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18 websites I look everyday! – Tech Tuesday

welcome to another technology Tuesday
today I’ve got a special treat with you
I’m going to share with you the 18
websites that I look at every single day
when I open my computer in the morning
these are the 18 sites that I always
check out and people keep asking me what
my schedule and what I’m looking at so
these are the 18 sites that I looked at
every single day and hopefully you can
learn from them as well okay so this is
my home page dashboard it’s a file that
I save on my local computer that I load
up every single morning that has all the
important things that I need to run my
business I have my personal suppliers
business these are like my daily tools
that I use but this side which says
daily these are the things that I do
every single day and I’m going to load
them up and walk you through what I do
with them so let’s load each one up in a
different tab and we’ll go through them
one by one so two of them are actually
on the site and they’re here these two
are the Google hot searches so this from
the United States and this is from
Canada this is a plugin that you could
put in on any website to basically show
you what people are searching so these
are the most popular searches in the
United States that are happening right
now and it shows you how popular they
are by this this red bar it’s it’s
Christmas Eve when I’m recording this
you can see things like Feliz Navidad
sista season
July your Noel is French for Merry
Christmas so you can see that these are
the things that are trending and if I
don’t know what something is then I can
easily click through and learn about it
so Halina bonham-carter is in the news
for some reason I don’t know why she
split up after 13 years with Tim Burton
so you know easy way to know what people
are searching for and why it’s important
okay so we’re going to go through each
of these one by one so next is Facebook
and Facebook hey I see my Year in Review
there we go me and Nina
so this Facebook is just to see if I
have any messages I don’t spend a lot of
time at ically just check out the first
post and and and that’s it I don’t spend
too much time kind of digging deep into
what people are saying I use it to kind
of keep in touch with my wife is usually
off working so she ready message me and
one putting good video about how a
homeless man spent given $100 cool
we’ll watch thanks babe so I usually
actually keep it open during the days my
easiest way to get to connect with my
wife and anybody who really needs to get
a hold of me quickly
next is music I have a custom page that
is my belief playlist and these are some
of the songs that I listen to that keeps
me inspired motivated again I need to
have music in the morning to get me
moving and you want to create your own
belief playlist as well so I have how
many songs on here
85 songs and growing and just songs that
I like get me dancing kept me moving in
the morning again one of the first pages
that I loved and you want to have a
playlist of your own that gets you
excited every morning next this is my my
business page so my Facebook page all
you just look at the messages here I
don’t check out only the content I look
at the messages and see who I have to
get back to so people who are asking me
questions and so I’ll write back to them
quickly so just social media check up
here I have my my lists so I have a
couple lists that I use I don’t check
the main Facebook stream too much
because I find it too overwhelming and
and you just get lost in it so I created
a couple lists family business healthy
living and in my own page so here things
are related to my family I can scroll
down on business I have some some
clients and various business things
related here so basically the pages that
I’m a fan of so Toronto dance salsa is
one of the investments I have sage and
aweber companies I’m working with and so
I can easily check out what they’re
posting a comment healthy living are
just things that I find interesting some
pages healthy holistic living has some
great content I love my family has some
great content and just I can easily scan
it see what new things here’s a cute
video and I love using the Facebook list
as a way to keep track of the important
content that I want to see every day
instead of just getting a berry and a
lot of the Facebook pages now are
getting buried in your main newsfeed and
you’ll never see the content that shows
up so I specifically created it for that
and then I have my own page here and
I’ll just see
what people are are sharing and you know
like them comment them respond to people
so these are the people on my team as
well as my own post next I move over to
HootSuite and HootSuite is what I use
for Twitter I’ll take a quick look at my
sent tweets these are my families my
sisters been posting some stuff she
works at the United Nations and so she
has she’s doing a whole bunch of Ebola
stuff right now so she’s posting
pictures and good way to know what she’s
up to
I have a list of baseball stuff so
people that I follow on baseball and
again Twitter is such a crazy stream you
need to create your own list to be able
to maintain the data that comes in so I
like keeping track of what’s happened in
the offseason here these are from my
movement students and what they’re
posting so you know Jen posted this rich
posted is I can go check out the videos
that they’re posting the comments keep
on touch business again a list of people
who I want to follow for business
reasons so sage Cindy Bates is a vice
president I believe at Microsoft people
who relate to one word so they’re all
custom lists that I made on Twitter and
you can bring them into HootSuite easily
so Jessica Alba has her one word of
honesty 3m has innovation and so a few
few companies who are using their one
word and why my direct message inbox so
people can connect with me and then my
mentions and I can see in all new
mentions people want to write back too
and I try to write back to everybody and
I just find this as an easy way to
connect with everybody
Nexus unfollowers these are people who
are not following me anymore so I will
just quickly look at who is not
following me back anymore
and I will unfollow them
next is Google+ and I just take a quick
look at what’s happening on Google+ and
I’ll try to usually just comment on the
first one that I see either this or this
I’ll leave a comment on just to say
great video good post if I like it
just an easy quick way to stay in touch
I do a small business champion of the
day and I find this super helpful I
combine this with my HootSuite one of
the things I found on Twitter was I
