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DIY – The Compassion Game | Brain Games

take a look at this image a little girl
broken arm
do you feel compassionate towards her I
bet you do now I want you to take a look
at this image do you feel compassionate
towards him well clearly he’s distraught
maybe he got fired or a deal fell
through but I bet it was a lot harder to
feel compassionate towards him don’t you
find it strange that you can actually
easily feel compassion towards one
person and not the other or have you
ever been in really difficult situations
where you actually wish you could have
been more compassionate well it turns
out compassion is like a muscle in the
brain you can train it make it stronger
and made more available in times of need
cutting-edge MRI studies have actually
revealed that a simple visualization
technique can strengthen your compassion
muscle and you can do it right from your
couch without breaking a sweat
let’s give it a try I want you to find a
comfortable seat now close your eyes and
picture an image of yourself you’re
happy smiling well cared for now I want
you to picture someone who you love and
know very well they’re feeling the same
way you’re smiling
happy then picture someone you like but
you don’t know so well perhaps a
neighbor they’re happy smiling and well
cared for now here’s the most important
part of the visualization picture a
total stranger someone you’d see in the
and they’re smiling happy well cared-for
picture everyone in your city your
country or the entire earth as if you’re
an astronaut floating above and you’re
watching down and everyone is happy
smiling and well cared for now you can
open your eyes that’s it one simple
visualization technique to beef up your
compassion muscle studies have showed
that by practicing visualization
techniques like this one just ten
minutes a day three days a week can
increase levels of oxytocin in your
brain oxytocin is a neurochemical
associated with trust
nurturing behavior and of course
compassion another way you can practice
your compassion is by mimicking the
behavior of others this is called a
mirroring effect when you see someone
cry let yourself cry you’re going to
feel more connected and empathy towards
others now that you know how to exercise
compassion teach your friends and family
and make them aware of it’s very real
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