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Искусство, как инструмент влияния | Виктор НЕМЧЕНКО | TEDxAlmaty

real provinces are not a fortune teller not wang
and nostradamus
HG Wells Isaac Asimov
Jules is right stanislav lem
fantasy writers for example and hypotheses in
many shaped our real
and still contemporaries are inspired
courage and accuracy of their predictions
general lich art
literature painting music theater and cinema
healed soul taught
and built encouraged on deeds killed
and destroyed perpetuated the past and
predicted the future from the time
the antiquities of homo sapiens understood exactly what
art has enormous power over
souls and minds of people and people became
exploit this property is in the
many areas of public life in
some are afraid and ashamed of this power
artists who seek from
freeing your creativity from everything
the fact that it is trying to exploit
they break taboos feed illusions and
extend freedom this freedom
independence of creativity is for
them a measure of ideological
purity criteria artistic
others are killed by this power and breathed
inspired by their art
serves the state of business ideology
religions and well we all know it
people artisans masters of advertising and
propaganda is two camps which
seems irreconcilable like mozart and
Salieri is such a conflict
but a compromise is possible if the customer
own mind and conscience
and the recipients strictly speaking and
this art contemporaries and the future
Here I am not a science fiction writer for today
let me some thoughts on
topic of how will evolve
social applied arts or
in other words it is easier to say
social advertising can art
really influence society
change our interaction mechanisms and
my story is connected with theater
as I said in a pretty young
aged was a rebel and became
artistic director
state theater there my interests
were focused mostly on
how art affects humans
psychology creativity
well, not only
and so after five years already from
conflicts with the ministry of culture i
I was forced to leave the theater’s
went to advertising in advertising
agency which besides intercom
mental business partners there
served more and more accurately created and
political communication it was
the big school of life is the main subject
for me there was an interaction
arts and society two years later those
who threatened me with deportation
and demanded to stop stop
seditious activity prohibited
hired me on
creation of creative creativity itself
speaking political
this paradoxical contradictory experience
pushed me to thinking about the role
arts in social engineering and
the middle way art activism
is this median way possible at all
is there a compromise between the two
camps of artists that I described
well, artists have long been
occupied social issues and
in particular the question is can we
through art influence
change values ​​and behaviors they
looking for intervention tools
reality today for artists on
choice for an artist with an active
Citizenship topics such as
civil rights
religion and state language and
self-identification ecology
gender inequality is inclusive
society word plowed field
choose meanwhile in this field
artists are waiting and the problems are very complex
problems one of these problems and which
I want to tell politicization it concerns
not only artists it concerns everyone
social communication orders
concentrated in public
or non-profit non-governmental
organizations unfortunately and those and others
they tend to politicize the most
different sides of social life are the most
different topics and for example language we all know
that a matter of language can cause
for war most recently we saw how
on this subject unfolded military
actions with this prerequisite language can
that’s the way to politicize
translate it exclusively into cultural
the plane and there to solve the problem
constructively decide
uniting societies around this topic
In general, as it turns out to politicize
you can anything but up to
sexual minority issues we can
say that it is there they are perverts and
there they have there geyrop we others it
culturally there is not incomparable with us and
so we don’t understand the topic
we immediately like to confront her and
immediately solved by some such
put an end to ideological
ways some institutions
contemporary art attract
artists activists to collaborate
producing such political
lobotomized projects unfortunately
the purpose of this projects these projects are not
is to change problems in problem
areas of public life
And dzhen to such organizations often
consists only in discrediting the ruling
modes therefore strictly speaking
stating a problem is enough for them
they get on martyrs and artists and such
provokes media noise around
happening by the way and artists such
who are ready to serve these
abound their motivation as a rule
connected with the funds of festivals
closing them with a resonance one by one
others they provoke any such here
then clash administrative claims
or litigation and
in the end they look like people who are entering
in conflict and sacrifices himself
some kind of circumstances the victim
fighting socially speaking
state injustice well more
provocative question by this project
so that’s the state to resist
contrasts increasingly aggressive
conservatives increasingly acidic
censorship of religious activists in the end
it all looks like this is more sport
and honestly such projects bring
little publicity media noise around
such projects are not justified and incommensurable
with their socially useful n with
public use strictly speaking and
and there is practically no going on
exploitation of some socially significant
order and resonance is the second problem which
waiting for artists not all of us
speaking on this path it is generally
the ignorance of artists or speaking more
soft tongue so let’s say naive
Generally admit so there are artists
don’t have to translate your intuitions to
discourse language well, that’s true because they have
not obliged to explain how that here
just happened an act occurred
art often it happens
they perform the role of such unconscious
mediums more shamans and
many creative people are there
interesting and beautiful can talk about
important things are not really to the end
I understand where these thoughts come from as theirs
can be developed and how can they be applied
images and feelings that they
exploit talking to his
