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“Your MONEY is LAZY, Get it to WORK for You!” | Grant Cardone

your money is lazy if your money was
employees you would fire your money hate
your life so much that that the thing
that that where you go every day is a
solution to getting the life you want
you will not change your life until you
change the people in your life need
motivation watch the top 10 with believe
what’s that belief nation it seven I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and join
today’s lessons from a man who went from
coming out of a drug rehab center at age
twenty five to five years later becoming
a millionaire in today
owning over half a billion dollars in
real estate he’s Grant Cardone and
here’s my take on his top ten rules to
success volume 14 joy also if you want
to know a grant and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is the
description below you have to go build
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one get your money to work you don’t
have more money folks because nice not
it’s not because you don’t work it’s not
because you’re not a good person it’s
not because you overspend it’s not
because you’ve got too much debt it’s
not because you don’t bust your ass it’s
because your money doesn’t bust its ass
your money is lazy if your money was
employees you would fire your money so
here’s the rules okay
number one the the money the extra money
should go into something that gives you
money you want your money to have babies
the Golden Goose is no law no longer
good if she doesn’t have eggs the only
thing that makes the Golden Goose
valuable is the fact that the Golden
Goose lays eggs lays eggs so if you just
study the wealthiest families in the
world not just in America in the world
over long periods of time look at the
Queen the Queen of England this much
property and one of the richest families
in the world why they get cash flow
every month from India from England from
Ireland from all over the world Wow the
princes in Saudi Arabia so wealthy
because they have constant inflow of
money coming from the land that produces
the oil the oil comes out of the land
and produces cash flow the railroads the
railroads back in the day would they do
they got all this land together and then
they rented that land out to everybody
around it why do all the teachers credit
unions take all the money from all the
teachers around America and then they
start investing in real estate that
produces cash flow so they can
distribute back to their members I’m
always going to come back to this one
story look real assets that produce real
cash flow every month when it pays you
every month and you’re getting reminded
every month I got a check I got a little
hundred dollar check I got a two hundred
dollar check this month I got a thirteen
thousand dollar check today from one of
my properties every month I get a check
for thirteen grand from that property
it’s one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars a year it didn’t start like that
it used to be like 1,300 bucks 1300 then
it was 26
then it was 5,000 next thing you know
it’s 13 grand that’s one property
pays me every month property just sits
okay just sits there it might not even
change in value just sits there and
produces cash flow anything that
produced this cash flow will be worth
more money tomorrow
that’s why Netflix is valuable why
because people pay a lot of cash into
Netflix and even if Netflix loses money
today some company will find Netflix
desirable for one reason cash flow is
king rule number two pay the price
before you start getting out oh god this
is stupid
these cars
that you’re seeing people by I think 50
cent got six seven two Christmases now I
got my wife of Cullinan and I got myself
this this is ridiculous you don’t need
to go out buy these cars okay this is
without a doubt complete waste of money
and unlike unlike some of the people
that are out buying because there’s a
lot of young kids right now thinking oh
I’m gonna go buy a Lambo I’m gonna get a
Ferrari I’m gonna go buy me a rose I’ve
watched a twenty four-year-old kid by
Rolls Royce I’m like man I don’t even
look good on you even if you can’t
afford what you see right here is
completely ridiculous but years 35 years
of hard work not just hard work but
making good decisions and putting the
money away putting the money away and
not doing this kind of stuff put all
this stuff off don’t do this right now
okay pay the price right now work hard
get great at your job get great at
whatever you do so good that people are
like man you’re the best well who are
you what do you want they start asking
questions about wow what makes you so
unique then you’re gonna start getting
paid more there’s no way on this planet
that if people don’t if people start
talking about how exceptionally you are
you will get paid more at some point
when you do take that money and invested
in something where you can’t lose it
where it pays you every month and one
day in the future it’ll be worth more
than it is today do that for years it
might take 10 years 15 years 20 years
I’m just starting to enjoying my life a
lot of hard work man rule number three
have a strong why you can’t stay
connected to the Y I don’t mean why am I
doing this but you got to dig down the
why behind the why behind the why right
why do I want to lose weight why do I
want to be in better shape why cause it
because it cuz it’s gonna make me
healthy but why do you want to be
healthy why did I start investing in
real estate and by the way why did I
start making more money so I could have
more money to invest in real estate why
do you want to make more money so you
can have more money to invest in real
estate why oh because I want to spend
more time with my kids man because I
want to be on a vacation with my kids
and not worry about what we’re doing I
want to be able to go to sleep or go
travel or do whatever I want and I got
money coming in and I want to
CAIR my parents in my church and my
charity I want to take care of stuff
after I died that’s why I invest in real
estate the why behind the why behind the
while rule number four hate your life if
I was 20 years old again no more
drinking no more drug gun no more
weekends until I get my money right
just like job sales second thing I would
do is this I would invest my extra time
not my money my extra time I would
invest learning about real estate
without a doubt if I would have been
doing this at 20 years old I’d be worth
over a billion dollars today all I had
to do was focus different what I did was
I got caught up in this first job and I
started thinking about how good I was
doing one day looked up I was 35 years
old 33 years old actually and my uncle
says you need to start paying attention
to your money to money working he said
