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A Recipe for Eudaimonia | Jay Kannaiyan | TEDxGurugram


can I get a show of hands how many of

you have ever helped a stranger across

the road okay that’s good

how many of you have ever done a favor

without expecting anything in return

great now think about how you felt after

doing those good deeds happy satisfied

content there’s actually one word that

encompasses all this it’s called you die

Monia I know it sounds like some strange

disease but it’s actually the purpose of

my life in an odd turn of events I in

fact discovered eudaimonia over a

chicken curry in Bolivia eudaimonia is

an ancient Greek word that went out of

fashion for a few centuries but it’s

making a comeback it can be broadly

defined as experiencing human

flourishing that moment of highest human

good it’s similar to the philosophies of

mindfulness where we are encouraged to

live in the moment a central tenet is

that if we could be our best self in

each and every moment we would be more

content satisfied and fulfilled with our

life that’s in contrast to constantly

reflecting about the past and worrying

about the future I first came across

eudaimonia when I was a cog in the

corporate wheel in America I went there

for engineering got a good job had a

house car the good quality of life but

something was missing that sense of

fulfillment I questioned why was I doing

what I was doing who said that I needed

a job a mortgage and a retirement plan

what was the purpose of my life

in my quest I came across a lecture

series called beyond belief and they had

a session on eudaimonia where modern

philosophers were espousing that human

flourishing should be the purpose of all

lives it’s quite a ball claim to state

that any one thing could be the purpose

of all lives but the more I learned

about it the more worthwhile a pursuit

of life it seemed but being our best

self in each and every moment was that

even possible perhaps in a utopian world

but in the real world were constantly

distracted by our anxieties was our

income secure are we healthy and even

the existential questions such as how is

climate change affecting our lives with

all this in our minds how could we focus

on just being our best self in each and

every moment at this point in my life in

my mid-20s I had discovered the joys of

motorcycle travel and pursued it in all

my free time from my base in Chicago I

explored the western US Mexico and even

Alaska on a motorcycle traveling with

lightweight camping gear and tools there

is a constant awareness about security

and safety

but traveling exposed on two wheels the

questions at the front of my mind every

day were simple where was their gonna

sleep tonight and did I have enough

petrol to reach the next filling station

there was no space in my mind for the

usual worries I loved this immediacy of

life it was allowing me to live in the

moment not at a level where I was

feeling you demonic but it was certainly

a precursor this was around the same

time as the financial crisis and when I

also had annoying longing to return to

India and with each and every motorcycle

trip I felt I was getting closer to some

realization about eudaimonia but I knew

I was not gonna find it being stuck in

the corporate world so I took a call and

quit my job sold my house car and most

other possessions besides what would fit

on my bike and planned to ride overland

from the u.s. to

India however long that took at the

outset I gave myself two years I

researched how feasible extended

duration journeys were and saw that some

people were actually not cut out for

long term travel and get bored within a

few months they would get homesick and

seek any connection to their home

culture in these foreign lands I knew

that I wasn’t easily gonna find

connections to Indian culture in the

places of the world that I was planning

to travel through namely Latin America

and Africa so I thought to myself if I

could carry a sense of what meant home

to me on this trip then perhaps I

wouldn’t get homesick in all the short

trips I’d made before leaving on this

big trip the only aspect of my home life

that I missed was strangely enough

cooking it slowly perfected this simple

and delicious chicken curry recipe over

the years and I had the urge to cook it

right away after coming home from Mexico

or Alaska and so I said if I could cook

this curry once in a while on the road I

wouldn’t get homesick the journey began

early March 2010 from Chicago and when I

crossed the first border into Mexico I

knew there was no turning back I sought

out stays with local hosts along the way

using various traveling networks and

this opened up a wonderful insight into

the places I was traveling through it

was allowing me a locals perspective on

things and as a way to show a gratitude

to my host I offered to cook them my

curry now this curry is prepared from

scratch there are no ready-made paste or

sauces it requires a lot of onions

tomatoes ginger and garlic and so I

would draft in whoever is cooking this

curry for to help out with the

preparation the first time I made this

curry on the road was up in the

mountains of San Cristobal in southern

Mexico where the eucalyptus trees grow

tall over a pitcher esque colonial town

word spread that this Indian guy was

cooking a chicken curry and soon there

were 30 people hungry for curry at Hosea

Lewis’s farmhouse

I had showed up as a polite guest and

now had taken over the kitchen directing

people to chop onions here and diced

tomatoes there the dinner party was a

