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Building the Hawaii Super Ferry | National Geographic

the fairy must prove its speed and
stability on the high seas passed the
test and it could bring Hawaiians closer
together than ever
but if it fails $200,000,000 will be
down the drain
the team has a monumental job and a
tight schedule in just eight weeks they
have to complete a twin hull structure
300 feet long and as big as a city block
workmen have built 40 separate modules
and are now piecing them together the
catamaran design will reduce drag
through the water most boats have one
wide hull to stay balanced but more
surface area means greater resistance
against the water a catamaran gets its
balance from having two hauls so each
one can be razor fine to slice through
the water with ease
today the team must install the forward
section of the left halt it’s as large
as a motor home the biggest catamaran
bow they’ve ever built
they’ll need a light touch
three cranes gently positioned the bow
now workers line it up carefully
any gaps between the bow and the rest of
the hall will become catastrophic leaks
when the ferry hits water
the first bow goes in
but it will lead months until they know
of the seals watertight
barges take a full day to cross the 160
miles from Maui to a waffle the
Superferry promises to make the same
trip in just three hours
there’s only one way to get this 1,400
tons vessel going fast enough meet the
most powerful high speed diesel engine
in the world this 20 cylinder powerhouse
packs more punch than 100 cars to reach
full speed the Superferry will need 4 of
them for a total of 44 thousand
horsepower each one weighs a whopping 50
tons but that’s still 5 times lighter
than a steel ship’s engine
if these new engines perform is promised
not only will the Superferry be fast
enough to appeal to air travelers the
ferry will be more fuel efficient
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