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Rule Your World: Time Flies | Crowd Control

I’m Daniel pink and I’m gonna show you
how to use some diabolical psychology
for the greater good are you ready but
too much of a good thing can be a bad
thing especially if you don’t use
sunscreen we set up a photo booth on the
Jersey Shore and it showed people a
photograph of what they would look like
after a couple of decades of exposure to
the Sun people were shocked oh my god
look at that old guy many of them
immediately began applying sunscreen
behavioral scientists call it hyperbolic
discounting the rest of us just call it
human being stink at planning for the
we often prefer smaller payoffs now like
getting a good hand to larger payoffs in
the future staying alive and one reason
for that is that we think about
ourselves today and ourselves in the
future as different people to get people
thinking differently about the future
we’ve got to get them thinking
differently about themselves
how can you an apply what we learned in
the photobooth to your own life the key
is to start thinking of yourself today
as the same person as yourself tomorrow
so if you want to use more sunscreen one
of the great things to do is take a
photo of yourself using one of the many
smartphone apps that’s out there that
will show what you look like in 10 years
or 20 years and 30 years and believe me
you’re gonna be frightening and that
fright is gonna get you to open up the
sunscreen and apply it before you go out
in the Sun remember these are powerful
tips and they can never used for evil
until next time
Daniel just click below for more crowd
control tips and remember to subscribe
to the National Geographic Channel on
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