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Bear Attack | National Geographic

on Kodiak no human has been killed by a
bear in 70 years Ned
Rasmussen and his friends have hunted
together without incident for 15 years
you ganic island is one of their
favorite spots
as usual they have come here by air and
arranged to be flown out again in a few
days time and as in years past they
start out together and then gradually
split up this allows them to cover more
ground and flush out more deer around
noon a single shot rings out I think it
was about 12:30 I heard a shot from up
on the mountain so I figured Ned had
shot a deer I looked up and I could see
Ned up on the side of the mountain and I
tried to wave to him I don’t think he
ever saw me though
later that afternoon Phil Burnie here’s
another shot we heard a shot and I
remember looking at my watch it was 405
in the afternoon and we thought net had
shot another deer only later would Phil
learn the true and terrifying meaning of
that second shot
that night
Ned Rasmussen failed to return to the
hunting cabin the party had a
long-standing 15-year pact in an
emergency situation one of them would
fire three warning shots in a row
the team expected Ned to fire back in
response signaling that he was alright
so I shot my rifle twice three times
each and we didn’t hear any answering
shot I remember John and I were standing
outside the cabin when I did that and we
both kind of had the same reaction this
isn’t good
we’re not hearing his voice we’re not
hearing a shot we’re not seeing any
light up on the side of the mountain or
something and I had the feeling that was
something was really wrong
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