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Big Cats | National Geographic

the Amazon jungle
the mysterious Jaguar is rarely seen but
this covert cat takes its mission
like many stocking predators the Jaguars
and opportunists and a mature deer is a
great opportunity each delicate step
gets implosive to his meal but not this
the Jaguar the biggest cat in the
Americas actually likes one they have
strong muscular bodies and make good
swimmers often found near the water’s
edge the Jaguar is a patient hunter and
will spend the time required to catch
its meal
using its sharp claws this Jaguar is
rewarded with an armored catfish for the
Jaguar there may be only one thing as
challenging as finding food and that’s
finding a mate the jungle playing field
is huge and the prospects bar this
female Jaguar uses its unique roar to
call out to a potential mate but the
sound only carries a few hundred yards
scent is another mating call it defines
her boundaries and also lets suitors
know she is receptive a male Jaguar has
found his way into her territory they
will made up to a hundred times a day
the pair will stay together for two or
three days but the male will be long
gone when the Cubs are born in three
months while the Jaguar may be king of
the Amazon jungle in another part of the
world the throne of the big cat belongs
to a feline adorned with different
stripes the tiger
the biggest cat in the world right the
Jaguar the tiger seems to enjoy water in
tropical climates they can frequently be
found lying in water to cool down except
for a mother and her Cubs Tigers live
alone the average litter is 2 to 3 and
these two adolescents still live with
their mother they’ll stay with her for
about two years until they’re ready to
hunt on their own then they’ll make
their way into the jungle to carve out
their own territory a tiger may have to
travel up to 20 miles a day to find food
unlike most lines the tiger hunts alone
after a kill the tiger will drag the
carcass to a secluded spot to eat its
fill sometimes up to 40 pounds in a
single day the smallest tiger on earth
is the cemaat Rijn as the name suggests
this Tigers found only on the Indonesian
island of Sumatra and it has the darkest
coloring of any tiger but predator has
become prey the Sumatran tiger is
critically endangered with some
estimates putting less than 500 in the
wild poaching and habitat destruction
threaten all the Asian tiger populations
but for now the tiger remains the top
cat of the East if the tiger represents
the east its the solitary mountain lion
that represents the West
from Alaska to Argentina from the east
to the west coast the mountain lion
roams no other feline ranges so far in
the Americas
it’s a cat of many territories and
titles known as cougar puma and even
panther these are elusive cats except
when it’s time to breed
mountain lions give birth throughout the
females can have litters of up to six
kittens but the average is usually just
two or three the kittens will stay with
their mother for about 18 months
this big cat can see in color and was
designed to be an excellent hunter they
start then pounce on their prey
delivering a neck breaking bite their
success has allowed them to thrive for
thousands of years but today their
numbers are threatened
the Jaguar the tiger and the mountain
lion these three impressive predators
are in jeopardy because of habitat
destruction and hunting
but these breathtaking beauties are
worth saving through conservation in
education there is hope for these big
cats of the wild
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