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Typhoon Part Four | National Geographic

with the electric signed off carbon
fiber skins are added and more glue
reinforcing sealant is spread across the
joints this protects the structure and
helps keep moisture out then more
drilling just like the wings in Italy in
Spain the placement of the drill holes
is crucial this part must also connect
to weather parts made hundreds of
kilometres away if the holes don’t line
up this aircraft will be grounded holes
aboard for temporary fasteners
these will hold the skins in place until
permanently fixed and it’s not going
there until these guys say so they check
for tolerances one of the biggest
challenges for the Typhoon’s engineers
is making sure every part of this model
lines up perfectly no matter where it’s
made many aircraft are allowed a 25
millimeter lateral difference along the
line from the tail to the nose the
typhoon is accurate to within one and a
half millimeters you can measure
anything we can measure hole positions
surfaces of the aircraft
anything real not only are these guys
masters at this technology Sharples
invented a better way of doing it
the wireless headset was something that
came in that we thought we could use
voice recognition to control the tracker
so we use a wireless headset to speak to
the computer to tell it when to take
measurements and when to stop so we can
we can actually work on our own as a
one-man team but today is a two-man
operation so no headset is needed here
this 3d laser makes sure the Typhoon’s
parts are perfectly aligned there can be
no surprises further down the line
the laser itself does the work of a
small army depending on what you’re
measuring this particular job takes
about an hour probably to measure and
they’re about the same to analyze
whereas if you’re doing it the
old-fashioned way
the expenditure of the tooling and the
actual manpower on it as well you
talking a lot longer maybe you know what
half a day maybe maybe longer with its
major parts in storm and the sign-off
from alignment part four of the typhoon
is ready to answer the kid next part
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