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This CHANGED My Life & Why YOU Should DO IT Too! | HAL ELROD

this is like a miracle this is changing
my life and I wasn’t a morning person
and it’s changing all of my clients
lives and none of them were morning
people this could change the world when
things go wrong we have a rule it’s okay
to be negative but not for more than
five minutes give yourself five minutes
set your timer on your phone even
literally teach us at the timer you get
five minutes to bitch moan complain cry
event punch a wall whatever and after
five minutes you take a deep breath and
say three really powerful words can’t
change it and it’s simply an
acknowledgment that I can’t change
what’s already happened so there’s no
value in wishing it were different every
negative emotion that we have is self
created by the degree of resistance that
we have to our reality whether it’s past
reality whether it’s happening right now
or whether it’s even a projected future
reality that we’re afraid of and so in
the span of five minutes I woke up I was
told I would never walk again
you know at eleven broken bones
permanent brain damage and I went well
can’t change it and the doctor said I
was delusional because I was so happy
and I told my dad I said dad there’s two
possibilities number one the doctors are
right and I’ll never walk again and I
said and I’ve already decided that
possibility okay I’m on a wheelchair the
rest of my life I promise dad as my
parents were concerned the dogs were
concerned I said I promise I’ll be the
happiest person you’ve ever seen in a
wheelchair because I’m in a wheelchair
either way I’ll be happy I’ll be
grateful why be miserable just because
that’s my unchangeable circumstance and
I said possibility number two is I will
walk again and I don’t even know if it’s
possible but I do know that that’s what
I want so I’ve accepted the worst-case
scenario I’m at peace with it and all of
my energy is going into walking again I
think about it every day I visualized
that I pray about it I talk about
imagine it and a week later the doctors
came in with routine x-rays and they
said we do not explain this but your
body is healing so quickly we’re gonna
let you take your first step tomorrow
and that was three weeks after the
accident it went from like never walking
again I’m thinking maybe like in a year
not in three weeks and then I took my
first step the next day so I share that
kind of backstory because every
adversity that I’ve had since then I’m
able to leverage the lesson of hate if I
can’t change it
the only intelligent choice I have if I
want to be happy is to accept it
2008 was hard it was actually harder for
me to deal with in the car accident and
I think the reason is the car accident
was the worst thing yet imagine
happening to me happen and then it can
only really get better from there like I
was in the hospital I woke up from a
coma it’s like okay I’m gonna heal over
time right with the economy when it
crashed it’s like I lost a couple
clients and after I lost my first client
I went oh man can’t change it
five-minute rule alright that’s a bummer
man I’ve never lost a client and then
within a matter of weeks I lost you know
about a month I lost half of my client
half of my income couldn’t pay the
mortgage and so I got really scared and
really depressed like they can’t change
it thing wasn’t work because I would
just kept getting worse and worse and
worse and worse and worse like this
downward spiral so yeah and that’s
that’s when I did some google searching
I was just simply trying to figure out
what are the world’s most successful
people doing that I’m not doing and I
kept coming across morning rituals and
morning routines but I went not a
morning person like what else do they do
like where’s the night out like success
plan right and I finally saw one I
remember the headline but it caught my
attention and I went I had to read this
and I dove in and this was 2007 so
morning like morning rituals now
everybody talked about in there all over
the place they weren’t quite as
prevalent and I realized that it was the
one thing that most of the world’s most
successful people had in common and then
I went okay I’m gonna wake up an hour
earlier tomorrow and start a morning
ritual then the question was what am I
gonna do during that hour to really
maximize it I want it to be the ultimate
morning ritual so I ended up continuing
down my google searching and came up
with 6 it was meditation affirmations
visualization exercise reading and
journaling and I went which of these is
the one thing I should do which is the
best which is going to change my life
the fastest and the Epiphany happen when
I went
what if I did all of this what if I woke
up tomorrow I did the six most timeless
scientifically proven personal
development practices in the history of
the world that you know for centuries
they’ve been working for people and the
next morning I woke up even though it
wasn’t morning person did all six and I
