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How to Discover What You Want: Part 2

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again how to discover what you want part
so we got a question in asking how to
decide what life path to take and I
thought this is a perfect time to get
into part two of the three part series
in part 1 we talked about you have to
know what you want you have to see
what’s stopping you you have to change
your attitude your belief system get a
strategy and be flexible if it doesn’t
work out now part two I’ve got a whole
new set of tools which have helped me
along my journey finding what the hell
am i doing find out now before it’s too
late let’s start with pressing pause
press pause find a remote control
somewhere because so many of us we are
on autopilot we’re working in a job we
don’t know why we’re there it’s just
become a habit but your habitat is where
you live so you have to ask yourself are
you comfortable living here would you be
comfortable if someone was to take a
freeze-frame of this moment and hang it
up on your wall with that define who you
are would you be proud of that picture
hell no or hell yes what happens when
you’re 4 or 5 you’re in school and they
say what you want to be when you grow up
and you’re like what they say choose
quickly a doctor that pays a lot of
money an architect that pays a lot so
you say
yeah I’ll be a doctor I want to be a
nurse but how many of us say I want to
be myself and pressing pause for me has
been amazing it’s given me a whole new
insight into the art of slow slowing
down keeping it simple now I was talking
to a good friend yesterday on the beach
and he was telling me about this film
called the holy mountain so I got home
yesterday and I watched it and it’s a
very interesting film a unique film not
for the faint of heart but it has a very
very powerful message people are on the
quest for immortality and they meet an
alchemist and basically the message of
the film at the end is that we are the
ones we are waiting for we are the ones
we are searching for because a lot of us
we are in that process of searching for
this holy mountain for a saviour for the
perfect job and there is no perfect job
you have to be comfortable where you are
right now it’s about the journey not the
destination and the film highlights the
Maya this stage we’ve all created even
the need to do something is why so many
of us have anxiety because anxiety is
born out of the desire to escape the
present moment what happens people say
see ya I’ve got to go to work
I’ve got no time
but they’re not happy and that was me
along my journey I was always wanting to
do something else and I realized a
secret it was because I wasn’t
comfortable in my own skin
we have what we call the existential
crisis what is that
it is where you wake up and you hear a
silence and you say to yourself what am
I doing here
what is the purpose of life now that
focuses your attention to look within
yourself that means more responsibility
who wants that so work was the first
invention to cure boredom to escape the
existential vacuum but once you can
become comfortable with existential
I found it helps you to let go it’s not
a question of finding out what I should
be doing it’s more about letting go of
what you think you should be doing mmm
another powerful movie is The Wizard of
Oz I’m off to see the Wizard The
Wonderful Wizard of Oz so Dorothy what
happens follow the yellow brick road so
she is on a quest for enlightenment that
is what the film is all about so she
starts off
as a drone the first level of
consciousness she is unaware of her true
power then she becomes an artist she
starts to sink and she has the Cowardly
Lion The Tin Man the Scarecrow even Toto
tagging along behind her and then she
becomes the alchemist where she starts
to transform her energy self
transformation and then guess what
finally at the end she becomes the
wizard because she sees that the wizard
is just a man behind a curtain so when
she meets the good witch the Witch tells
her the power has been with you all
along so many of us in discovering what
life paths to take in discovering what
we want we are told we have to meet the
wizard we have to go on a long journey
that was me studying for a degree in
psychology a degree in criminology I
loved it but at the same time afterwards
I realized that I am the power not this
degree which emanates from the Latin
narada’s which means to step down
because we never questioned the
authority we just follow so for me it’s
all about stepping into your
authenticity to realize that we are
already complete something has to end
nothing lasts forever
that’s the secret and Alan Watts I
definitely recommend his talks because
they are life-changing the second tool
which has helped me is to
let go of duty stop waiting what happens
to so many of us we feel that first of
all whose life are we living is it what
we want or is it what our parents want
what our partner wants for us what our
next-door neighbour wants for us you
have to find your voice to discover your
true desires and once again I’ve seen
you can only do that through letting go
of all expectations from society more so
the expectations you place on yourself
because a lot of us we’re hard on
ourselves because we are in competition
with the next person for me it’s about
creating your own league the age we’re
living in is amazing we are the first
generation of the Internet so imagine in
ten years how many people are gonna see
your content you’ve got content creators
right now on the internet websites such
as vine people are creating new trends
and therefore I’ve seen it’s all about
being a pioneer that is the biggest
secret because once you are a pioneer
now you let go of the duty of the past
because you have to ask yourself if
you’re not creating your own world also
with fellow kindred spirits you’re
it ties in to stop waiting why are we
waiting all the time we’re waiting for
everything to be perfect when we don’t
