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What is The School of Life?

In this age everyone believes in education
We train children to learn math, jet pilots, surgeons and surgeons
In our brains
But there is an area where we do not seem to believe in education at all
Let people discover it alone: ​​it is life itself
There is a terrible silence in education when it comes to important questions
Who deserves to be with him?
How do you manage your relationship?
What job suits you?
What is the purpose of having money?
How can we manage anxiety? What do we do if we encounter remorse or shame?
What to do with illness and aging?
How do we deal with family members?
– Strangely – when it comes to these things, we find no one to talk to him and nowhere to go
This is why pressure is increasing
Disasters are located
We want a place to help with these things
So we created: School of Life
An open, non-ideological organization dedicated to helping you deal with important issues
Which you have never learned in school: relationships,
We have real axes across the world
London, Paris, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Melbourne and Rio
Here we will publish videos every week to discuss these questions
We do not have to repeat the same mistakes. There are things to learn as long as there is enough time.
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