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The lower the level of unemployment – if only slightly – this suggests good news.
It is wonderful that productive forces in the economy are growing and will increase human income soon
But if one becomes more ambitious about human potential, the picture becomes more complex and deeper than governments do.
Unemployment means, in general, unemployed.
But let us highlight the new term “wrong employment”
This word means being at work but failing to deal with the needs of others
And instead be merely an arousal of their unsatisfactory desires and pleasures
Such as the way Primark, Patek Philippe and work
This man is doing wrong.
Similarly, a man works by “Sands Casino” in “Las Vegas” to distribute publications to tourists
In order to attract them to gambling, in fact is a formal employee in terms of formality.
This person is classified outside the unemployment records. He is paid for helping to solve the mystery of the humanitarian situation of his employer
Which is the lack of enough tourists who can escape the purity of the sky and the warmth of the street
To enter the Egyptian theme park equipped with air conditioners.
This person is definitely an employee, but in fact he has been badly abused.
Its work generates capital, but it does not contribute to human well-being and prosperity
It is joined by people who manufacture cigarettes and spread addiction
In addition to non-productive TV programs, poorly made and inappropriate clothing,
False ads, biscuits that block the artery and drinks that contain high sugar.
The rate of wrong employment in the modern economy is very high.
While we may be grateful for any job available to us, but at the back of our minds we – as employees – look forward to something else:
Is that our work can contribute to the public good and we can make a small difference.
Governments have successfully learned ways to reduce overall unemployment.
In the language of the field of specialization, they do so by “stimulating demand”.
Although technically effective, it fails to make any distinction between good and bad demand and hence between employment and abuse.
The real way to reduce the rate of wrong employment is not only to raise demand in itself
But by stimulating the right kind of demand; in order to draw people’s attention to the purchase
The elements of real satisfaction, and that you want the things that really matter, and thus provide the opportunity for individuals
And companies to start their work, and make profits in the areas of economic purpose.
Figures for work are of great importance. They are the first things to pay attention to.
But these figures hide a more ambitious indicator that we should seek to build in the future
It measures wrong labor and then shows how intelligently and responsibly
We were able to spread human capital, or rather how we exploited people’s lives.
Translation: team translate @autrjim
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