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Diseñar escuelas de donde los niños no quieran irse | Rosan Bosch | TEDxZaragoza

and thanks for being here I want
tell us how to design schools from where
the children do not want to leave and because I
work with design with art with
architecture not only forming environments
physical but also as a
tool for change and the
development because the physical environment
has a very strong impact on how
we feel how we communicate
we interact with others how we
we behave and then how do I work with
this physical environment I can have a
influence on how you feel how
you interact and how do you behave
the last 20 years I have dedicated my
life in transforming and changing the
learning and education because
because learning is one of the
most important processes of our life
so much for our personal development
as for the development of our
and we have a serious problem because the
today’s schools do not motivate students
and this translates into a the rate of
high school dropout
in Mexico
high school students 54% do not
finish in india is 30% in south africa
the 23rd and the abandonment rate of
secondary the highest in the community
of europe is in Spain is 34
this means that every 100 young people
that we see on 34th Street a third part
does not end secondary with all
consequences that this has for your
personal life and the development of our
and how can it be because each of
we who have children know that a
child of two three four years is a
learning machine
we all have the innate curiosity
and it is this curiosity that leads us to
discover and exploit the world
and the schools are turning off this
and that’s why they’re killing our desire
of learning
and this is nothing new because the truth
is that schools
almost has not changed since seven
one hundred years
and we are still exploiting the idea of ​​a
wise teacher eliminating the
students who are sitting there
and learning so quiet passion
but who says that you learn best in
a sitting chair
because the truth is you learn a lot
better actively than slowly and
the schools should activate us
motivate us
it is here that the design enters because the
design can create schools that you
They motivate you they stimulate that inspire
and we need it
because 65% of children today in
day they enter elementary they are going to have
jobs that today are not even
and they’re going to need to learn all over
his life
for me the focus on education starts
with a personal story that I do not
I liked nothing going to school and it was a
very painful trip and then when
I was carrying these two girls that you see
here at school that are my children that
today he is 19 years old and 15 2 meters one meter
90 but here they are still good when
He took us to school
They were full of desire to discover
to learn but they came back home every
less motivated day felt that the
school was actually hurting
to my children and I went to talk to the
teacher and the teacher says good
If he cries, I’m so sorry, but I’m
alone with 28 children in a classroom
and with fasting that is speaking are
They were bothering the other then not
France my education and there will always be
children who are a little bored
and I realized that I could
help her because I could differentiate the
physical environment and give it a tool
so that she could work so
more differentiated
the truth is
that working with the classrooms is not
if we want to change learning for
to be active we have to change the
organization of schools so that
allow children to be more
so they can take responsibility
for their learning
and that’s why they need a design that
allow to move more through the spaces
independent way
and this together allows us to work
with different pedagogy methodologies
it’s really a holistic job
and that’s why I’ve developed six
principles that can help us
develop schools in a holistic way
they are design principles
but it’s also about communication
how we communicate with others and with
internal and also are principles that are
it deals with learning situations
I am going to explain to you
the first principle that leads to a goal
form mountain top it is about the
unidirectional communication that we are
doing now I want to say that one is
giving the others are receiving this
it can be in a
a big but also smaller shape
as seen here back in the school of
stockholm that a student being taught
other students or may be in a
situation a bit focused
which is here behind a school
Stockholm which is like a class but a
open space because it has as a
focused design around this
the second principle is called test
the cave is about communication with your
same of not communicating with the environments
we are all different and we concentrate
in focusing or focusing in other ways
That is why it is very important that
Situations of concentration are
differentiated there are people who need
be a piece with the door towards
in silence others need to be in a
bar with a lot of noise but focused on its
bubble there are people who need to move
on a bicycle taking a shower to
really focus
the test means many places
different to be focused that we
let’s find the best place for you
the third is called the chorus the chorus is
about teamwork work
team means that you take
responsibility for your team
that’s why you need to take an action to
create the environment around the team
as seen here at the university of
Copenhagen with some flexible tables that
these students who have brought this
a corner to create an environment
around your team
or young people in a school of
stockholm that sit who are sitting
on platform and there will be like a
space inside the space and a focus
around your team’s work
the 4 is called spring
the spring from the place where it
the animals go at night to drink water and
exchange a bit of information
a spring in a school is also
a site high information exchange
is the site that is strategically
Place born in the flow people
moved is there that you put and listen
someone talking about something that happens tomorrow and
that you are interested in is there also falls a
high level of inspiration because you see a
project that is exposed there and that you
the spring sites always have a
very characteristic design exciting
exciting for everyone to be
refer to the trial claim as here
in university college and in the north
of copenhague not having the mark forgive
that are some red trees like that in some
white tables and that draw attention
the fifth is called hands to work
hands to work is about learning
better using your body and your hands
this means something that is done not
only in one place but in all
situations that he writes that I said by
example can be a table where there
teaspoons that they use without a
Corro situation and can be a site
where you go and touch that you experience with
elements hands to work is
infiltrated the whole school and it’s what
harder to design
the last one is called up above it
try to move your body to activate your
I mean move is high speed
so that your heart gets
this is very difficult because you need
open spaces
so you want to jump running
but in an empty space when you do not
you use go back to a desert this
means that when a landscape of
learning has movement spaces
above can be empty spaces of
desert and this is wrong then it
you have to strategically plan
as this example you see a boy
running down a hallway a school in
abu dhabi that has a design that what
motivates to run
below you also see an example of a
school in the aus in denmark that has
a design that invites students of
exit and enter exit and enter and move your
body we do not need to move an hour
a week we need to move many
times a day these short moments
these six principles together
in total he created a school that is like a
a learning landscape I want to say
that there are no hallways with classrooms but there are
spaces differentiated there are spaces
large large small high low
if the organization works well with the
design and pedagogy creates a culture
and it is this culture that is the third
teacher the first teacher is the
teacher of still the second teacher
your classmates are the third teacher
is the physical environment that helps you
learn how to learn
the big question is why we have not
changed more and we still work with a
learning that for 7 600 years and
the answer is for the design
the design is a very tool
powerful seduction works with
materials with colors with shapes with
textures and you feel it you feel over
you touch it you move it you experiment with it
and that’s why you make a relationship between you
body and design and between ideas is
your mind and design and you come back with an idea
in a reality
working with the schools the most
important is for children to see their
recognized individual needs
we are different and the school should
recognize you as a person
should be motivated with environments
exciting stimulants
The best way to prepare our
children for the future so uncertain is
Give him a passion for learning
to continue to learn by learning
for the rest of your appointments my focus is
in education because I think that you
teach a better world
start at school if we can help
to our children
to unleash all his talent and then
we can lay the foundations of a
society better
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