resounding success and what I noticed

was how my relationship with Jose Luis

and the others around there changed over

the course of that single meal before I

was a friendly stranger but now that I

had cooked and fed them and by their

accounts a foreign delicacy a bond had

been extended and there was a strong

feeling of trust there the first few

times has happened I felt content in

that moment and just thought of it as

happy stomachs talking but the more I

cooked this curry the more I realized

that I could anticipate how my

relationship was going to change for the

better with any one person before the

curry and after the curry a few months

later in La Paz Bolivia Alphonso an avid

motorcyclist invited me to stay with him

and in due course I cooked the curry for

his family he was so impressed he told

his friend Gonzalo who a few days later

invited me to cook the curry for his

family I barged into the upscale flat

and went straight to the kitchen

Gonzales wife Carmina sceptical at this

bald Indian biker now cooking up a

sensory overload of a curry with chilies

and garlic stood looking over me

throughout complaining that the onions

were getting overcooked or perhaps there

was too much garlic

she finally relented but remained wary

of my strange culinary style until we

sat down for the meal she took one bite

of that curry and it melted away her

cold shoulder she was blown away at how

smooth and complex the flavors were and

I knew I had turned her with my curry



she was all smiles and frankly impressed

how a man on a motorbike could prepare

such a delicacy I felt I was at my

highest self in this moment experiencing

human flourishing eudaimonia I saw this

pattern over and over across cultures

and borders from Argentina to Egypt to

Kenya and even back here in India when I

finally arrived I began to ponder what

was happening over this curry that was

changing my relationship with people on

the road in between these curries I

mused on the idea that isn’t it a better

state of mind to be in where we are

around people whom we have deep

connections with isn’t this why most of

us enjoy being around our family and

friends rather than strangers this is a

good strategy as it helps us be aware of

those that could harm us and this is

what God our species this far thinking

ahead about our safety and security but

the downside is this makes for a cold

world I feel that most people’s default

mode is to be highly skeptical of each

other and this inhibits us from being

the highest versions of ourselves at

every moment was preparing this chicken

curry as simple as it sounds

fostering deep connections with recently

met strangers and allowing all of us to

be at the more desirable state of being

around people we trust

instead of being skeptical it might seem

a silly thought to arise from spending

days on end in the wilderness but it’s

not such a crazy idea when I see that

people have cooked this curry for just

once in some remote corner of the world

still remember that curry and we’ve

stayed in touch over the years as I

dwelled on the idea on how this curry

was creating eudaimonia I came across

another interpretation for the word it

said that eudaimonia can be found

the intersection of what’s true good and

beautiful now those are all subjective

terms but each one of us knows when

something is true good or beautiful as I

applied this to my curry I realized that

this was my actual recipe for eudaimonia

it was true as for me and the dinner

guests we prepared this curry from

scratch it was good as I don’t want to

brag but almost everybody who’s tasted

this curry says it’s really quite

delicious the secret is to caramelize

the onions and use lots of garlic and it

was beautiful as we prepared this

together in a participatory way that was


I was able to create eudaimonia in my

life and in those around me whenever

this chicken curry was prepared it

sounds so simple but the truth often is

as I shared stories about this curry

people following my journey asked for

the recipe as soon as it went online

friends and strangers reported that when

they had prepared this curry some

cooking for the very first time

they were able to experience this sense

of human flourishing among themselves

and those around them I had finally

found my purpose in life it was to share

true good and beautiful moments with

and that has brought me here today to

share that recipe with you some think

this motorcycle journey was a lifetime

achievement but for me I feel most

content in knowing that I had discovered

a recipe for eudaimonia and how I could

try and live at the highest version of

myself by seeking it out it’s hard to

attain consistently as currently running

a start-up in India takes up all my

day-to-day worries but having

experienced eudaimonia I know that

delivering the highest quality product

that is possible each and every day is

what will allow me to be content and

fulfilled in this challenging world of

entrepreneurship now how can you find

eudaimonia in your lives it’s actually

all around you you are surrounded by

things that are true good and beautiful

just know that when those three

ingredients are present you are

experiencing human flourishing and you

have attained a state of being that is

higher than simply being happy if you

can I would implore you to travel to

take a break from a current life path

and let eudaimonia come to you and you

could also seek it out with this recipe

now who wants to come over for chicken


thank you

[Applause] [Music]

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