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Killer Gator | National Geographic

almost 90% of all alligators die in
their first two years of life falling
prey to of the Predators including their
but normally they don’t prey on humans
so why would an alligator attack a woman
yo Vee Jimenez is fatal encounter
is the first ever by an alligator in the
Fort Lauderdale area the attacks shocked
the community only 17 people have been
killed by alligators in the last half
but before authorities can make sense of
the attack
another incident
this time just north of Tampa Bay Fred
ferderbar lives on the bank of a small
suburban canal my wife saw what appeared
to be a pair of pants floating in the
water right out of her kitchen window
about one o’clock on Saturday I didn’t
think anything of it but the next
morning on Mother’s Day an unsettling
discovery was moments away my wife was
still sleeping and so were the kids I
went to the street to get the paper and
Bailey the dog that I’m watching bolted
to the backyard as a whole better to
make sure he’s okay so I ran to the
backyard the dog had led Fred back to
the canal
and I looked at it I said well that
looks like a pair a pants floating in
the water and then just something
that’s not what it appears to be so I
ran up to the house and I’m screaming at
my wife get up get up get up there’s
something in the pond I think it’s a
body she put the gun up and ran down the
thing and she said oh no those are the
pants I saw by those trees oh and then
they’re her sneaker kind of just raised
about water
that’s it all man that’s not that’s
somebody’s body
how did this person end up and Fred for
der burrs backyard Canal authorities
determined the body belongs to 43 year
old Judy Cooper
like yo Vee Jimenez severe bite marks to
Judy’s remains also show that an
alligator was involved
incredibly two women seem to have fallen
victim to alligators just within days of
each other
the odds are astonishing lethal attacks
are extremely rare but then on the same
day a third victim
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