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Creating a Platform for Stories | Vu Dinh | TEDxOhloneCollegeNewark

hello my name is boudin and today we’re
discussing creating clapping for stories
and this all started when I couldn’t
think of an Instagram caption for an
Instagram post see I had nothing waiting
nothing relevant but what I did have was
a lot of artistic frustration see I
can’t sing or dance or even ping but
what I was good at was speaking so I
bent it all that out for Instagram I’ve
been struggling to express myself
through art my photography is amateur my
painting is like an aesthetic
five-year-old I can’t sing for my life I
have two left feet my sense of fashion
is out the window
cuz I’m literally wearing pajamas in
this picture but I figure that I express
myself through public speaking well art
isn’t gonna be for everyone and I’ll
leave that to my friends so for you guys
out there that are still struggling to
find your muse don’t worry cuz I’ll find
you so this started a trend right
Instagram I don’t have to think of couch
anymore I just started writing stories I
began to treat it like a diary I write
long stories about my fears of being an
older brother struggling to prove people
and even my immigration story and I
really really one of my stories again he
miss New York but after sharing my story
for so long I realized that I might on
the platform I didn’t need someone to
come up to me the mark phone and share
my story because these are my stories I
have the power to share my stories when
I want where I want and I chose now my
stories hold a piece of wisdom
connection and reflection and whoever
may read my story might find a piece of
direction so I encourage my friend to
share their stories too
reading someone a random person’s story
is cool and all but reading your own
friend story is empowering it allows you
to gain a new form of appreciation for
them but after months of encouraging
nobody participated so I kind of just
gave up a year later but I here later
had a photo shoot with my friend I was
taking a shower getting ready and my
favorite song came on blessed by Daniel
Cesar I recently got out a rake up and
this song somehow I wanted to feel he
sings how he’s blessed to be with her
even though she’s an even though he’s a
mess and even though I’m healthy for
them to be together for so often it’s
okay cuz I always end up crying like
tears down my face I taste the salt I
taste the taste the shampoo
and I had this idea what if instead of
taking pictures on this beautiful
mountain during sunset he took pictures
of me in the shower
crying listening to the song now
wouldn’t that be so powerful and then I
realized that was a stupid idea so we’re
driving home from the photo shoot and I
told him and he agreed it was a stupid
idea but my idea of people sharing
stories came back and I put the two
together see I would interview somebody
about a song with significance and then
I let the song play and I’ll take
pictures of them try to capture emotion
so I got a work I put a huge blurb on
social media asking for people to be
interviewed by music I had six people
interested so I called him my local
coffee shop when I asked them if I can
ease her room and my friend left me a
three thousand dollar camera setup for
who knows why he trusts me that much but
I had everything so I haven’t come in
one by one and we sit across which other
this big table and my first question is
why this song and my follow-up was what
does this song mean to you and so we got
that out the way and started taking the
pictures they boasted in that couch
happy where the point of view is and I
had the camera facing them I was even
looking at them I was facing the wall I
had this little button taking pictures
but something like this so I press it
took photos and it was pretty awkward
for the both of us and I went home and I
felt it I didn’t get what I was looking
for I don’t even know what I was looking
for but I had another view coming up and
I didn’t have time to get a room that
was really last minute but I said
whatever it mean when we’re driving to
the beach and we’re in the car talking
about life and when we got there an
interview it felt the continuation of
our conversation that’s when I realized
that what I was missing was connection
it became less every review and more of
a conversation see when I built that
relationship with them I was able to
bring out better stories and what I
learned is I don’t need to come into
these of the plan what I need was honest
intentions of listening and connecting
so here are some examples of stories
his song was Bush a man by chance the
rapper he talks about being in a
situation where everyone around him is
scared he’s supposed to keep his calm
but nobody asked him if he’s ok our
collective I’m moving off to college and
all my family is worried they see me
just trying to keep my cool but they
don’t ask me how I’m doing with it
people see me being on top of my so
I try to stay on top of everything and
they just assume I got all under control
I know they fear for me but they don’t
ask if I fear I just want someone to
acknowledge it or help me knowledge and
for them to help me cope with it
this story is about staying strong but
not for ourselves but for everyone
around us but at the end of the day we
still want to be acknowledged for
everything that we’re going through her
song is ants marching my Dave Matthews
bands sometimes when I would come home
from school of gymnastics and I would
play this song in the living room and
I’d dance with him I remember him
playing the album walls dancing and
dancing then I remember thinking to
myself pretty soon I’ll be too old to do
this with my dad
it’s like jump around in the living room
my sister’s a little bit older now and
wasn’t into it so I thought when I got
to her age I would have fun like this I
guess kind of like when I was 12 I was
starting to feel like I was becoming an
adult and I couldn’t do this anymore so
to compensate by trying to get youthful
as I could before I feel like us to hold
I’d be really energetic and dance to
listen to the music with them this song
brings back nostalgia you know how to
stall just off the parents and it’s for
me nostalgia is happy memories from that
era so the question is how do I do this
what do I need to do this and the answer
is you don’t need much you don’t need an
expensive camera you need a camera at
all give you just text what you need is
something to record with somewhere to
post the story and honest intentions of
listening see the real question is why
do I do this I believe that everybody
has a story
everybody has stories stories are
turning hurt and to growth stories of
realization stories when we started
breaking out our wall and the start of
us building bridges stories are passed
on from generation to generation for a
reason because they hold a piece of
connection and reflection what happens
if we don’t share our stories your story
of inspiring your story of realization
your story that could have spoken the
words for something that couldn’t speak
for themselves when you share your story
you connect to something bigger you
realize that you have more in common
with these people than you do different
that is why I create a platform to share
stories now that you’ve seen those two
stories what is your story share it
thank you [Music]
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