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Have DISCIPLINE – Joe Rogan & Jocko Willink – #BelieveBites

one thing that discipline definitely
does help you with is it helps you get
things done and when you get things done
when you actually do things you you have
more success and sometimes a big part of
success is just not being lazy and just
doing it yeah just get it’s like 90% of
it is just showing up get there and
start working like you’re not going to
feel perfect every day if I only worked
out when I felt good
I’d be a FET so there’s a lot of things
I don’t want to do it I’ve it’s pretty
much been saving with everybody that is
that actually gets good at something
that you get there’s got to be those
days you push through and they’re
probably going to be more numerous than
the days you don’t and so the benefit of
discipline in my eyes has always been
that through discipline I get things
done there’s a lot of artists and comics
event musicians as well but we’re
writers for sure one of the big problems
is sitting down and doing the work and
you got an Pressfield
talks about that in the most concise and
beautiful way and he labels it like an
enemy because it resistance you know and
that you have to sit down you have to
overcome resistance and that the pro
goes to work and it doesn’t matter if
you’re sick doesn’t matter if you have
kids it doesn’t matter what you you’re a
pro and you go to work just it puts it
in your head that this is what I do this
is what then you have pride in that and
then when you are in front of that
keyboard you look down the count it says
okay thousand words today I put a sound
more than you and you’re doing the work
and out of that work gems blossom the
little things but you might have a day
where you just write nothing but dog so
what show up again tomorrow
and tomorrow that dog that a flower will
emerge you never know and that’s the
only way to really develop your
potential 100% in anything I always say
discipline is the root of all good
qualities but you have to absolutely
apply it to things outside of just
waking up early it’s everything that’s
important now every day making yourself
stronger and faster and more flexible
and healthier discipline is eating the
right foods to use your system it’s
about disciplining your emotions so you
can make good decisions it’s about
having the discipline to control your
ego so your ego doesn’t get out of hand
and control you about treating people
the way you would want to be treated and
doing the tasks that you don’t
necessarily want to do but that you know
will help you or help your team so
taking your fears you discipline to face
your fears so you can conquer that’s
what discipline is discipline means
taking hard road the uphill road to do
what’s right for yourself and for other
people it’s so often the emini path
the easy PASOK calls to us to be weak
for that moment to break down for that
moment to give in to the desire and the
short-term gratification but the
discipline will not allow that the
discipline calls for strength and
fortitude and will it will accept
weakness it won’t tolerate another
breakdown the discipline can seem like
it’s your worst enemy but the reality is
is if one is your best friend it will
take care of you like nothing else can
and will put you on that path the path
to strength and health and intelligence
and happiness the most important it’ll
put you on that path to freedom
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