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Shopping Tips | Beyond the Puck

my philosophy is to do like all the
middle aisles first because that’s like
your juices and like boxes of stuff so
it’s at the bottom and then you do the
cold stuff so that it stays cold and
then the last is like fruits and veggies
so that they’re at the top of the carts
they don’t get squished so the thing
about apple juice that I have heard is
that you really have to look to make
sure that the apples were growing in the
States so like this is the good one
that’s why we buy this one a lot of them
are like made in America but it’s
actually grown the apples are grown in
China where maybe some of the
regulations may not be quite as tight
if you’re gonna buy anything organic
dairy you’re gonna pick one thing I
guess that’s it especially for the kids
so this is for the pizza and this is the
difference between a greasy pizza and
non greasy pizza so you by the good
cheese and that’s when you don’t get
like all the crap coming out of it I
just tell young guys like that go to
like like to go to the clogs or whatever
I’m like you got to stop like trying to
meet girls at a club ugh so you got to
cut just come whole foods and come for
lunch rush
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