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The Celery Test: Put your Why into action

now it’s time to put your why into
action discovering your Y is just the
beginning in order to enjoy all the
benefits of having a clearly articulated
y you’ll need to have the courage and
discipline to use it like Thomas Edison
said vision with that execution is
hallucination there is an ideal order of
implementing your Y though sometimes
reality does get in the way and it all
starts with you our natural tendency is
to start with the tangible we define our
value by what we do so it takes practice
to start with Y like riding a bicycle at
first we’re unsure unsteady we’re in our
heads thinking about all the things we
need to do pedal fast keep enough speed
so we don’t fall over we have to really
concentrate we may even fall over you
can scrape our knees but we get back on
the bike and try again and eventually it
becomes natural starting with Y is no
different at first it feels awkward it
may not even work but with practice it
will become so natural that you won’t
even be able to imagine a time when you
couldn’t do it just like riding a
bicycle in time your Y will act as a
filter for many of the decisions and
choices you make it becomes a tool to
help you find a job or seize an
opportunity in which you’re more likely
to succeed it removes a lot of the
guessing here’s a metaphor to show you
what I mean it’s called the celery test
we’re constantly asking people for their
advice on what to do or how to do it
it’s like going to a dinner party and
somebody says do you know what you need
you need MMS we’ve done so well with MMS
you’ve got to use MMS somebody else says
to us rice milk in this economy you have
to use rice milk someone else says to us
Kit Kats you have to use Kit Kats and
somebody else says to you it’s all about
celery we go to the supermarket with all
this good advice from all these smart
people with brilliant case studies and
we buy everything we buy Kit Kats and
M&Ms celery and rice milk there’s a lot
of time we spend at the supermarket and
a lot of money we spend at the
supermarket and when we get to the
checkout line we’re standing there with
all these products in our hands and no
one can see
we believe because we bought everything
but let’s imagine we know ry let’s
imagine our wise to always be healthy
and only do things that protect the
health of our bodies
now which products do we buy given all
the same advice from all the same smart
people this time we only buy celery and
we only buy rice milk they’re the only
two that makes sense we spend less time
and less money at the supermarket and
when we’re standing there in line with
only celery and only rice milk now
people can see what we believe somebody
walking past can say hey I can see that
you’re healthy so am I
you just attracted an opportunity or a
referral or a friend simply by saying
and doing the things that you believe
and the best part is it scalable as soon
as I said the Y you knew exactly which
products we were going to buy this means
the more you can articulate your why the
more others will know what you stand for
and will be able to help you make the
right decisions from now on you will
work to ensure everything you do is a
good fit if you do too many things that
aren’t a good fit
you will feel uncomfortable and people
will feel that you’re being inauthentic
on the other hand when you start with Y
your ability to stand out find support
and work to all your natural strengths
will flourish with practice you will
learn to trust your Y you will
eventually start to see your job and the
things you do as ways to breathe life
into your cause and the better you get
at it the more you will feel that your
life and everything you do has purpose
the best way to implement your Y is to
work in it slowly you don’t have to do
all the tips we suggest what is
important is that you pick up 2 3 and
commit to practicing and using them now
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