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Interview with I Fight Dragons: Chiptune and Consoles as Instruments

these guys have a song called the geeks
will inherit the earth and if that’s the
case they are sent hi I’m Rebecca Braden
and welcome to we got the
chance to check out warp tour where we
spoke with i Fight Dragons about how
they make music with video game
so something we always like to find out
is the origin stories of the bands that
we introduced to tell us how i fight
dragons first got together I like any
good superhero team you know call was
put out and people responded from
various corners of Chicago I was back in
two thousand eight and and actually bill
and I who co-produced our first two eps
we’re making some demos together and
sort of stumbled upon chiptune as a
sound which is you know one element of
what we do new music on old video game
sound cards
as soon as I kind of discovered that
world out there I knew that I needed to
put a band together around it and just
knew various people from the Chicago
music scene that to their credit when I
said you know want to join a new
Nintendo rock band mostly said yes
it’s all come down
unlike most bands it was kind of
assembled around the sound as opposed to
kind of just coming together and find a
way yeah be there been interesting
because we’ve been together for about
three years now so it’s been interesting
to see how the sound has grown and
changed based on the people in the band
because that’s definitely something
that’s that’s happened over the years
ok on your wiki page it says that your
instruments along with what you guys
listed are like the NES for the SNES etc
and I want to know how if I mean this is
me being completely ignorant but how
does one play it as an instrument it’s a
twisted process because here for our
recordings we actually just write all
the music mostly in the game boy but
also in the Nintendo is a few other
chips like Commodore 64 and Atari 2600
but we mostly just write it on those
machines but then to play it live we
chop up those sounds into little samples
that can each be triggered by a button
on the controller it’s a wheel right in
the middle of the song I might turn the
guitar down and pick up a Super Nintendo
controller and play a part on the fucks
like a doctor why not rock the mic you
got to like the way off of rick how many
miracles happen
which is interesting because then I have
to split between my music brain and the
part of my brain that I used to use to
remember coats because it’s just like
the same goat braying yeah code brain if
you’re playing a guitar or a keyboard
even if you’ve played it for any length
of time you just understand where notes
are so if you play this note it’s going
to be higher than this note but we’ve
assigned the button samples completely
you know sort of as we know you can
really write because it’s not like
there’s a circle they just have to
remember exactly which button in which
order it’s got no relation to music
other than what we’ve created
I’ve seen your music described as
Nintendo core if you had to describe it
what would you say a lot of people have
said sort of different things a lot of
times we say chiptune rock or you know
chiptune pop rock because it’s on the
one hand we basically got a four-person
rock band little more traditional two
guitars bass drums and more traditional
songwriting and then the sort of X
Factor is that the fifth person and all
of the synthesis and all the electronic
sounds are made on old video game sound
cards so it’s sort of that merging of
chiptune and rock that kind of is what
we do
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