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Cuántos átomos te tocan | Fábio Gandour | TEDxPuraVidaJoven

good evening what a challenge
I return to costa rica with great pleasure but
be the last obstacle between such a day
long and the party
and more after singers dances
ballerinas a scientist comes
It made me want to start this talk
doing some things
I need your help at
Marilyn’s style
sanz bar and pimp but I scientist yes
but singing will be a disaster very
well new paradigms for what
new paradigms for a lot of
things because today we are going to put the finger in
a hurt hurt
what does it have to do with everything that is
we go slowly walking in this
address that may well be
what illustrates new paradigms for
save life
you are going to leave here I imagine a
little worried about what we should
do to save the perfect good life
what I tell you began in my life
long ago in truth in the year of
1973 and I give a long look here in this
magnificent and beautiful audience and I see that
a lot of you in the year of 1973
I still did not inhabit this planet
should inhabit another and started when
I read this book
of konrad lorenz that was called the eight
deadly sins of the modern world
a book in German and was looking for this
book thinking that it was a
German hardcore book and the truth was a
book that I introduce concepts to
the date 1973 that today are very fashionable
with hat lawrence is an ecologist
ecologist is the name given to
who studies the behaviors of
animals with hat lawrence discovered something
very interesting
when the birds are going to be born they break the
eggs to the first person or to the
first thing alive that these animals
animals these birds see interpret
like the father or the mother
I also chose lawrence I enjoy a lot
of this discovery and shared it with
the world in such a way that there was a
hotel there in orlando in the building
It still exists but the hotel is no more
who used this stripped-down find
lawrence to be able to handle some ducks
in a fountain that I had in the lobby of the
hotel this man that is there was like
that the driver of the ducks obviously
when these ducklings were born this gentleman
may well have been the first living being
that pastures look and from there
they understood him as a father and this
gentleman left and the ducks followed him
as if he were the head of the family
of the ducks was in the book of kohat
that I perceived that this planet made of
atoms everything is made of atoms
has a population that grows and was worth
I’m sorry to ask the question how many atoms
belongs on this planet
the first time I asked this question
it was in the telex of buenos aires but the
concepts were not yet well
evolved as they are today
it happened about five o’clock ago or
six years also since then a
another person with whom I had the
happiness to interact and that for god
he left a long time ago
Mr. Stephen hawking the physicist before
to leave he said if we do not take care of the
as fabio recommends enduro life
will not survive receiving this
observation of stephen hawking was one
of the greatest honors of my life
it’s fine and there
stephen left but is somewhere
there I am sure that in this taste
moment in a different way from
matter is not appreciating good
to date with had lawrence
he said a lot of things that over the
Time transformed into words
things in the style of sustainability in
1993 there is no forgiveness 1973 was not used
the word sustainability with him with the
same meaning of today’s environment
I remember that the first time
I talked about the environment in an audience
a gentleman told me why
environment and not the entire environment
I realized that I did not understand anything
it’s okay another very fashionable word is
Talk to your grandparents and grandmothers and
ask them when you saw the
first time the word ecology this is
something very recent very recent or
then natural Haitian fashion is
natural there is no other still stronger
fashion organic
everything that is organic is sold
here of course because it’s organic is
very well I have to tell you what coast
rich is taken advantage of this wave
of protection to the planet but it is not enough
you have to do more I loved being here
yesterday and today
to see what
presentations arose for example
yesterday of eco education costa rica has
an incredible prodigious nature and
has protective actions to this
nature what I love but
still not enough
and today I’m going to give you I ‘m going to give you another
element for you to handle how
they want to protect this planet that
stephen hop
before leaving he said this is no more
salvation better we take advantage of
energy that remains for us to exploit a
another because this one does not survive anymore I do not know
what was it based on saying this
but I think we have to belong to
the human race
an official mission to do everything to
that the planet earth also survive
we act this is the central point of my
talk to you before the party
all that fact of atoms
