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Ice Cube | The ’90s: Interview Outtakes

to me gangsta rap was the answer it was
the answer to to not be shackled by
silence you know poverty grab music cuz
was just the voice of youth we’ll see
the establishment coining the phrase
gangsta rap he started out we call it a
reality rap and it was reality rap to us
and the media kind of coined gangsta rap
and he just was so catchy that everybody
ran with it so you know it was just
ended up being the name adopted to the
music but when we first started out it
was reality rap and we didn’t think
everybody was gonna start doing it we
thought it was so underground and it was
so real that only a few would want to
touch it this music was born and bred in
America you know just like jazz hey god
bless america you know that’s what
America is all about
glorifying you know everything you know
that we’re going through it’s sexist
violence it’s you know disrespect all
through our neighborhoods and so to have
artists coming out those neighborhoods
we won’t have what you have is a mirror
what you have is a reflection of some of
the things that we went through
it’s not only that you know it’s very
creative you know it’s also a way for
kids to do something positive you know
it’s also a way to release it’s a
therapy in a way to be able to speak
about it and not have to do it or to be
able to talk about what you went through
you know it’s it’s it’s all those things
you know wrap into a four-minute champ
with music and beats
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