couldn’t remember who our last responded
to or not so if I look at my mentions
you know who did I last respond to where
do I leave off because they only check
Twitter once a day I don’t have time to
stay on Twitter all day long and so who
did I last respond to I don’t want to go
back to my stance and try to find it so
what I do every day is I post an Evan
Carmichael small business champion of
the day and whoever it is and this is
randomly generated from people who I
like their stuff I respect what the
doing in the Entrepreneurship community
and then I post it and then I know that
everything after that post is new stuff
so for example this is what I posted
this morning at eight ten in the morning
so now I know I have to go to go through
all of these tweets that mention me
until I get to the next one by me so I
go all the way through this is what I
responded to this morning lots of these
tweets from here they have a chemical
small business champion today these are
my mentions and I make sure to mention
myself so it’ll show up in the stream so
then tomorrow I’ll do a new one
and I know I have to go through all of
these new ones until I get to here and
this is the easiest way I found to track
what I’m doing on Twitter and not have
it monopolize my life next is LinkedIn
just quickly check my messages I don’t
spend a lot of time on LinkedIn but like
you to get back to people who do inbox
me so that’s empty because I cleared it
this morning Klout cloud sometimes has
some interesting content around
entrepreneurship so you should take a
quick look at it to see if they have any
what’s happening here
Oh Klout what kind of experience is this
this is terrible
charming date okay well I might have to
remove Klout let’s try that one more
clouds fail sign in with Twitter it’s
going to work this time there we go that
was messed up so Klout gives me ideas
for content and I usually don’t do
anything with it I just like looking at
it to see if there’s something
interesting in the entrepreneurial world
so they have tags I use entrepreneurship
and small business and it shows me
related content that I can pull up there
articles and so sometimes are some
interesting things I don’t know if
anything would be pulling out for this
I haven’t looked at it and actually post
anything for a while but it’s cool to
see what kind of content is coming out
that entrepreneurs are talking about you
got to see on top of your market Amazon
these are deals of the day and just
quickly look I’m curious to see what’s
happening on Amazon I got Amazon Prime
so I get free two-day shipping and just
see what’s interesting every now and
then I’ll make a purchase but quick
quick browsing to see what’s there
I love Kickstarter and I love Toronto
and City so I look at Kickstarter
Toronto every day to see what projects I
backed a couple I have connected with
the entrepreneurs for a few and and
partnered with them and given them
exposure so I like seeing what Toronto
entrepreneurs are up to and is any way
that I can help or I find it interesting
so a quick look at that there aren’t
that many that come out every day so
it’s pretty quick to go through Google
Play I look at the top free apps on
Android and this is just to get a sense
of what people are looking at and what
apps are popular and you know what I’m
missing out on and I’m not a huge mobile
user I don’t have a data plan I don’t
have a phone number although I have a
cell phone I use it more more like an
iPad I guess but I like to see what apps
are out there what’s popular what’s
trending just to stay current it’s just
a quick glance then I go to my YouTube
comments and this this is the heart this
is what I love this is this is the fuel
for me and see what people are talking
about and writing about and and I
respond I respond that like you can see
here are comments and I’m responding to
basically everybody who who writes a
comment it’s it’s what I love doing
every single day and and kind of gives
me that energy to keep going so thank
you guys so much you can see this is
still just from a day ago I get so many
comments and it’s Christmas Eve so this
is actually slow it’s usually crazy
crazy crazy busy but it’s still just one
day ago as we scroll down down down down
down down so yeah I mean the heart of
what I do and you want to have those
little wise to help keep you motivated
every day and then this is product hunt
and product hunt is what people put up
to share and kind of new ideas that are
on the web that can help businesses grow
usually miss today and go the day before
to see what the most popular one was so
command-line radio for geeks easy way to
keep up with industry news and
inspiration expand your knowledge
universe in five minutes a day free
ebook yeah I see what’s popular so these
are all uploaded so this is the most
popular one it is it is skewed towards
geeks trending technology that kind of
stuff but I like it and every now and
then I find some cool sites that I can
either use myself or share with friends
and the last one is the newest one
famebit and this is a way for people who
are on YouTube to collaborate with each
other and so I’ve collaborated with a
whole bunch of people right now it’s
mostly the people on here are mostly in
kind of makeup Beauty space but there’s
a few that aren’t and I’ve reached up to
them some reach out to me and basically
that trying to find ways to collaborate
if you think about musicians you know
it’s common to be on each other’s albums
and record songs together so youtubers
are starting to do that too where you
know I’ll be on your channel if you’re
on my channel we’ll be on the same video
together this one is an example it’s a
channel with 196 six thousand
subscribers and she wanted to do a
mash-up of a bunch of YouTube people
sharing one minute of why YouTube has
changed their life and so I recorded a
quick one minute
for her and that’s going to go up on on
her channel and so just a great way to
check in to see what new youtubers are
out there looking for collaborations to
work together so those are the 18 sites
that I look at every single day to fuel
me and help my business grow I’d love to
hear what are the must-have sites that
you need to check out every single day
leave them in the comments below maybe
I’ll discover something new I haven’t
heard of below let that come and fly let
let that inspire other entrepreneurs to
go check it out too if you guys like
this video you want to see more
subscribe to the channel thank you so
much for watching and I’ll see you soon
if you want to see more great content to
keep you inspired motivated and
believing check out my newsletter in the
link below
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