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Top 10 Movie Badasses

walk down the right back alley in Sin
City and you could find anything these
are the people you don’t want to mess
with this is my boomstick welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 movie
badasses for this list we’re looking at
the toughest characters from movies who
do what they want when they want and
where they want you’ve not got a sense
of humor
TV badasses need not apply why not and
just to warn you there may be a few
spoilers ahead so spoiler alert number
10 Ryan Mills the taken franchise Mills
wrong rules when you make the mistake of
selling a CIA operatives daughter into
the sex trade
you better hope it’s not Brian Mills
from the action thriller taken that
you’re dealing with if you’re looking
for ransom I can tell you I don’t have
money but what I do have are a very
particular set of skills if it is though
then it doesn’t matter where in the
world you hide or how tough you think
you are cuz you’re not gonna be
breathing air for much longer you need
to give me what I need or this week will
stay on until they turn the power off
for like a payment on the bill where’s
my daughter and you’re likely to meet
your end in a spectacularly violent
fashion it wasn’t personal that was all
personal to me
they don’t make father’s much more
badass than this I believe it was not
gonna save you
on August 29th 1997 it’s gonna feel
pretty real you do number nine Sarah
Connor The Terminator franchise if you
found out that the majority of the
world’s population was going to die soon
and that your unborn baby will be hunted
its entire life your reaction would most
likely be to just curl up in a ball and
cry face now I know it’s naming not so
for Sarah Connor of the Terminator
franchise the young student destroys the
cyborg sent to kill her and then
attempts to warn the world your only
dead everybody give you you’re dead
when that doesn’t work she transforms
herself into a tough take-no-prisoners
fighter we’re just glad she’s on our
number eight Chev Chelios the crank
franchise the tonight after an
ill-advised kill English hitman Chev
Chelios finds himself forced to find a
way to have a constant flow of adrenalin
in his system to keep from dying she’s
it more keep papa
realizing he has little time to find the
antidote Sinise jeff spends what could
be his last moments alive seemingly
kicking every criminal in LA’s ass
chicken and broccoli public sex and
daredevil acts are the icing on the cake
whose gods wolf king strawberry sauce in
what is one of the craziest days for any
character we’ve ever seen on screen see
little sunshine hell of a good start
number seven Leonidas 300
yes it takes balls of brass to lead a
paltry 300 men and a smattering of other
allies into battle against the biggest
army the world has ever seen
everything Unitas however just so
happens to have lived his entire life in
anticipation of the glorious end he will
no doubt meet patterns there your
breakfast in heat hockey but tonight we
dine in Hell and on the way out the king
of Sparta and his men are gonna take as
many of the combatants they see with
them well let’s give him something to
he’s brave he’s reckless and he’s
glorious and as a result 300 is a
visually stunning fantasy war film
that’s still on our minds today pottage
what number six Max Rockatansky the Mad
Max franchise I’ll say the name if you
say yes or no we’re in Australia and Max
is the one man who might just be able to
restore justice in a world wrought with
Anarchy the baddest man in a dystopic
future where only the strong survive Max
is a main force patrol officer who
thrives on facing impossible odds the
chain in those handcuffs is high-tensile
steel and take you 10 minutes to heck
through it with this now if you’re lucky
you can heck through your ankle plants
playing the title character to
perfection Mel Gibson later applied the
attributes that made Mad Max so badass
to his portrayal of Detective Sergeant
Martin Riggs and the Lethal Weapon
series hey go crazy here have you called
me crazy easily okay
yeah you want to see crazy girl
number five Marv the Sin City franchise
you really are pushing your luck Padres
feed me garbage like that after the
woman he has just made love to meets a
violent end this brute of a man stops at
nothing to find vengeance against those
responsible I don’t hear you giving me
any things I guess when I shot you the
belly is too high so he goes on a murder
spree destroying everyone behind her
death in gruesome fashion and manages to
survive multiple gunshot wounds in the
process they should have shot me in the
head and enough times to make sure and
Sin City’s Marv only succumbs after
being put to death twice the best you
can do you pants is number four Jules
Winnfield or pulp fiction mm-hmm
this is a tasty burger if Jules winds up
on your doorstep you’d better pray for
heavenly protection if you want to
survive oh I’m sorry did I break your
concentration this hit man and his
partner Vincent Vega serve as the chief
enforcers of their gangster boss
Marcellus Wallace
what does Marsellus Wallace look like
deadly men with the Lord on their side
it’s jewels ability to quote the Bible
in the most terrifying manner ever seen
on film that truly makes him stand apart
you think you’ll 2517 the path of the
righteous man is beset on all sides by
the inequities of the selfish and the
tyranny of evil me that and he is one
bad mother well you know the rest which
one is it it’s the one to say it’s bad
mother number three John McClane the die
hard franchise yeah because
John McLean doesn’t want to save the
world he’s I’m a New York cop you didn’t
set out to be anyone’s hero who are you
just a fly in the ointment huh the
monkey in a wrench
he’s just an average cop who wants to
rebuild his family that is until a pack
of supposed terrorists forces him to
kill them all
never one at a loss for words thanks for
the advice McClane has the unique
ability to infuriate everyone around him
especially Hans and Simon Gruber in the
first and third die hard films
respectively with witty one-liners
because a mother Jon will kill you dead
and then mock you afterwards Happy
Trails Hans good/bad I’m the guy with
the gun number two ash Williams
the Evil Dead franchise hail to the king
baby perhaps because he had to overcome
the stigma of being a man named Ashley
perhaps because he’s incredibly
resourceful or perhaps he’s just too
stupid to know what he’s up against why
are you torturing me like this why
whatever the reason when the world is
overrun with Deadites and humanity might
not survive much longer
the evil Dead’s ash is the only man who
can save the day and make us laugh while
doing it well hello mr. fancy pants that
is if his inability to remember a single
incantation isn’t doing us all swallow
this before we unveil our top pick here
are a few honorable mentions you want to
see him sprayed all over that map baby
where’s the president I swear to God
snake I don’t know me I won’t kill you
the old-fashioned way the Old West tree
is the best oh he gives a
I have come here to chew bubblegum and
kick ass
and I’m all audible you asshole
you asshole number one Kerry Callahan
the Dirty Harry franchise now you know
why they call me dirty here every dirty
job it comes along a homicide division
inspector dirty Harry Callahan is a cop
unlike any other ever shown on the big
screen you don’t listen do you asshole
more lethal than the criminals he sets
out to capture the San Fran police
officer is a true force to be reckoned
with as he looks too damn good that’s
how he’s got his own idea of right and
wrong and he’s willing to break the law
to keep the good people safe it’s the
law well then the law is crazy if you
make the mistake of going up against him
good man always knows his limitations
there’s just one question you need to
ask yourself you’ve got to ask yourself
one question do I feel lucky
do you bunker if you do we’ve got some
bad news for you Punk
well do you punk do you agree with our
list you really expect me to go for that
crap who’s your favorite movie badass
there are rules for policemen yeah so my
captain keeps telling me more film top
10s published every day be sure to
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