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AI fo IA: No, This is Not Me Being Dyslexic | Giselle Mota | TEDxUTampa

so I can remember going to an airport

coffee shop now let me tell you that

this Airport coffee shop was packed this

day I mean there was a line around the

corner and everything in concourse C and

I was there to get a coffee and I

looking behind me and I already knew

there was an unspoken social contract

that I better be ready to say my order

because everybody was impatiently

waiting in line so I’m looking at the

menu and I could see it right there it

says a tall white chocolate mocha got

this I’m gonna get a tall white

chocolate mocha I’m good to go

so I’m standing in line I see everything

going on and it’s finally my turn

so the barista is actually the cashier

and she is like yes how can I help you

today and I’m ready because again I

don’t want to fail all these people

behind me in line that have a flight to

catch and are impatiently waiting so I

say in my confident voice as I read the

menu I’m reading it and I say yes I

would like to get a mocha chocolate

white toes I completely flipped around

what I had just said and I felt that

everyone behind me I just failed the

whole entire population of concourse C

people waiting in this coffee shop I

messed up and to make matters worse you

know I’m like feeling all embarrassed

and then I’m looking at the barista and

she’s like I don’t think we saw that

anymore at this store you might want to

order something else I’m like really

like I know that I messed this up and

this is no unfamiliar thing to me

you see reading things backwards and

seeing things backwards has been a

struggle for me since I was a child

because as a child I’ve always suffered

with dyslexic tendencies and I will tell

you that as time has gone on I’ve

improved and it was way worse as a child

as a child let me give you the picture

of Giselle not only was I quite

misbehaved as a child I was misbehaved

as a child because I had difficulty

learning things learning opportunities

to me was something very hard to grasp

and so as a child I would read

completely get things backwards I would

have the most difficult issues with

reading comprehension I would spell my

name backwards with a mixture of numbers

and backwards letters I would go to

school and listen to the teacher and

what they had to say and I swore that I

got it right so then by the time I get

back home I’d sit there try to do my

homework completely confused and just

basically swearing that I was right that

the teacher said what I thought I heard

her say and it was all backwards and it

wasn’t until elementary school in the

process of elementary school that I had

this one teacher who didn’t just write

me off and to give you quite a better

understanding of where I come from yes I

come from immigrant parents they came

from Dominican Republic so in my house

to make matters worse we spoke Spanish

and I was very having a very hard time

because in Spanish we put adjectives

after the nouns so we say things like La

Nina Juanita which is the girl beautiful


it’s just messing me up even more and so

there I was as a child and I came from

that background and I was also brought

up in an area where there were housing

projects I was right there with

everybody else as a minority the people

around me their parents sometimes were

in prison they were living off of food

stamps and those children at that time

were not very much interested in

educational pursuits because it just

wasn’t the most important thing on the

docket and so here I am this child who

was a little bit nonverbal seeing things

backwards and I thought it was hilarious

to emulate the likings of Tasmanian

Devil from Looney Tunes right so I

behaved that way that’s the way I wanted

to express myself so here I come me and

all of these children going to a school

that they bust us into out of our

neighborhood into a more affluent

neighborhood where no one looked like us

where their parents were doctors and

lawyers and engineers where they

actually had something called a college

fund which I had no idea what that was

some of them already had scholarships in

elementary school to go to college and

here I was with this group

children being bused into this

neighborhood and we were always late and

we were the group of children who had to

get off of the bus late and we would get

there and everyone already know the

teachers like oh boy here comes this

group here comes these people off this

bus and there I was right with them

seeing things backwards and acting like

the Tasmanian Devil as I thought that

was hilarious and so I could go in line

and I would recite a number that would

allow me to get a free breakfast and I

usually would already have a something

in my stomach because my mom always made

sure that I was well taken care of I

look different from the group of people

I was with I was always very well kept

and all of these great situations were

there for me but things just weren’t


and they weren’t clicking so much so

that I was recite this number always

without fail incorrectly getting

everything out of order and one teacher

in elementary school saw something

different in me she called my mother and

she had her come in and have a teacher

conference and so that was a changing

point for me because after that

conference this teacher looked past my

disabilities she looked past where I

came from socioeconomically she looked

past my weaknesses and she got down to

