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Cultivating Empathy & Self-Awareness Through Social Media | Jovanny Varela-Ferreyra | TEDxAUBG

sorry guys I needed to update my

snapchat really quick hey before I get

started with my talk I simply want to

mention how blessed I feel not only to

be able to be surrounded by so many

brilliant individuals not only with the

speakers that are presented with but

also the people backstage they’re doing

a tremendous job you don’t get to see

the amount of love and sharing

I’m curious how many people here use

snapchat raise your hand I’m so lucky

how many people here before today knew

about the article or knew about me

ouch so my name is Joel I write I am the

founder and creator of the article the

article is basically the social media

not only page for community 1 million

strong on Facebook a moment that has

become this place where people get to

share the most vulnerable parts of

themselves through art I mean the art

load is really a connection between the

word antidote and art arty dope thank

you thank you it was nicely so the earth

ode is a project that I started in early

2014 and it was started very simple and

very weird I simply started posting

messages on Facebook and these messages

would usually be accompanied with an

image and a quote this would be a

classic example of an art it out post

right you would have either a painting

either a photograph or a sculpture and

then I would fuse it together with a

quote made by of course two separate

authors right and the fusion of these

two ways of storytelling visual and

textual made you feel something opened

up a space for you to feel something

that normally you wouldn’t feel on a

day-to-day basis and what I mean by that

is that the conversations that I was

most interested in having were not the

usual conversations that you would have

on first encounter with an individual

basically avoiding all of the small talk

right I I hate small talk and and I

wanted to also hijack the social media

landscape which I don’t know if you

remember but in early 2014

social media consisted of news fake news

apparently cat videos food porn

graduation pics vacation pics basically

all of these congratulate

taury moments that people wanted to

obviously share with their friends but

it was really lacking the other side of

life which is the dark side which is the

heavy side which is the painful side

there was no space for those type of

communications I mean let alone those

spaces in the physical world are very

limited and so online it they’re very

few so I began by trying to hack these

feeds on social media with these posts I

mean these posts used to talk about

things that are very vulnerable and very

honest and this is what they look like

and I thought that I was just simply

doing this creative exercise right being

an artist myself I wanted to just fuse

two artworks call it collage post it on

Facebook and let it go viral

this one is one my favorites thank God

that I don’t look like what I’ve been

through and they are like a little wonky

imagine looking like the way that you’ve

been through or what you’ve been through

Jesus but what I did not expect was the

community that would form underneath

these posts and what I mean by

underneath is the comments right I’m

very proud to say that the article is

possibly one of the few places on the

entire Internet where you tend not to

want to avoid the comment section right

where usually you would find like

success remarks homophobic remarks yeah

this is not it and this is possibly what

not only makes the article unique but

it’s the thing that makes me the most

proud of but to show you guys what I

mean by having this community online

because sometimes it’s very difficult to

explain what an online community really

is let me show you guys what has been

happening specifically on the snapchat

channel of the our code now last August

not even a year ago I simply asked my

audience my community online through

I need some slides so the question was

on snapchat what time is it there and

what are you thinking about that was a

very simple question and I would never

have expected that the answers would

pretty much become the backbone of the

snapchat channel and what I mean by that

is that the thoughts that started to

coming in we’re thoughts that were

usually predicated around two very

important values others that are

actually the backbone of my talk today

and that was empathy and self-awareness

it sounds confusing but what I mean by

that is let me show you let me show you

three examples of the thoughts that are

started to come in now example number

one is quite simple right it’s 6:18 p.m.

