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Capturing the Rugged Lives of Patagonia’s Gauchos

the sky is beautiful here because you
have all these clouds but that means
that the light is changing constantly we
are in Patagonia in southern Chile for
the roughing a loop of Gauchos hunting
wild bulls it’s so difficult for them to
keep them in a frenzied area so after
years and even generations they go out
into the wild and they are very
difficult to catch suddenly you see the
dog yeah
running away then it’s when you have to
really catch her and be careful because
you can make a mistake
well specially in your horse this narrow
part is in this clip and they really
freaked out with that and since we’re
carrying 22 horses trying to take photos
doing this is just it was almost
impossible I had to put their Robin
under my arm and try to take a picture
all these muddy places you cannot stop
to take photos of them going through the
guy in front of you is going through the
mud then it’s your turn and there is no
room for you to stop if you stop in
front of the horse then can run over you
Excel five six times and photos the
even in Soho extremely dangerous even
after they are tithe if you are meters
away it can be right over you and just
there are two challenges here one is to
survive the balls the other one is power
I usually add it every day when I’m on
assignment so I get to understand what I
am getting and what I missing just to
make sure that everything is it’s okay
in the camera just to see the pictures
that they are fine that there is no dust
inside to make sure that I’m getting the
photos there are really tough table but
they are incredibly nice which is a very
special mixture stack the landscape here
in Patagonia
it is very beautiful that is a very tiny
place living
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