audience they are not fully understood a
therefore not fully understood and
audience but that does not mean that their
art has no influence
on us about gentlemen
what impact does the impact have but
applied public art
these processes must be controlled
otherwise we are waiting for such
social companies
you must have all met with such
for example life and without drugs can
to be beautiful
there is a young man like never
I’ve never heard of drugs
goes and read this think oh and without
drug means drugs make life
beautiful she can and can without
drug be beautiful but try
does not interfere or if you have no money for
baby car seat do not start
Children do get such a creative
calling for advertising festivals at all
recently we have an advertising festival
got the next creative prize people
crossing the road in the designated place
where sheep have to understand so well here
Well, as if the statement happened
did she change something well examples
a lot like i said that advertising intimidates
insults confuses and does not offer
decision is not the most important thing she decides
problems more can be said that
she creates new
creates new tensions in society
misleading it is such here
a little irresponsible approach
little dictated in many ways
naive artists and ignorance
technology because here in math and
computer science and linguistics have such
concept algorithms are a set of rituals
a set of some actions that
lead to the desired result if
consider art as a tool
influence instrument impact then in it
there should be algorithms in it too
there must be algorithms and this is not a question
indulgence inspiration talent or
other esoteric pieces is the question
technology knowledge of sociology and
psychology and other how to come
applied tools
by the way in this commercial advertisement
extremely advanced commercial
advertising often exploits social
to promote services and products
pretty much lately
she advanced these here brands goods
no longer just like a commune to him
communicates their advantage
competitive brands are involved in life
consumers influence how would society
they had values ​​that
consonant with us and of course this is speculation
in order to increase sales nonetheless
I must say that commercial advertising
she is the progenitress of social advertising
oddly enough because those
technology principles and methods which
marketers studied in context
social communication is largely laid down
at the base
public art and social
communications are these methods and technologies
were moved to both social
here is such a communication
conversion marketers helped
such unfair exploitation leads me
hope today justice these
tools will be available to us
in conversation in dialogue with society in like
tools that are capable of
the positive side to change our
world view and our social
relationship today artists
thanks to technology have access to
huge amount of information this
allows them to practice
self-improvement and self-development
it’s good because there used to be a lot
time spent on learning the principles
there art and
different techniques its good that semi
intellectual artists appear
not only technologies are developed and
exact sciences
not everything is what we are right here
admire there still imperceptibly so
history is the humanities like i already
said psychology and sociology
they also give us the tools of understanding
the nature of things happening and
interventions present state of affairs
artists master design
thinking of their work becomes
utilitarian applied ie
uses algorithms by the way with the advent of
multimedia technology
large structures and this one
the danger of an addict and creativity became
less because big structures they
lost a monopoly on social
communication content more
getting bigger digit is sighted
increasingly becoming intelligent
product for its production is not necessary
special some kind of manual conditions
labor and so on and so forth more
he becomes an intellectual creation
distribution of such products
simplifies and democratizes
market instruments have become such
objects to which artists with active
civic position are turning more and more
attention for example tools
crowdfunding but here’s how to do it
art that is not influenced
there are politicians or commerce there
opportunity to directly contact
crowdfunding is great for the audience
thing when
directly you must
may ask and this is what you need and
directly get support besides
interaction of artists and commerce
became a little different in context
social projects now and commerce
considering artists are no longer with
points of view as people who can
order there something to pro
exploit in terms of
partnership is a wonderful story
which makes it just so possible
keeping the same bathroom
autonomy about which artists dream
independence and so they
get partners and support for
expressing your own ideas can
your future cauldron in hell can clouds on
heavens can valhalla
and maybe reincarnation in cat mantis
the future will come when we are with you
won’t be while we’re here it’s still
the real ones
irreversible distinct and measurable future
these are our children and it would be nice if these
technology i’m talking about technology
mind effects tools
on society today were used not
only for commercial political purposes
in advertising and propaganda but for the benefit
societies for our descendants
our children are friends and good neighbors who
respect and can agree on everything
different equal they develop for the good
future generations they bet on
science education cultural integration
and international business project and
spread the idea of ​​humanism and build
conditions for intellectual and
spiritual development of society so I see
the future and the important role of memory besides
science and politics and economics in it
allotted I believe
Mmunication I urge you to be more critical
to what you see on the street
be critical to this
social art as applied
the artists tool be less
dependent on political conjuncture
state and business ask to be
attentive constructive social
I sincerely wish the state initiatives
such laws and such tax such
tax instruments that make
interactivist interactions and
humanists with business more productive and
I wish all of us more creative
visionaries who are made
able to change our world and make it
better for the good of our people thank for
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