my level and she decided that she was

gonna take me under her wing I was

chosen to sit next to her i sat next to

her desk and after she would teach the

whole class and everyone would go

through the lesson she would give me the

opportunity to work and play at my

strengths see my strength was actually

mathematics until this day it really is

and there I was being able to sit next

to her and begin to flourish because I

saw that she was giving me worksheets

and I was surpassing the students in my

class being able to move from concepts

where they were doing mathematics to

higher advanced concepts in mathematics

and I began to realize that I saw things

in patterns I began to see how my brain

was working and she works with me in

this before I knew it by the time I

finished elementary school and was going

to middle school I became a gifted

student and that trajectory of my life

took me into becoming an international

baccalaureate student in high school to

where I graduated and had

enough credits with a 5.8 GPA to be able

to go into college and get an

undergraduate degree in less time so I

went to the University of South Florida

I graduated with a dual bachelor’s

degree and I decided I’m gonna give my

master’s degree so I went on to get my

master’s degree and I graduated with a

4.0 I became someone who wanted to give

other people learning opportunities so I

became a professor myself I started to

help college students in those type of

subjects that nobody really wants to

take the mathematics and economics that

all of these things that some of those

students really just didn’t care for and

I made it fun because I made it being

able to speak their language and get

down to their level not only did I do

that I became a learning strategist to

where it till this day with my own

company I helped people in corporations

to get their training right to come out

of the standardized training and see

what’s not working and start to really

get to people with how do they learn and

how can we best present this material to

our people to get productive results

I’ve also been a consultant for small

businesses in this Tampa area where I’ve

been able to help many organizations

come up with growth strategies

organizations who’ve been in business

for 20 years

and here’s little old me missing things

dyslexic style acting like the Tasmanian

Devil being able to now offer other

people learning opportunities this

desire to help other people was birth

because of the example that I had and

how somebody reached out to me despite

where I was and where I came from and

this has all led me to be able to speak

about using something called adaptive

learning adaptive learning through the

use of technology is to be able to see

where a learner is where are they

already proficient where are they

lacking and how can we adopt the content

or the style and delivery to meet this

person where they are just like I was

met where I was and this has also led me

to start thinking about well what if

everybody doesn’t have a Miss Shepard

who was my elementary school teacher and

reached out to me what if they don’t

have that access can we duplicate or

replicate this type of experience for

everybody because I truly believe that

anyone can learn anything anywhere and I

said well yes it is possible and it’s

possible through the use of

artificial intelligence now when I say

that I know some people might be like

artificial intelligence this is

something that can come and take over

like we hear a lil um musk and we hear

Steven Hawkings and other people making

these safeguards to make sure that one

day robots don’t come and take over the

world and kill us and so that is what’s

happening right now we are seeing many

organizations in the healthcare and

public sector and many other fields

start to use artificial intelligence to

help the processes and meet people and

become successful in whatever process or

product or service that they provide now

I believe that we can use that in the

learning space we can all agree right

that technology and has allowed us to

have so much access to information we

have access to information at our

fingertips or if we want we can vocalize

it ask Siri a question it could be the

most random question she will answer you

and I will say that we can start to use

artificial intelligence in ways beyond

Netflix and curating content to us and

all of this but we can also start using

artificial intelligence to begin to go

from just having information at our

fingertips to be able to have learning

opportunities at our fingertips because

anyone can have information but does it

mean that they’re truly learning and

does it mean that everyone has the

opportunity to learn I believe that they

can I told you I came from a rough

socio-economic background and I’m not

the only one what happened to the other

peers that I went to school with the

rambunctious ones who were being bused

to this other neighborhood I wonder if

they also had the experience that I had

in life or if they were overlooked or

marginalized judged and rejected and

maybe someone didn’t take the time to

reach out to them because we are us and

they are they

I wonder if we were able to take some

type of a device like an Alexa and be

able to put it in the homes and these

housing projects or wherever people are

maybe in a remote village somewhere

across the world and be able to have

this technology adapt to the user in

such a way where it understands things

from a socio-economic level it

