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Shredded Beef Sliders & Wild Cherry BBQ Sauce | Kelis

what’s up foodtube i’m kelis and
backstage at big festival jamie’s asked
me to cook a few things so I’m gonna
make shredded flank steak sliders now it
comes from something called ropa vieja
which is applicable reeking kind of
Cuban dish but we’re gonna like start
there and then we’re going to scooch on
down we’re gonna make something else and
then it becomes the sliders all right so
we’re going to start with a little bit
of olive oil this is actually really
easy too and it’s great because one of
those things you can put on and walk
away go watch TV play outside come back
and it’ll still be doing what it does
I like flank steak too because it’s got
so many different ways that you can cook
it so one of the first things always is
to start with a hot pot so right now
we’re just searing it we want to give it
a nice good color just got some sea salt
here with a little ground pepper as you
purchased here the meat sometimes you’ll
feel it stick one of the things I
realize is that as soon as it releases
like if you’re not tugging you’re not
fighting with it then you know it’s done
so you can then flip it over so you’ve
got some paprika here I love smoked
paprika color it’s absolutely amazing so
like you can make this and like separate
part of it add your sauce to it have
amazing you know sliders then tomorrow
you could add like have it over rice or
like you know what do you guys have like
bubble and squeak or something right
yeah so good it would totally work but
today we’re gonna have sliders all right
we’ve got some ground cumin cumin is
really really a strong flavor
it’d be really careful all right I’m
gonna add some onions here we’ve got
some greens and some red bell peppers
here you got some garlic cloves here
I’m from the rule of there’s never too
much garlic I already have a boyfriend
I’m not too worried about that he’s not
going anywhere don’t start off this way
in your relationship so we’ve got some
fresh thyme oregano and some rosin cream
and once your meat is just slightly
brown you’re not trying to cook it fully
right now you just wanted to get it some
color so it doesn’t end up hideously
gray I’m just gonna add some water you
just want to just about cover it
this is great I would cook outside more
this is fun we’re gonna add a little bit
more salt to it we’re gonna add a little
bit more cumin for color I always like
to add a little bit more of this paprika
I love paprika well the water it works
like a tenderizer right so first what we
do is we keep this heat on really high
it’s gonna boil and make sure
everything’s really hot and then we
bring it all the way down and you cover
it unless we said then you go out walk
around buy something online hang out let
it do what it’s going to do everything
starts just like gets soaked into the
water and then the water cooks down it
reduces and it’s gonna make a really
nice gorgeous thick kind of gravy a
short thing and you’ll be able to shred
that meat we’re gonna make our sauce now
our sauce is a wild cherry barbeque
sauce infuses espresso my favorite part
and I threw in a few extra things just
to put your mind at ease like ketchup
and mustard we’ve got some horseradish
in case you’re wondering with this very
large strange object is this is chili
oil I love stuff with a kick so onions
garlic salt put some pepper in there
this is brown sugar here don’t worry
about it being like to sweets you’ve got
so many other components in there but
it’s gonna counteract some more paprika
this is allspice just gorgeous but again
you don’t want to go too crazy with it
okay now we’re starting to get the
effect that we want a little bit of
vanilla extract a teaspoon and a half
ish for me being a saucier I make tons
of sauce and usually I’ll do it like on
the weekends so make like this barbecue
sauce or jerk sauce or ginger sesame
glaze whatever is I’m making I’ll make a
bunch of it and then I put it in the
fridge and say when my little one comes
home from school let’s grill some
chicken or we’ll make a steak and then
I’ve just got soft I promise you
horseradish I give you horseradish all
right so be careful with your manicure
because this will demolish it you think
like how unclassy had ketchup judging on
so remember we worried about how much
brown sugar we put in there you’re gonna
put in some mustard this is definitely
gonna counteract and work with it that
looks like a good color now I’m gonna
add just a little bit more brown sugar
we’ve got some good Wurster sauce and
add some more black pepper now we’re
seasoning in layers
the winds like no you’re not okay now
we’re gonna add my most favorite thing
espresso so good that makes it really
delicious but if you feel like you’re
short on time you can take your really
finely ground coffee you can put it
straight in there because you’re already
cooking it to essentially brewery anyway
right you let this cook you want your
garlic and your onions to be completely
like soft and mushy so that they don’t
have that kind of like bitter ending and
then here’s the secret right charity is
so good well I got these are fresh
cherries I wouldn’t use canned I
wouldn’t use like a marshy on hook cuz
that’s I don’t really need to know what
that is to be awesome like it’s a cherry
let those cook you’re gonna start to see
the cook look at that I mean look pretty
is up you start off with like a cup cup
and a half and then do it to taste
obviously it’s not a cherry sauce it’s a
barbecue sauce with cherry just bear
that in mind you let this simmer down
you let it reduce do you smell that
literally it’s the comedic you can smell
all the different things you can smell
the coffee
you can smell the cumin you can smell
the allspice and the Wurster sure it’s
like it becomes this wonderful family of
flavor it’s great oh I forgot we blend
it duh get to blend the sauce you have
to blend the sauce our sauce has been
blended and over here we’ve got our beef
that is all done and luxurious it could
have gorgeous that is I mean literally
guys this is with a fork like I want you
to see this like it’s literally falling
apart but you just keep doing this until
you get all those big chunks out how
good is that so good once you take all
of your meat out keep that sauce you can
add like a little slurry or a little
roux or something you’ve got an amazing
gravy put that in the fridge throw it
over something later not a big deal
look at that color how beautiful is that
add a little bit of thyme you’re just
tossing it in the sauce you don’t want
it to be like
but he’s super cute little buns here
cute that is yummy
that was my shredded flank slider with
wild cherry barbeque sauce infused
espresso I do hope you like it I like it
if you haven’t subscribed yet seriously
if you want to talk to me I talk back so
it’ll be fine
and there’s tons of like great chefs on
here like myself and obviously Jamie and
a whole gang other folks so don’t miss
it I mean when you’re good you’re good
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