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Andrew Goes Organic (Ep. 2) | Beyond the Puck

during the season Krista is the goddess
of the kitchen but during the summertime
I help with a lot I love cooking I I
like the kitchen
you know when in this court where you
know having a job or having a career
just separated by such a small line
they’re looking for alternatives till I
get every little edge they can you know
over the other team or the person are
competing with you know once the guys
aunty Merinda like like I said this shop
here and stuff like that but he’s really
healthy guy he’s good he helps push the
message to other guys to about getting
the good stuff during the games and yeah
being being healthy if it’s available in
organic you know we’ll get it and I’m
not stupid like I know that all food
doesn’t have to be organic but if you
can eat healthier and and eat things
during a game or you know the night
before that are it’s going to be better
than the next guy then that gives you
like a little bit of a performance edge
mmm would you have for dinner Oh too
many pizzas we like making your own
pizza because at least you can have
control over the ingredients the cheese
is the uncured pepperoni raised with no
antibiotics like stuff like that you
know so it’s still pepperoni at least
it’s like healthy earlier we always did
that in our house they even as even
though as much as I’d like practiced
hockey and had stuff on the go we always
had dinner together like as a family
it’s important time for us like to
actually catch up with our kids in Sochi
they just like to help with dinner
because they get to make a huge mess is
you can come help me so we have the
compost in the fire escape but we got to
remember not to lock ourselves out we
always do that right so it’s called red
wiggler red wigglers it’s a special
variety of worm that eats half of its
body weight in food every day and so the
worms just eaten you know the kitchen
scraps like vegetable cuttings fruit
cuttings you know a lot of stuff that
you just throw away so they come up
through the holes to the where the fresh
fruit is and then the bottom tray is
where all the good old compost will be
and the worms will all be in the top one
by then all the worms will be out of the
bottom one I find it fascinating and you
know the kids think it’s pretty cool as
much as it is like a practical thing to
get rid of you know through but it’s a
what a great
for the kids like how here’s how it
works here’s how nature works this is
the importance of creating brand new
soil the compost experts will probably
if they see this will be like you’re
overfeeding your worms trust me I know
so this pumpkin day what you’re going to
do so the magic of the compost is
keeping it the right moisture so that’s
why there’s wet newspaper on top keep
swimming a fee and I love restaurants
and stuff don’t get me wrong but I get
sick of eating out all the time and that
even with the pizza or any other food I
like controlling my ingredients you know
make it taste good but a little more
health-conscious as well
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