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there are some times in life when you
fall down and you feel like you don’t
have the strength to get back up you put
a mask on your face come to school and
pretend that everything is okay when
it’s not and you go home and lay in your
bed but no one’s looking at you you
don’t have to impress anybody you are
yourself and fear who comes in you know
that fear that you have as soon as you
walk into the doors of your house maybe
it’s a broken or what’s wrong if you
have doubts in your life maybe you don’t
know for sure what’s going to happen in
the future and it scares you maybe
you’re worried about what people think
of you what people say about you and
that fear paralyzes you and I just want
to ask you today do you think you have
and this is the thing it should be
impossible for me to get back up but
it’s not you see I will try 100 times to
get up and if I fail 100 times if I fail
and I give up do you think that I’m ever
going to get up
no but if I fail and I try again and
again and again for as long as I try
there is a chance for me to get up does
that make sense and it’s not the end
until you’ve given up just the fact that
you’re here should persuade you but you
have another chance to get back up there
is still hope I’m not here today to tell
you that I understand I don’t know how
it feels to be abused I don’t know how
it feels to feel fat I don’t know how it
feels to have an eating disorder I don’t
know how it feels to have a broken home
I don’t know how it feels but I know how
it feels to have a broken heart and I
know how it feels to be alone but I just
want you to know that it’s not the end
it matters how you are going to finish
are you going to finish strong and you
will find that strength to get back up
like this we’re all going through
something we’re all trying to find that
something that happiness you can find it
picture yourself in the open area where
there is no building to no shelter
there’s a storm above you this storm
you don’t tell anybody what you’re going
through because first of all they
wouldn’t understand and second of all
they can’t even help you anyway
you’re in the storm and you’re down on
your knees and you’re cold and you’re
now you’re not still here you are still
let’s do it let’s wake up embrace it man
let’s relive what do you want to do in
it’s a constant storm to try to figure
out what you’re about and you change at
26 you’re all about the hustle you’re
gonna be a billionaire or this and that
and then you go to the bar one night and
you fall in love and it changes what you
care about right and then you have a
child and then this happens and then
that happens things change
you just have to always consistently try
to figure out what’s driving you and not
because other people are watching and
not because that’s what your dad wants
and not that because that’s what you
said was gonna happen and it doesn’t
look like it your family’s gonna judge
you you just have to be as real with
yourself as possible
and that is a very difficult struggle
but when you’re not you create enormous
vulnerability and unhappiness truthful
conversations redeem people because if
you come to a clinical psychologist
who’s worth is salt you have a truthful
conversation the conversation is well
here’s what’s wrong with my life and
here’s what caused it you know maybe it
takes a year to have that conversation
and here’s how it might be fixed here’s
what a beneficial future might look like
and so it’s a completely honest
conversation if it’s working well and
all that’s happening in the conversation
is that the two people involved are
trying to make things better that’s the
goal let’s see if we can have a
conversation that will make things
better I think one of the factors in the
resistance these ideas of discipline and
of taking responsibility for yourself is
people recognizing that they’re not
doing that in their own lives and they
get upset and instead of looking
internally they try to attack the thing
that’s upsetting them they attack your
message they attack the philosophy
behind it rather
then look internally and objectively and
having some sort of introspective point
of view where you go okay am i reacting
to this because this is resonates like
I’m missing this aspect of my life does
this diminish me or is this guy pointing
something out that I could benefit from
very few people are willing to do that
very few people are willing to take that
critical moment to look at their own
behavior and look at their own thought
process and wonder if the actual adverse
reaction they have to this person’s
message is because they know that
they’re wrong start the process of
becoming much more honest with yourself
it will help you make much better
decisions and it will help you in the
long run it may not taste this fun or as
glamorous in the short-term but it will
put you in a much better position stop
doing the things that you know are wrong
that you could stop doing right so it’s
it’s a fairly it’s a fairly limited
attempt first of all we’re not going to
say that you know what the good is or
what the truth is
in any ultimate sense but we will
presume that there are things that
you’re doing that for one reason or
another you know are not in your best
interests there’s something about them
that you just know you should stop there
are kind of self-evident to you other
things you’re gonna be doubtful about
you’re not gonna know which way is up
and which way is down but there are
things that you’re doing that you know
you shouldn’t do now some of those you
won’t stop doing for whatever reason you
don’t have the discipline or maybe
there’s a secondary payoff or you don’t
believe it’s necessary or it’s too much
of a sacrifice or you’re angry or
resentful or
or afraid who knows but there’s another
subset that you could stop doing it
might be little thing well that’s fine
stop doing it and see what happens and
what will happen is your vision will
clear a little bit and then something
else will pop up that you will also know
you should stop doing and that you could
stop doing
and you could do that repeatedly for for
an indefinite period of time and and you
know that doesn’t necessarily mean that
you’re going to ever be able to
formulate a clear and final picture of
what constitutes the truth and the good
but it does mean that you’ll be able to
continually move away from what’s
untruth and what’s bad and you know
discipline that it does start with
waking up it really does
but that is just the beginning
discipline is the loop of all good
qualities but you have to absolutely
apply it to things outside of just
waking up early it’s it’s everything
it’s working out every day making
yourself stronger and faster and more
flexible and healthy
it’s about disciplining your emotions so
you can make good decisions it’s about
doing the tasks that you don’t
necessarily want to do but that you know
will help you and that’s what discipline
is discipline you take a carbon the
did you find yourself putting off
important tasks no matter how close the
next deadline is looming or how stressed
you’re becoming one of the most common
causes of wasting time in
procrastinating on important tasks is
bad habits
when bad habits have taken over your
life it will cause you to lose sight of
your goals every single one of us is a
victim of this there’s not a person on
this planet who doesn’t occasionally
struggle with their own bad habit or –
fortunately there’s an easy fix to this
though you have to put in some effort
first of all you may be under the
impression that – in a bad habit you
have to just get rid of that behavior or
together for example if the bad habit
you would like to be free of is being
able to stop browsing fun websites such
as social media or news sites while in
the middle of work you might just tell
yourself not to go to those sites
however you will probably find this
increasingly difficult you may even find
yourself navigating to those sites
without realising and until you’re
posting your fifth social-media status
update of the day this is because rather
than just trying to stop a bad habit you
have to replace it with a good habit
this will help you stop wasting time and
stay on track for whatever tax you need
to get done an excellent method is
staying on track while practicing good
habits and not wearing yourself out is
using the Pomodoro Technique this is a
simple system of alternating a set
amount of work time with a set amount of
free time for example you may work
diligently for 20 whole minutes and then
take a break of 10 minutes where you can
go on those fun sites or stretch move
around before returning to important
tasks the amount of time that you set
for work periods and fun periods can be
100% customized to you and your needs
this way you can get a lot of work done
while still having
a bit of free time another great way to
keep bad habits under control is to keep
a planner or calendar where you log in
how much time you’ve worked and how much
time you spent slacking off this will
help keep you accountable for any time
that you’ve wasted and it will help you
also see how much time you improved as
you stick to your new more healthy
habits as you can see it is so very
simple to tweak your bad habits by
replacing them with good habits to stop
procrastinating on your important
deadlines and tasks use an appointment
or technique or a planner can help you
stay on track and accountable and
efficient in your day to day life even
though it does take a little bit of
effort to build these new habits every
step of the way along this new path to
stop wasting time will be worth it once
you’ve increased your productivity and
finally taking full control of your life [Music]
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