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Questions and Answers – FunFunFunction #24

good Monday morning I am MP J and this

is fun fun function this weekend I was a

lot of fun for me I was out of town

attending the wedding of a couple of

friends of mine but it also means I

haven’t had time to do a full episode

and I’m also tremendously hungover but I

want to do some video so let’s do some

questions questions and answers first

out what are your thoughts on static

typing and JavaScript slack off I come

from a c-sharp background before a

JavaScript and I do not miss the types I

think that’s for two reasons one is

because of my personality type and two

is because I unit-tests a lot so first

my mind my personality type I am I’m

very easily distracted by tooling

whenever I try you know a new to-do app

or something like that I get so caught

up in that tool I start spending time on

how to do work rather than actually

doing work I cannot personally cope with

systems like the GTD system that a lot

of people uses because I get caught up

in them I am kind of like a sober

alcoholic when it comes to that I can’t

I can’t handle that and for me I kind of

find types to be like that for me

I’m started doing some Android

development lately where you do Java and

I find myself falling back into this

track where I oh I could this is the

same and oh wow these things these

things form an inheritance hierarchy and

oh I can pull this this up into an

abstract base class and after a couple

of hours I realize such I’m not really

adding any value here I’m not making any

progress on this software I am I’m not

adding any tests I’m not solving any

bugs I am not removed

any unnecessary code you could maybe

claim that I’m making the project more

maintainable but looking at the code and

making these these abstractions and

making things more generic it’s not

clear if it’s actually making things

easier to maintain or or better in any

way but it feels really productive

because you’re generating lots of code

and you’re making something that seems

cool and it’s so fun types they are

alluring to me in a way that is not

healthy the second reason that I don’t

miss types a lot is that I really really

like to write unit tests I write unit

tests for everything and static typing

can help you catch a lot of errors but

it’s very seldom that I find myself or I

find that this static type system

catches a bug that my test suite does

not and don’t get me wrong I’m not

writing any tests for specifically

checking the types in JavaScript I I

just find that if I write a test for the

happy path of the application and the

execution paths for a couple of

different edge cases that tends to catch

all of those things anyway because you

just you run through the code and yes

the type system I don’t think it adds

all that much if you have just a basic

test suite oh I just thought of a third

reason why I don’t miss types I have a

really hard time keeping many things in

my head at once so I really like

breaking my process into very small

problems and solving one problem at a

time and the problem with almost all

static languages typescript is not like

this actually so this does not apply to

type script but types is not something

that you can add later and that’s a

problem for me because that means that I

I have to figure out the algorithm and

and figure out my problem

and also do the the whole typing thing

at the same time and that like that

makes me slower and more distracted and

and that just messes things up in my

brain that is also why I really don’t

like having a linter running in my

editor because I want to defer like

cleaning making that final cleanup until

I’m finished it’s sort of I I also don’t

like cleaning up my kitchen as I cook I

want to focus on cooking and then when

the thing is in the oven

I get the cleaning I don’t dislike

static typing I think that it’s a it’s a

great tool for Manny it’s not as great

tool for me and I also really think hate

when people try to give the idea that a

language is bad if it doesn’t have

static typing – next question how long

does it take to record a video this one

is it’s probably gonna take one hour to

record it and two hours and it may be

and then one more hour for doing preview

images and uploading and stuff a normal

video sort of like for instance a monad

video that takes a lot longer time

because I have to do the script which

can take like 4 to 6 hours and recording

it takes about the same time but the

editing is longer so perhaps 3 hours

since I know between 7 and 12 hours I

would say is normal what is a common

mistake that even fairly experienced

jeaious developers tend to make well I

think that it like my favorite favorite

mistake that experienced developers in

general not just JavaScript developers

to do is to make things more complicated

than they need to be as a programmer

it’s fun to do complicated solutions and

it also makes you feel smart it’s

awesome but the more code you add to

your project the more bugs you will add

to your project

always keep your code as simple as you

can the most common example of this that

I see is caches people see that oh I’m

calling this

from here and here here I I should just

store this in a variable here and now

you have introduced some state and that

means that you have introduced

possibility of a bug which might be okay

if that is actually hot code that is run

hundreds of times per second but if it’s

not you are just wasting your time and

you’re making your application

unnecessarily complex for no good reason

at all what are your thoughts on the Elm

language / architecture and its

viability in production I’m gonna bundle

this in with this question state of

meteor in 2016 what do you think will

happen I’m a great fan of both Elm and

meteor they are amazing technologies and

if you haven’t checked them out I

suggest you do because they are very

inspiring but they have an adopts

ability problem Elm for instance

inspired to a large degree reactant flux

and Redux but I think that Elm really

needs to take a long hard look at itself

and see like why are people duplicating

these concepts in other stacks and and

their stuff instead of just using Elm

directly what I think that a lot of

programmers that design languages and

frameworks tend to not think about is

its adoptability and how it fits into

the ecosystem that people are already

using if you’re just writing a library

for an existing language in an existing

package manager then that’s pretty easy

to get people to try out but if you’re

writing a complete language where the

new platform and a new package manager

you have just created yourself a massive

marketing undertaking that requires

quite a bit of financing and marketing

to be able to pull off and let’s face it

I’ve Elm does not have that it lacks the

backing that frameworks that react

for instance has and it took years for

react to get to the position where it is

now and it’s a same thing with meteor

you see a lot of a lot of the things

that were unique to meteor when it

launched are no longer no longer that

unique because people draw drew drew

inspirations from it them and adopted it

into their own solutions but again why

didn’t they just use meteor and the

answer is it which was hard because you

needed to replace everything at the same


you couldn’t just pick one thing they

had no way to sneak themselves into

these stacks of existing companies an

existing software you had to take like

meteor or you had to take like Elm

you couldn’t just start adding this

little part of Elm and then grew Elmer

meteor doesn’t really work like that I

really think that’s uh that’s a

challenge for their adaptability what

the hell is this I have something in

mind yeah this is some cake

weddings dude ah I’ve cake in my hair

what are the biggest mistakes devs make

during unit tests in your opinion not

writing unit tests how do you write a

good unit tests well you write our

horrible unit tests for several years

and you learn from everyone and

eventually you start writing good unit

tests write bad unit tests and learn

from them you will get good eventually

what frameworks and libraries do you

usually use I don’t I

I’m a problem first kind of guy I I have

a long elaboration on this in the too

many tools and frameworks video you

should just check the app well that is

all we have time for today

I am mpj this is fun fun function come till next Monday morning

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