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How do I influence senior management?

perhaps the most frequent question I get
asked is how do i influence my boss or
how do i influence senior management and
the answer is you don’t you don’t worry
about the people three four or five six
levels above you because you can’t
influence them and so there’s no point
worrying about it very very often
organizations that have a fuzzy why it’s
because senior management isn’t doing
anything about it and they’re not
articulating it and even though there
may be a group of people in the middle
who truly care and are driven by it
you can’t influence senior management
you just kind of you cannot change other
people you can only change yourself in
those situations stop worrying about
influencing people levels above you
worry about your own situation worry
about and concern yourself with the
people you work with how do you inspire
them where they’re above you or below
you how do you put yourself out there to
see that they will be successful and how
do you help each other and worry about
that little community that that that is
ultimately serving your happiness a boss
five six levels up is not serving your
happiness the people you work with every
day they are serving your happiness of
fulfillment oh and by the way you’re
serving their happiness in fulfillment
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