I’m chilling on the bed with my dogs and

I’m thinking about ice cream haha

because why not right who doesn’t like

ice cream the other type of posts were a

little bit more personal and it went a

little bit deeper thinking about how

happy I feel when I listen to my heart I

think that we can all connect with at

least that feeling of self-awareness

when you follow your your heart what

your heart says but the third type of

messages that I began to receive and

this is the thing that switched

thinking about the baby I lost four

months ago

so quite specifically it was this

message that created a vision for myself

about what this snapchat channel was

going to become and that vision was that

I was in front of the possibility of

creating a global support group because

let me explain so the reason why I enjoy

snapchat so much as a platform for

storytelling has to do with this in

particular with the possibility of

sharing not only a picture of your

surroundings of your perspective but

also putting text on top so you have the

possibility of seeing not only the

perspective of an individual quite

literal and figuratively and also with

their thoughts and sometimes it’s a

lonely room sometimes it’s a landscape

and other times it’s people confronting

themselves so this is where the empathy

happens right because you’re not only

being asked to be self aware and to

express your own thoughts but you’re

also exposed to the thoughts of others

and you’re feeling together with people

right now I wasn’t expecting to receive

a message like this one this happened

two weeks after I asked that question I

started taking my meds so that I could

stock up and overdose

tomorrow is the day Cochabamba Bolivia

327 a.m. what what do you do when you

get a message like that an immediate red

flag I thought that the most that I

could do was to at least screenshot this

story and share it with my community to

at least let this person know that she

wasn’t alone and that we were listening

right and I did not anticipate what

would happen afterwards because instead

of sending in their thoughts their own

thoughts people began to send in the

thoughts about this girl this stranger

on the other side of the world that was

going through a really rough time and

these messages were messages of support

messages of love messages that were

trying to get her to at least expand her

awareness and to make her aware that she

did not need to make a permanent

decision on a temporary problem and so

somehow I lost track of the username of

this girl in Bolivia and I couldn’t

connect with her directly so what I did

was I sent a message a personal direct

message into the feed asking her not

only had if she’d seen the messages of

support that she was getting but also

asking her if she was still there right

and I waited for a response

I waited some more and then finally her

response came in within 24 hours

actually I ended up getting drunk and a

friend took me to her place so I

wouldn’t be able to go with to go

through with it

overwhelmed thank you was her message so

at first I thought that this was a fluke

at first I thought that in no way was

this snapchat community responsible for

pretty much saving the life of someone

that was a complete stranger to

everybody in the community but then four

months later

this happened well I’m going to go back

to that slide but I want to talk about

the story that came in four months later

and it was a girl from Delhi and the

snap thought reads I’m only 20 and the

boy who knocked me up isn’t even my

boyfriend I’m so scared I think I’ll go

tea tonight so I don’t bring shame to my

family Delhi India 11:41 a.m. so in

order to understand this snap I think

that we have to be aware of the social

and cultural reality of India right

we’re bringing shame to your family is

pretty much the worst thing that you can

do I mean in India family honour is

everything and to bring shame to it

would either mean they can disown you or

they can you be strange from your family

and so this was a very tough situation

to be in for a 20 year old woman who

simply got engaged in casual sexual

experience and all of a sudden when the

condom broke which I later found out

that this was the case she got pregnant

a complete accident a very tough

situation to be in

now having learned from the past

experience with a girl from Cochabamba I

now did not wait now I messaged this

girl right away and I asked her one

simple thing I asked her to simply

breathe right which is sometimes the

most courageous thing that you can

actually do and I asked her to breathe

to give herself 24 hours and I told her

that I would be sharing her story with

the community and I just told her to

wait whadya I did not tell her was that

I had no idea what to do I felt helpless

I did not know if there was going to be

actually a way out I did not see a way

out for her I did not see myself helping

her in any way I was simply hoping that

somebody had been in that similar

situation from India and consent in a

snap of support and to my surprise and

to everybody else a surprise the

snapchat community came through because

everybody started sending in messages of

support once again the same story and

especially messages of people that have

been in that situation in the past or

people that not only empathize but

people that offered

possibilities and other types of support

and later talking with the girl from

Delhi she told me that there was one

particular snap that changed her entire

choice pattern right and that snap was

this somebody in Karachi Pakistan was

praying at midnight for the girl in

Delhi asking her to simply wait and to

be strong enough that there would be

other tons of options that she could do

but this did not need to be the end and

the girl from Delhi told me that this

was actually the thing that made her

change her mind

so the unexpected happened we got an

update from the girl from Delhi who told

us that she received enough support from

the community enough support to pierce

through the fear and confront her mother

about the situation and try to talk it

out and at least to hope for the best

and I couldn’t believe it I couldn’t

believe that were actually changing

somebody’s patterns of behavior right

and then this update came in two days

later and this was once again that were

from Delhi saying my mom took me to the

gynecologist today we’re starting the

procedure soon thank you for giving me

strength and saving me love the pregnant

girl from Delhi so I couldn’t believe it

back then and I don’t think I still

fully believe that now I still don’t

believe that social media could actually

help save a life right I couldn’t

believe it if it wasn’t for the power of

empathy and self-awareness but I

definitely do not want to stand here

today in front of all of you and say

something but that sounds like snapchat

is helping people is saving lives right

because there’s a there’s a

of everything elephant in this room yeah

we need to talk about and that is mental

health I have to acknowledge that I also

received suicidal thoughts sometimes not

databases and I have to notice the fact

that this specific conversation is much

as part of a larger conversation which

is mental illness in the age of social

media but I will also be the first one

to acknowledge that snapchat stories are

not going to cure a mental illness and

the only reason why these people feel

that there is a connection that they

could make through snapchat is because

talking to them I realize that they’ve

exhausted all of their possibilities

around them meaning that their friends

or family members either don’t know what

to do with people that are suffering

through a mental illness people that are

suffering maybe from this depression

anxiety bipolar disorder and they’ve

been greeted often with either judgment

or dismissal with either phrases for

example like get over it or this is just

a phase it will pass from people that

actually don’t understand how serious

mental illnesses are pretty much as

serious as cancer if not treated in time

they could kill you and I just wish that

mental health was taken as seriously as

physical health but until then we need

to create this spaces where these

conversations these honest and

vulnerable conversations happen so what

does this does this all mean and why am

I here today I think that the whole

point of what I’m doing with snap

thoughts and with snapchat is something

that I actually did not reveal to my

community until last month and that is

the fact that this snap thought project

is really a collective cathartic

exercise in meditation and let me

explain when I ask people what they’re

doing when they’re doing it and the

location that they’re doing it in or

what they’re thinking in that particular

moment I’m asking for three things I’m

asking for not only their thoughts which

generates this level of self-awareness

where you begin to think that you’re

actually a being who thinks and that

those thoughts have a great impact on


that you leave lead your life but I’m

also asking for a location which is

making people self aware of the social

cultural context right in which they

live and those context have tremendous

impact as well in our thoughts and the

way we lead our lives and third of all

I’m asking people to be aware of the

time of the current present moment of

the now which accounts for all of the

lived experience up until this point so

then now also reminds ourselves that

this is the only time that we ever have

and our stories are the only things that

we could ever truly share truly own and

the only things that will ever leave

behind so what this means to me what

this whole snap-snap thoughts project

means and what the arted ODE means to me

is it’s a very simple reminder and

that’s the reminder that for millennia

we’ve been doing the same thing we’ve

been bonding over stories our stories

are very important I mean back then we

were surrounded by cave walls now we’re

here surrounded by Facebook walls

snapchat walls but we’re still sharing

our stories and we’re empathizing with

each other through our stories we’re

creating bonds and we’re healing through

the power of our own stories now I think

that more important than anything though

is another another reminder and that’s

the reminder that here today everybody

even though we’re mostly strangers to

each other that we’re at least in we’re

all in this together thank

you [Music]

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