went from being depressed and scared to
like my mental and emotional I was at a
peak I went wow if I start every day
like this it’s only a matter of time and
it was less than two months that I
doubled my income decided to run that
ultra marathon that you’d mentioned and
it felt like a miracle I told my wife I
said sweetie this is like a miracle
she’s like it’s like your miracle
morning I go yeah it’s my miracle
morning they start writing my schedule
is my miracle morning it was never a
book idea and the light bulb went off
that I went well if this is changing my
life and I wasn’t a morning person and
it’s changing all of my clients lives
and none of them were morning people
this could change the world like I have
a responsibility to get this message out
there every keynote that I give is the
miracle morning for 10 years as a
keynote speaker I was telling my
accident story and teaching this lesson
of the power of accepting what you can’t
and giving yourself the gift of
emotional what I call I called emotional
invincibility and it’s where you’re
invincible from any emotions controlling
you and you’re in control of your
emotions the more we want something
usually the more disappointed we are
when we don’t get it
we’re simply we’ve programmed ourselves
over our entire lives the way we respond
to adversity is the way we respond to
adversity right so for example traffic
isn’t usually a low-level adversity if
you’re running late and you leave late
because you woke up late or kids were
get whatever it was you at traffic wait
what’s the response normally frustration
trust I’m stressed I’m frustrated right
and we literally spin the entire Drive
let’s say it’s normally a 30-minute
drive to work and it takes us 45 or
whatever cuz of traffic we spin that
entire 45 minutes literally killing
ourselves right being that we’re
stressed out we’re tense were frustrated
we’re riding the car in front of us like
does that work does that that doesn’t
move them right you know and I realized
that people think well I’m upset because
of this thing we always have something
to point to of course I’m angry look at
what she did
of course I’m sad look at what I lost of
course I’m frustrated I need to be at
work in a half an hour and this is gonna
take me 45 minute right we think it’s
the thing we always point at the thing
and when I realize it’s it’s it’s never
the thing
it’s our resistance of the thing so when
I I was like anybody I hit traffic and
I’d be frustrated or upset or you know
mad at myself that I left late or mad at
the person that made me late or whatever
and then I went wait a minute I actually
used something these wristbands that
said can’t change it that I used to give
out to high school students after me
speeches and I’d be driving and I would
go I’d see my wristband and go oh yeah
wait this applies I can’t change traffic
or take a deep breath and I would just
go I’m gonna enjoy the ride like I’m go
and I would turn the radio on and enjoy
and so all of a sudden traffic had zero
control over my emotional state and so
whether it’s traffic or it’s being in a
horrific car accident we are completely
in control of our emotional state and
the the key that unlocks the door to
emotional invincibility if you will is
acceptance it’s accepting it and so
virtually the only choice we have
if we don’t be stressed out is to accept
our circumstances unconditionally that’s
what I called emotional invincibility
that’s where when you get to that point
of where you’ve accepted everything
that’s ever going to happen to you and
you’ve made peace with it before it even
happens what happens you’re like oh okay
this sucks worst thing that I could ever
imagine but I can’t change it so I’m not
going to like problems are difficult
enough to move through and overcome why
add emotional turmoil to those problems
it doesn’t help you get through the
problem in fact it simply makes it
harder it takes longer or it prevents
you from solving the problem altogether
because you’re so emotionally engaged in
it you can’t see you know the sunshine
through the clouds what do you say about
fear of embarrassment or failure or just
outright disappointment I think that if
you like if you go to the age-old adage
everything happens for a reason
I believe that’s true but not the way
that we’ve been taught or conditioned to
think right usually most people that’s
used in a circumstance where something
terrible happens right you lose
something or right everything happens
for a reason they look up to the heavens
and they’re like why why did
what did I do to deserve this right like
they’re searching for a reason outside
of themselves and it’s really just
perpetuating the victim mindset versus I
believe that everything happens for a
reason but it’s 100% our responsibility
to choose the reason once you take full
responsibility for your emotional state
no matter what’s going on around you
it’s always about what’s going on inside of you
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