understands their psychology it can work

with them it could speak their language

it can help somebody

not even just learn how to read for

example but what if someone in a remote

area where we consider different from us

and practically maybe less educated and

we feel this air of superiority

sometimes when it comes to certain

people what if they had access to Ivy

League education from not even having to

leave their house to go to a university

because technology would enable it and

beyond socio-economic situations what if

somebody with a disability maybe

somebody with autism or somebody who had

any sort of disability that you can

think of especially in the cognitive

level maybe even someone with dyslexic

tendencies was able to we would flip

that that whole panorama and be able to

see people not with limitations or being

so different but technology would be

able in artificial intelligence to meet

this person where they were understand

how they’re seeing things how their

brain works and be able to reach them at

that level not only to reach them but to

lift them up and see them in a

progression like I have in my life and

finally what would happen if we would

integrate this type of mentality and use

artificial intelligence in the workplace

in such a way where it wouldn’t be that

I am so proud of my titles behind my

name and everything that I’ve been able

to accomplish and so I am also in that

sense greater than you and what if we

were able to understand a different

employee wherever they’re coming from

whatever level they are we can say ok

this is what you need to learn you don’t

have to be embarrassed that this is

where you’re lacking that this is where

you’re deficient because it’s ok this

artificial intelligence will not judge


it will understand what you need to

learn and so much so what if artificial

intelligence for training purposes

at work in the workplace would

understand what someone needs to learn

before they even knew that they needed

to learn it what if it was able to

predict market trends and innovations

and the digital technologies that people

would be using as the workforce of the

future before they were even a reality

when I talk about artificial

intelligence it’s actually something

that a lot of companies are getting into

now you’re hearing it a lot in the news

you’re hearing it a lot in social media

and the truth is guys we don’t even know

what this is actually gonna look like in

the future we’re kind of testing

something out and we don’t have a full

picture of it but what I can say is to

in order to avoid the fear of it in

order to emulate this process that I’ve

been talking about that actually changed

my life why don’t we have engineers of

these technologies come up with

mathematical equations and algorithms

and being able to wire these

technologies to be people centric we

wouldn’t be afraid of what they could do

if we had the heart the heart infused

inside of these technologies that yes

the learner is important the person is

important meet people where they are it

doesn’t matter about the titles and the

positions or their silks to your

economic background or if somebody even

has a disability everyone should have

the rights and the opportunity to learn

what if we would level out this playing

field of what people are capable of

doing rather than looking at some people

as up here and others down here I

believe it’s completely possible I

believe that as we start moving into

these technological advances that are

already here now we’re going to see

people having better opportunities more

access to learning more access to

creating and contributing no matter

where they came from or no matter who

they are

I like how Ginni Rometty says it she’s

the CEO of IBM and she says how about

instead of looking at artificial

intelligence AI as artificial

intelligence what if we flip that around

and looked at it as intelligence

augmentation to where artificial

intelligence can be your buddy it can

assist you in doing your job better not

replace you but assist you what if it

could assist

you and being able to learn and we’re

not saying that we’re going to eliminate

trainers and teachers and this type of

roles that are so vital and provide

their humanity and that level of passion

to their students and the learners

because then what happened to me that’s

who I am for people right but I am

saying what if we would insert this type

of heart and this passion and this type

of people centric and they are important

then everyone has the opportunity inside

of these technologies and so what I

would tell you today the next time you

hear about artificial intelligence the

next time you hear about these trends

don’t fear it don’t think it’s strange

but remember that I’m saying today that

it can actually be a tool to change

people’s lives a changing tool an agent

to provide people with opportunities

that we would have never even imagined

they had before learning opportunities

that transcend time that they will carry

with them and give to other people

their generations to come after them it

would change economies government

societies countries if everyone had an

equal opportunity and access to learning

opportunities so the next time you hear

about artificial intelligence remember

me and I want you to flip this concept

of artificial intelligence AI to

intelligence augmentation I a so when I

look at it I see AI for AI a and no

that’s not me being dyslexic this time thank you

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