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Exorcising the Devil | Explorer

no other Bible contains a devil’s
portrait and demonic conjurations in the
Codex they’re side by side was the
writer performing a kind of self
exorcism medieval exorcisms and
conjurations were often terrifying
physical restraints fevered prayers
haunting incantations clergy and victim
battled over the soul of the possessed
often conjuration spells weren’t like
preventive medicine driving out demons
before they took hold to scholars
looking to identify the Codex is true
author such volatile content offers
valuable clues codex gigas page 290
conjuration cures for dangerous illness
to perform the codex’s ritual spell the
priest stands over the sick disciple he
makes signs of the Cross he dares to
address evil by name calling out Latin
demons he bellows stories of Jesus the
angels and disciples he orders evil
temptation to leave the afflicted
servant of God he prays for the damned
he to be redeemed
deciphering the Codex
today the conjurations seem to support
the theory of a lone scribe a single
monk atoning for his sins penning the
most ambitious book of his time but the
question remains how could such an
eerily flawless manuscript exist
what kind of extraordinary scribe could
have done it or did some scribe cabal
band together determined to pass as one
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