counted right 15 the guamazo that
she brought the poor woman but what more courage
gave is that his daughter who was next to
she had seen everything she told me that her
daughter looked at me a lot and that there was
there I dropped the twenty that happened to me in what
moment I became a shame
I had a responsibility as an educator
sports in my area of influence
although that was not my purpose and here I
I trained my body every day to
make the best tennis player I could do
but God’s plan for my life was
much bigger than just that
the tennis player thomas muster at 22 years old
I was making history and after
left interview after winning the
semifinal went to his car and while
He got his backpack in the trunk one
driver who had taken it impacted him to
full speed
the ligaments of the left knee
they were reduced and his body was
full of bruises
but the will and the mental strength
they were his main weapons for
recover a following that was
point of ending his career
they operated on him and they designed him
Special machinery for your knee for
that he could train and he clung to
that machinery like a blind to your dog
while a machine guide the balls will
it served as an imaginary rival
muster said hitting a ball again
It was a feeling as pleasant as
win a tournament again he lived every
step up
the doctors had predicted that
would be at least 10 months before
he could step on a court but he did
four months before and not just that was going to
be the best player in the world
it is an extraordinary case but as well as
the everyone here we have challenges and challenges
that we have to overcome and our mind
It depends how we handle them
while I was part of the selection
mexicana we had the privilege of
work with ricardo sala a preparador
with him I learned how it works
mind and I understood how we can use it
to achieve our goals
he explained to us as the one who practices
mental and spiritual part comes to
value the art of concentration
relaxed more than any other
skill also discovers a true
basis for trust and learns that the
secret is not to try it with so many
it’s about achieving a performance
spontaneous that only happen when the
mind and soul are calm and seem
form a unit with the body so the
body finds surprising ways
to go beyond its limits one and
we can see this all in our
daily lives here is an example
all has happened to us that we
driving from work to our house by
the same route that we take every day
you get distracted and when you least realize
you are already in your house
there’s no literal thinking of each
maneuver that you did but you can have it
for sure you drive is better than
that’s why you let your
unconscious will take charge of something that already
you know it will be automatically like what
is to walk in this case handle
that’s relaxed concentration
piccardo room describes it like that the mind
it is an organ of unconscious reflexes
Fill your mind with millions of reflections
to the day and will achieve the wisdom of
millions of activities
strictly speaking we can not do
two things at once with the attention that is
consciously I know that all the
women here are going to say that if they can
but we can not really walk and
talk at once or even to add
a third task like listening to music and
a fourth like eating a snow but
that is about automatic programs
that are done without hardly lending
attention in other words only the
unconscious works but the thing changes
when we want to do a task that already
we dominate and the conscious is always
attention and interfere bombing
with thoughts and instructions
but we do the example of a task
simple that we already dominate as it is
walk but in this case you are
doing in a scenario where thousands
of people will see you go by and you
conscious pays attention and starts not
you will stumble
walk faster not so fast going slow
aquatech the west
and there are many people who are nervous and
I wanna go
this guy that I like I’ll see humpback
straighten it puts your belly and so on and
meanwhile walks uncomfortable weird
until you feel uncoordinated
preventing things from flowing and how
you manage to silence the conscious
assignment to task
ok understanding that we have two minds
conscious and unconscious and they have
different tasks imagine that you
you go to see a movie and you have to
a child next to you suddenly starts you
ask questions and you missed out on some
parts after it stops to play and it
cross in front of the screen or the
turn off again and again until crisis the
child come sit here with me and also
you puzzle
the child not the most punished to his room
they do not repress you, you simply assign them
a task and so you can enjoy
the movie and the pleasant moment that
you are looking for
in fact boy is going to finish almadrones
of heads and he’s going to come back to do
your part ask questions to play
then you assign him one more task
difficult a more complicated puzzle
who is watching the movie in the
analogy of the unconscious mind and
who is the child the conscious mind is going
to arrive at a given moment where it does not go
to understand that what you want is to see
the movie
after some studies I discovered that
I was very visual and a tool
practice that helped me to shut up my
thoughts in tennis was to see the
ball but 100 percent since
he picked it up he voted it with a look that is
I literally saw every detail as
the lint was turning the seams the mark
the number all after I had the time
hand and I turned it but my eyes with the
same approach and during the point what
he literally saw every detail
until I hit her and how she was traveling towards
the racket of the opponent and it returned a
and again
that kept my mind silent
in 2009 my partner and I were
in the Mexican open tennis
acapulco and we face the
planted number 2 of the event one
Hungarian and a girl
the truth in theory will be much much
better than us nobody gave us
hopes of winning we actually started
well down the scoreboard they were not
making claws but I remember looking
focus on each point without thinking about
what had already happened and what could
happen and in the thousands of thoughts that
you can come not to the head
simply using our
tools to be in the present
one point at a time
suddenly we won some key points
we were recovering and the stands
they began to fill we took the party
a sudden decisive death and it appears
then the stands were totally
full and so imagine the truncheons
everything we learned about the
mental approach we could apply to that
situation that seems impossible
we ended up winning that game being the
first couple of Mexicans in doubles in
win a round in this tournament in the
note of and it is well we were titled the
moments like that and every time I managed to shut up
my mind to me was like I go back to the
muster court although in as merit
seem on a smaller scale in practice it was
the culmination of years of fighting against
myself and the mental ability
so in any life plan that
have either our work or in
any sport or exercise that
let’s do or in any daily situation
remember that we will stop being slaves
of our emotions when we are the
masters of our mind
Thank you
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