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Everyone Needs to See This ! This Will Change Everything You Know !

we create so many excuses to pursuing
the best version of ourselves what’s
your dream I believe that health is so
much more than a push-up it’s so much
more than a squat I think there is a
mental exercise that you have to do
daily be reading a book being at having
a provocative conversation there’s an
emotional health piece that you have to
do there’s a social piece there’s a
spiritual piece what I do is I put some
of my energy into all of those pieces
throughout my day right oftentimes
people – yeah if you go to the gym you
look good you feel good yeah that’s one
sheet you need five sheets you just do
every single day in order to write a
great day physical emotional spiritual
mental and social you would think weight
mental and emotional aren’t they’re the
same no no they’re not you know I want
to be smart I want to be better so I’m
gonna read more I may even want to go
back to school I’m gonna I want to talk
with to educators and professors and and
CEOs of companies who in your soul in
your circle that motivate you that
inspire you you know is it the same
people that when you were 70 pounds
heavier or 3 pounds heavier there in
your life that are your enablers or have
you separated yourself to surround
yourself with people to motivate you and
maybe it’s not about weight maybe it’s
about your current financial state maybe
it is where you are and where you want
to be but you’re never going to go where
you want to be if you’re associated with
the same type of people so there’s
levels of Health those five pillars of
how you know that’s how you become
strong that’s how you make your fist you
said something that really hit me which
is you demand greatness of him I like
the choice of both the word demand and
greatness talk to me about that I think
people are really leery about making
demands holding people to standards what
do you think about that you played me a
beautiful compliment I saying be very
humble just because I’m humble doesn’t
mean I’m not it’s lost on me to go go
pursue being great right
please don’t get that twist cuz often
times are you such a nice guy he’s
humping it no I go extremely hard to be
the best me that I could be for the best
of what I’m doing in that moment be
why are you limiting yourself because of
what people might think we hold so much
weight on others opinions that it
becomes our opinion which is crazy to me
like I think you everyone in this room
everyone in this world wants to be
better than where they are right now
what’s stopping you all I know you
you’re standing in the way because you
will put a pillar of thought in front of
the thought go be great uh but my dad
always told me I would never be that so
I’m not gonna pursue that I don’t want
to get in the way because if I go do
that then my girlfriend glad I don’t
care about her enough we create so many
excuses to pursuing the best version of
ourselves what’s your dream let me ask a
simpler question what makes you happy
the thing that makes us happier the
things that we’re passionate about I
really like and when they say that their
face lights up then why don’t you do
more of that
well I can’t because oh then you don’t
want to be great you’re not ready to be
great you want to be good you want to be
okay but you don’t want to be great
because great takes work great takes a
level of discipline that is
distraction-free I’m just that much into
it I want it that bad
I can see myself doing this for the rest
of my life why it right over I love it
if you love something you spend time
with that something right it’s no longer
just an idea or probably or maybe for a
one day I love it so i nurture it i
polish that car I wash it I spit shine
it right that’s my great how do you get
people to cultivate that you use that
word and I love that word cultivation as
a daily practice it’s spending time with
it every single day studying and
understanding it talking about it
talking it into existence practicing it
while you’re talking is making it a part
of what you are and who you are
that’s cultivation like you know what I
it’s not just words it’s actions put
into words put into motion and that
becomes reality a lot of people talk a
lot of people don’t do the ones that
talk and do they’re the cultivators what
is the one thing that people can change
I could have a massive impact on their
health how do I come periodically out in
order to change you have to change
it’s a Spanish phrase love what you’re
doing or challenge yourself every day
love what you’re doing but challenge
yourself just a little bit every day and you will change
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