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Golang Tutorial

my name is Todd McLeod and I’m tenured
faculty at my name is Todd McLeod I’m
tenured faculty at Fresno City College
I’m also adjunct faculty in computer
science at California State University
of Fresno I’m here as my good friend and
fellow founder of Greater Commons
Barnabus and we’re really excited to
introduce you to the go programming
language the go programming language is
a great language to know it’s currently
the highest-paying programming language
in America and it has amazing
credentials the reason it’s I saying
programming language in America is that
it has amazing credentials it was
created by Google by luminaries and
computer science Rob Pike Kim Thompson
and Robert krasimir these are the same
people who helped create the UNIX
operating system the UNIX operating
system you heard of that right and they
helped create the B programming language
which was the predecessor to the C
programming language so UNIX B which you
know C then followed that UNIX B and
utf-8 and so these people helped create
some of the bedrock stuff in Comp Sci
and then in 2006 Google started to
create a new programming language Google
said hey all of the current modern
programming languages aren’t meeting our
needs and there’s reasons that at that
time they started creating it they
needed a new language so they created a
new language so go has amazing
credentials it’s a great programming
language to learn to know and to code in
and to know the go programming language
you’re going to have great opportunities
in your career whether you’re building
something for yourself or you’re going
to work for somebody because it’s
currently the top paying programming
language in America according to the
Stack Overflow survey in 2017 so
Barnabas and I are really excited you’re
here and we’re really excited to
introduce you to the go programming
language we’re going to take you from
zero to hero so if you are an
experienced developer that’s great I’m
going to we’re going to introduce you to
all the nuances Barnabas will only be
here for part of it depends upon how
fast we get through the recording but
we’re going to introduce you to all of
the nuances of the go programming
language and if you’re a brand new
beginner we’ll have sections in there
for the for the beginners which will
bring you up to speed on stuff and so if
you’re the experienced dev you can just
jump right over those those techs
for the beginners so this this course is
for everybody and we’re teaching it
because we’re passionate about it we
love it and we love hanging out drinking
beer and programming so we’re going to
have a good time teaching you the go
programming language and I’m really
excited you here and in this course is
going to serve you well in your life
wherever you are in the world that’s why
we started Greater Commons so that so
that people all over the world can learn
at a very nominal fee can learn really
powerful skills to help improve their
own lives so welcome to learning how to
code with the go programming language
grab yourself your beverage of choice
and let’s get started
cheers Cheers
how do you think that how do you think
that went
you should be in the at the end of yeah
how do you think that went good should
we’ve added anything else I don’t know I
don’t think so okay cool
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