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How to PRIME Your Brain to Become Your Greatest Version in About 3 Minutes

peace infinite waters diving deep once
once upon a time you said it not me
can I get a hello there how to prime
your brain to become your greatest
version in about three minutes
what is priming this is the exposure to
something which influences our behavior
later on without us being aware of the
guiding influence so we are subliminally
programming ourselves 24/7 and we don’t
even know it
the Sun is beautiful right think of a
flower right now maybe a daffodil now I
want you to think of a fruit banana now
all of these three things are yellow and
that’s how priming works we put things
into categories based on their
similarity look at this picture now fill
in the missing letters you’re probably
thinking soup now look at this picture
and fill in the missing letters you’re
probably thinking hmm
soap because we have inside of our skull
this massive supercomputer with a
hundred billion neurons and the part of
the brain that deals with the processing
is the visual cortex so we are taking in
information from our environment which
we are not aware of and we are
processing it as supersonic speeds
this is influencing our thoughts
feelings and behaviors without us even
knowing and where did this all start you
had the great psychologists and
psychiatrists mayor in 1971 who did
experiments on priming semantic priming
lexical decision-making where he would
present a word like doctor and think of
something closely related to that you
might put nurse instead of chair because
it’s once again associations and he
found that people had a faster response
time to words that were related as
opposed to words that were unrelated so
let me share with you about seven
secrets secret ways I pry my brain every
single day to help me become my greatest
version number one take a look into your
room go and walk around if you can get
around take the laundry from the floor
first now what I love to do is to put
things inside my room which remind me to
become my greatest version so for
instance I love having my guitar around
me because it is triggering my
subconscious mind it is helping me
remind myself I should plan I should
practice I also have pictures of sacred
geometry all around my room which remind
me of how everything is connected if you
have a clean tidy room this is priming
your brain
to be organized for your behavior to be
more orderly that’s nice right the Fung
Shui of our room just how our room is
arranged can influence our behavior in a
positive way the fresh smell of lavender
can prime our brain to feel wonderful
about ourselves thus giving us more
confidence helping us act in a more
empowering way every single day so there
is positive priming and there is also
negative priming if we are watching new
stories which just promote fear this
also affects how we feel and behave
number two is all about changing your
name now this is a great way to start
what do they call you my name is John
Ralph but what meaning does it have so
when I started to tap into this secret I
saw myself more as a symbol rather than
a name infinite waters wonderful because
it reminds me that we have to reconnect
back to the elements of who we are but I
found so much strength you can call
yourself the professor the architect a
warrior queen and you’re going to see
that you are going to feel more
empowered because it’s influencing you
on the subconscious level
number three is getting other people to
help Prime you when they call out your
name the company we surround ourselves
with influence our behavior
at a subconscious level if you have
friends who remind you who you are you
are priming your brain because they are
showing you what you are capable of
they are reminding you why you came here
on planet Earth that’s the positive
priming but if you are around friends
which don’t respect you the priming
effect now you don’t respect yourself so
be aware of the company that you keep
number four is what I call body art
whether you have bracelets amulets
necklaces chains tattoos I love seeing
people with tattoos with powerful
maybe it’s the symbol of life the Tree
of Life
maybe it’s the aura borås maybe it’s
the caduceus but all of these ancient
symbols Prime our brain to remind
ourselves of the masculine and the
feminine principles at work that they
are all connected it could be the
infinity symbol look right here right
here so every time I move my hand around
I am subconsciously and subliminally
programming myself to see that I am
Infinium so it is wonderful to see that
I had a good friend who on her arm she
has this too will pass and we were
having a great conversation I wanted it
to go on forever but it does wonders
number five is by seeing easy ways to
prime ourselves so for instance I love
buying the most expensive food I can
afford wonderful plant-based foods
blueberries dates because this makes me
feel so good so we can prime our brains
through food for inner excellence also
you can look at do you have the best pen
to write with because if you are writing
with a really high-tech expensive pen
like a parker now you are stepping into
that role of the professor so as simple
things like that do you need a new
computer get it because once again every
time you are using it you are
subliminally programming yourself that
you are worthy for greatness
number six is all about our environment
now a lot of people say I can’t leave I
say I can leave why because I practice
radical action every single day and the
environment we surround ourselves in
most often I’ve seen is what we end up
becoming and this is what’s helped me
along my journey I love being around
nature even if I’m in the city right now
I’m near the beach I go into nature
every single day because I want to
associate myself with that so when I go
to sleep I have wonderful dreams of
waves and green trees and things like
that and it does wonders the great
psychologist Amy Cuddy talks about how
our body language shapes who we are
you’re in front of the computer you
hunched over that’s a low power pose a
high power pose would be where you are
standing full of confidence and that is
a positive way to prime yourself every
day for more confidence to realize you
are worthy studies show this not only
raises our testosterone levels but
reduces our cortisol levels which means
less stress and this is what I do every
single day and it puts a smile on my
and number seven is to ask ourselves are
we doing what we love
once we attribute value to things that
matter our life changes and I’ve seen
one of the easiest but most effective
ways to prime your brain is to make sure
your job
reminds you who you are I am a
psychologist a criminologist I’m helping
people every single day become their
greatest version so at the same time I’m
priming my brain
I am subconsciously reprogramming my DNA
every single day because I’m working in
the field I love and it’s changing my
DNA for the better and also you can use
music I love bossa nova music to help
pry my brain especially if you have
music in the background some smooth jazz
but whatever your preference it could
even be heavy metal but the question is
how does it work for me because for
instance binaural beats are fantastic
because they are recorded in a 3d
environment like 3d speaker in each ear
so you’re getting that surround sound so
when you’re listening to binaural beats
it is reawakening the most authentic
part of yourself I love the 4 3 2 Hertz
frequency you’ve also got 5 to 8 Hertz
but I love smooth jazz a lot because it
Prime’s my brain to keep calm under
pressure as opposed to listening to a
lot of fast-paced music which is going
to create a lot of disharmony but at the
same time sometimes I listen to that too
because sometimes you just need a energy
boost and it Prime’s your brain for that
so there you have it that is how I pry
my brain to become my greatest version
all around us we are being influenced
manipulated and we have to become aware
sometimes you might wake up with a song
singing ear where did that come from
because it was embedded into your
subconscious mind without you even
so in reprogramming the subconscious
mind I’ve seen we have to start becoming
aware of how we can consciously prime
our brain for greatness we are here
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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