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Makeup Tips – The 5 Minute Face

I am looking watchmojo today we’re here
with makeup artist alley and she’s going
to show us how to do the five-minute
face so I’m going to introduce a
five-minute face it’s for all you busy
women who don’t have time in the morning
what we’re going to start with first is
a liquid foundation also I like who
makes my foundation with a moisturizer
just going to dab it on and was a sponge
I’m going to blend it right into the
skin next you’re going to conceal just
the lower red spots that the foundation
didn’t hide a concealer with green will
cover redness and with the sponge blend
it into your foundation now a lot of
people try to cover those bags under the
eyes with a lot of foundation a lot of
concealer what I like to do is just use
a translucent powder put it under the
eyes instead of trying to hide it add a
lighter color with the eyes you can
either go for a mat or a champagne color
highlight and you want to put that right
under the brow bone and right near the
tear ducts in the corner of the eyes for
fun i’m going to use the champagne color
under the brow and the corner the tear
ducts and right above the cheekbone so
when you turn in the light you’ve got
this iridescent glow to your skin when
choosing a blush picture yourself
working out after work out you got those
rosy cheeks so smile and right in the
apples of the cheek
we’ll just blend that in a nice peachy
rosy color so for the lips I love this
by Mac lip conditioner Mac also has a
line of tinted lip moisturizers if you
just want to add a little bit of color
to your lips could add a little bit of
mascara too and you’re ready to go and
you look beautiful
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