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Monster Crocs | National Geographic

make that six meters boy I don’t think
here we go I mean this is the perfect
example every single time we’re here we
have what a 2030 minute maybe one hour
argument over the size of these animals
yep if I say it’s a 5 meter croc he says
no no it’s a 4 meter
oh oh I mean that’s why I’m so curious
to put the laser cam to the test I spot
a huge croc and it’s far enough out of
the water for me to get a measurement
I shine lasers exactly one foot apart
onto the croc I then take a picture of
the crocodile dots and all then I load
the picture into my computer based on
the foot wide scale I’ve projected onto
its hide the software calculates the
croc size the verdict 16 feet 1 inch not
the giant I’m after but it’s a chance to
test the laser Cam’s accuracy that is if
I can catch
alright here’s the plan since we’re
right on top of the crocodiles we’re
gonna lower a rope straight down with it
with a noose we’re gonna put a piece of
chicken on the end of the snare we’re
going to try to maneuver that noose over
the head of the crocodile tighten it up
then throw the rope down to someone on
the beach which will hold on to it until
we can get down there and fight the
animal it’s Lewis who heads down to the
Riverside where one and I will join her
once we’ve snared the crop will pull it
ashore put a tape measure on it
gather some scientific data let the
animal go
I swing the baited lure as close as I
can to the Crocs now we don’t have him
know it oh we don’t have him go Edom
he missed the snare the snares not on us
on his job but it’s stolen our chicken
Crocs don’t get to be 16 feet unless
they’re savvy we tie on another piece
and try again
okay all right we got it we got him
around both the upper and the lower
snout it’s not as good it’s just the
upper snout but it’ll work all right
make sure nobody’s tangled in this row
okay one can you throw the rope
take up the slack
loose calls us all yeah the big croc has
outsmarted us again you know when you’ve
got a very powerful tail pulling a
one-ton body in the opposite direction
sometimes you can pull that snare off
and that’s what happened we won’t have
many opportunities before the croc gets
suspicious hopefully we’ll get it this
time it’s okay
I get the news around its jaws I’m gonna
tighten one okay
throw the rope one throw it hurry it’s
up to lose to hold the crotch until we
get down to hell but it’s pulling her
into the river she calls my cameraman
Brian over help me but I um help me
man we’re just in time
I add a second road but the croc just
fights even harder there’s no way we’ll
get this mammoth out of the water I
cover its eyes to calm
that is a monster that is a monster croc
this may be the biggest I’ve ever
but this close to the water we’re taking
a big risk other crocodiles have come to
check out the commotion and we’re well
within their striking distance watch out
behind us we got a big croc moving in
right behind us I hope we come out of
this one in one piece
all right
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