these are atoms these are atoms this
everything is atoms you are atoms
some added in a more way
pretty to another in a uglier way
but they are atoms
it is good, each one decides on which side
the very concept of atom was changed to
the long of the time
here we have up there on the left
the atom of ‘news board
after the atom the one that pulsates
eisenberg after the atom as it was
saw in the atomic force microscope
and now the quantum atom to which it is
in this data everywhere we
we are atoms in soil is atom
the roof is like the air is atom of a
where they all come from in the same
moment of the pit lane with the planet
was born for where evans
will depend on us and how it
transform they will also depend on
Knight us if the water is
said said nothing in nature
he loses nothing he grows everything transforms
good in a time horizon
reasonable this is true but in a
longer time horizon this is not
truth and the real truth concerns us
much you will see in a little while more
so that I propose a measurement
I share with you something that
scientists do a lot of measuring
scientists live from measuring things all
science is born with a measurement and a
measurement a bit weird tells us that it does
3.7 billion years
12% of the universe was made of atoms
the rest was energy photons matter
after 13.7 million years a
lots of these atoms transformed
in energy
and the percentage of atoms
low for 5%
if this continues with the same trend in
plus 13 million years we will have no more
than 2% of atoms
and what can we do to prevent or
to get better
there are two things we have to do
immediately give the earth earth I want
say floor more recovery time
we hit the earth hard and we have to
give her more recovery time in
all the senses
less plastic on earth less
plastic in the water less plastic in
the entire plastic planet is terrible and
now the other thing that we have to do
is to reduce a little bit the consumption of what
it is possible to lower the consumption a little and
this is going to the force that
provides a lot of countries that
It has the name of wild capitalism
you have to change this a bit in a little while
so that the number of atoms does not
decrease in a dangerous way
mainly with the accumulation of
lower it with quality of consumption means
lower the triangle that is higher
for the one who is lower a fall of the
level of individual consumption I think that
this is possible and for this I share
with you this idea with you because I see
in the fedex organization pure life a
effort in this regard bottles of
Upside down glass of plastic bottles
that are recyclable and that can be
seize without consuming more assets
a person did leave in the environment of
the mathematics of love because not doing
the mathematics of sustainability is
is my contribution with the number of
atoms for it to be built
sustainability mathematics where
our future ends not our future
does not end with an asteroid is terrible
our future ends there when the
life ends when life
ends due to lack of water, there is no more
future let’s try to manage the atoms
that they subtract us with affection
also with a big attention so that
let’s not end life and I had to
find a sweeter way to
finish this talk that in fact leaves
a bit bitter taste in the mouth of
you and says some effort based on
an experiment reasonably well
happened in the other text that I had
participating here in costa rica and try
of adding some particular atoms
atoms produced by some vegetables that
they are there perfect the vegetables are the
the peanut
the sugar cane and the wheat of these
vegetables we make chocolate the peanuts
toasted we make the powdered sugar and the
flour and these added things result
in a sweet that is very well known there in
Brazil and that I’m going to share with
you pulling up please
I would like to stop for all but not
will reach perfect
but I’m going to distribute it pretty well
because they are very tasty perfect
how nice here we are fine
then these are aggregate atoms of
a way that seems pretty
reasonable perfect these sweets
and to finish the future is going to be better
the only one we know about the future
is that for there we walk there is no way
back to back we walk in the direction
to the future
so let’s try to do something so that
this future is actually better take care of
the two atoms around him even
those that are added in the format
of a human being thank you very much
thank you very much
the talk is finished
but now I want to talk about something that
you do not know
he knows it’s a bike
and if you do not know, I invented this
about 15 days
and if it’s a video
that replaces the self and the self and is a
static photo the bifi is a photo
that replaces the self and has a mobile
movement I’m going to do an encore and now of
you my only contribution is the
the bald here and I mean Costa Rica is
and you say
perfect then let’s go
Costa Rica waits in a second now
we are costa rica is
thank you very much
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