live in a perfect world we live in a
perfect earth and that’s why many times
look I got rid of my watch no watch here
just a bracelet because people say I
don’t have time I have a lot of time
that is why I know what I’m doing is
wonderful it makes me feel good
it’s energy-generating
you have to ask yourself is what I’m
doing energy-generating or energy
depleting and it goes on to the third
tool which is recording your feelings
down throughout the day from 1 to 100
how do I feel 30 what 20 no 80 90 100 we
should be feeling equilibrium
homeostasis not super happy all the time
but definitely not super sad all the
time what happens when a lot of us go
into work we come home and people say
how’s work and you really don’t want to
answer that question right now because
it’s gonna remind you of how tedious it
was why is your work tedious because you
know it you know what you have to do so
it becomes boring right now I just hit
record even I don’t know what’s gonna
come out bananas there you go
improvisation have fun with it
embrace the uncertainty embrace the
unknown many of us we stay in our
comfort zone
but I’ve seen to discover your true
desires you have to start deleting those
programs keeping you in a box you have
to start reprogramming your subconscious
mind which is our body so the more you
move into your body you start to feel
many of us were up here all the time too
many thoughts in our head because we
want to emulate a perfect model but
letting go of perfection I’ve seen is
where perfection begins many of us we
are told what success is so the things
we love that we grew up with as children
many of our parents told us look look
son look daughter that’s not gonna bring
in money but what is money energy so if
your activities are energy generating
you are going to be living in abundance
but if you’re not doing what you love
even if you are receiving money all of
that’s gonna go on medical bills your
recovery so for me it’s been about
reawakening the inner child more so not
feeling guilty about what you really
love to do it may not be popular
it may not be trendy but it will be a
step closer to your true authenticity
number four is to experiment we are here
as co-creators on this planet to always
push the boundaries to
change how we see ourselves many of us
we say I am only good for this kind of
but in finding our true desires we must
go back before we had this concept of
who we thought we were
because who we think we are becomes a
limitation and dictates what we desire
but it’s about getting into the core so
along my journey I was working in many
different jobs just to get a feeling of
what resonated with me I traveled around
the world saw many different places and
faces and it did wonders it gave me a
whole new insight a whole new
perspective about life it made me really
eight my belief systems it made me ask
myself why am I here we are the only
species that has to pay to live and eat
but we are supposed to be the most
intelligent so I saw along my journey I
had to get real no more sugarcoating get
real means that look we live in an
incredible world universe but at the
same time we’re only here for a very
very very very brief period of time we
are like a grain of sand compared to the
universe but what happens so many of us
we spend a whole life stressing
ourselves out why because we are always
thinking of something to do that
something is the escape from the present
moment once I started to practice more
mindfulness meditation
I could be washing the dishes or I could
be working on a video or in a
consultation and I am fully absorbing
myself into the present moment now I
have more euphoria more balance I’m not
trying to run away because I am happy
where I am right now that’s the biggest
question where do you find your greatest
power I like that where do you find your
greatest power because let’s face it
many of the activities we’re doing
aren’t so satisfying what does that mean
it means we are not connected to our
true heart space the heart knows what
the mind can only think of so the more
you connect to your heart space it leads
you to the place where you find your
greatest power which helps you Kotov a
self-love which helps you accept
yourself a hundred percent with no
regrets and now you discover your true
desires and the last tool for part two
is all about the core frequency look a
I love squirrels I can’t do what an
elephant can an elephant can’t do what a
cheetah can the core frequency is what
we were all born with and it’s different
for every single one of us once we are
in alignment to our true core frequency
see now we start discovering our true
desires some people were born to play
the piano some people were born to be a
computer genius some people were born to
make videos and say can I get a hello
there you have to find what makes you
feel most alive that’s a secret what
makes me feel I am able to blossom into
becoming my greatest version what allows
me to let go of the limitation the Maya
what allows me to be free and I’ve seen
along my journey it is knowing what your
core frequency is in a world where we
are taught that you have to follow one
of the biggest websites Twitter hello
many of us feel we are not good enough
your core frequency is all about
honoring your uniqueness I am NOT in
competition with anybody that’s why I
just do me and your core frequency is
where there is total freedom because you
see that you are irreplaceable who can
fill your shoes nobody but you and once
you step into your core frequency
everything changes
you get more passion which is the
catalysts for manifesting your true
desires your core frequency
is where you can relax at the same time
it pushes you into that radical action
it helps you move from the sidelines and
start participating in this wonderful
experience called life therefore helping
us discover what we want our life path
and our true desires we are here
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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