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Leaders practice empathy

so why is it that when somebody has
performance problems at work why is it
that our instinct is to say you’re out
we do not practice empathy
what does empathy look like here’s the
lack of empathy this is normal in our
business world you walk into someone’s
office someone walks into our office and
says your numbers have been down for the
third quarter in a row you have to pick
up your numbers otherwise I can’t
guarantee what the future will look like
how inspired you think that person is to
come to work the next day here’s what
empathy looks like you walk into
someone’s office someone walks into your
office and says your numbers are down
for the third quarter in a row are you
okay I’m worried about you
what’s going on we all have performance
issues maybe someone’s kid is sick maybe
they’re having problems in their
marriage maybe one of their parents is
dying we don’t know what’s going on in
their lives and of course it will affect
performance at work empathy is being
concerned about the human being not just
their output [Music]
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