it to me one time man one piece of
advice I got from uncle he’s like you
need to start paying attention you need
to get your money work and I’m like okay
thanks you need to hate your life you
guys don’t need to like I’m good I’m all
happy I’m good I’m living the dream you
need to get so disgusted I told you this
eight years ago get so disgusted with
your life get so freakin like you hate
your life so much that that the thing
that that where you go every day is a
solution to getting the life you want
rule number five have a champions
mindset people keep asking me do how do
you keep your freaking mojo going like
it’s like it’s like you got more energy
I said well it’s a beautiful having a
beautiful wife thank you handsome women
women when it’s just call a spade a
thing women are the super motivators of
the universe this is my muse right Oh
in addition to the muse though okay okay
it’s a new me this year folks rally in
addition to the muse you guys got to
have a pull you need to have a pull
you’re like man why how do you stay so
how do you guys stay so motivated it’s
the pull it’s not the push me and Tim
Grover will talk about this Jordan wins
a ring and he’s like okay
know what everybody else is out you know
drinking champagne but this the true
champions are like what’s the next thing
what’s the next move what do we do next
like they need the next thing to keep
going what am I ever gonna be satisfied
you need you’re never gonna be satisfied
and if you are by the way by the way if
you are satisfied you quit mm-hmm you
put you put your sword down quit fight
play it makes me more hungry yeah
rule number six commit fully the speed
at which you commit determines your
velocity how fast I can commit to
something will determine how fast I can
move into that thing and how much power
I have okay
the speed at which you commit the longer
you take to commit to something the less
impact its gonna have on your community
on yourself on your life on your money
your finances I don’t care if it’s rehab
in your kitchen buying a house and
making an investment in real estate rule
number seven collaborate dude I want to
collaborate with people I don’t want to
compete anywhere I’m done with opticians
so when you think of me you every
day know the patients but these are all
that early sales stuff for me I was in
such a competition mode it was I was
competing with everybody I thought it
was me against everybody and really it’s
just been in the last since we did that
first growth conference and we had other
people onstage and I didn’t do like I
didn’t do anything yeah I was just
introducing people doing interviews and
walking doing doing q today’s budge even
the second even the second one even
russell brunson system why would you why
are you giving up on your stage time to
other people because i want to
collaborate yeah and and but then we
figured that other people don’t really
know how to do it yet like they’re like
hey follow my Instagram I’m like that’s
operation we don’t care about your
Instagram I’m gonna to spent six million
dollars trying to get 30,000 people in a
room yeah right now we care about where
is everybody going for the next through
next year in 2020 rule number eight
change your surroundings your
surroundings have to change okay the
people your network your scenery you
will not change your life until you
change the people in your life if your
friends aren’t changing you ain’t either
rule number nine be on a mission
my daddy abandoned me my sister’s not
gonna like hearing that could see me lay
oh my god he was good to you he died he
left me too soon period
call it whatever you want okay he left
me too soon he left my brother too soon
okay me and my brother went out of dad
man tremendous amount of energy same
kind of like like just imagine me as a
right I’m 10 years old we had a 22 right
foot I’m out shooting everything that
moves cars
anything anything and everything I’m
wild man I’m wild I got all this energy
and I don’t have a dad and I’m angry I
told my mom when I was 16 years old one
day one day I’m gonna be successful one
day one day I’m gonna be successful and
one day I’m gonna help a lot of people
and I said that to her because I wanted
somebody to help me see I’ve always
loved helping people always I am most
happy when I’m helping someone else
nothing to do with money if I can help
somebody not give them something but if
I can actually help somebody to feel
better about themselves to know what to
do in a phone call to know what to do on
a sales call to know how to follow up
their girlfriend or a boyfriend or to
solve some problem in their life or how
to get some money if I can help somebody
know how to do that I know I contributed
to their life and rule number ten the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is have fun I tell you god damn it
I tell you what 2019 are y’all ready for
2019 are y’all ready cuz I’m ready I’m
ready Freddie okay okay look I got a
carry I carry a fire extinguisher me
everywhere I go
I looped it onto my pants cuz my game so
yeah oh yeah put out put out hot oh yeah
now I’ve got a special bonus tip from
grant on how to take action that I
really think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions I’m gonna
move from just watching another video to
taking action in your business or life
and if you’re feeling bold leave your
answers in the comments below here we go
question number one what do you need to
change in your surroundings
number two who can you collaborate with
to grow both of your businesses and
number three what is your strong y-you
know there’s this whole thing about
people read 60 books I could take one
book and read it sixty times if it’s a
good book I don’t abandon that book for
a second book I’m like I’m gonna dig in
now the the free shipping on the books I
get an idea for a real estate look I
should do a real estate book everybody’s
asking me everyday do a real estate bill
but do a real estate book I’m gonna
write a book we write a book on real
estate do I sell the book or do I give
the book away for free why don’t we do
both let’s see who wants to give me 25
bucks in shipping and let’s see who
wants to get it for free and shipping we
did almost 80,000 books in 6 weeks
that’s the most books I’ve ever done
right the whole process took 30 days
idea just monetize we made money on the
book before I had the book in print I
got an idea right here everybody’s got
ideas everybody great the problem is
they don’t they don’t get the money fast
enough the shorter the runway between
the idea and money the more successful
the business is gonna be my first book
had over 600 grammatical errors run-on
sentences prepositions in the wrong
place exclamation marks colons where
there should have been semicolons I had
people like doing it you got you this
books got misspellings on every page I’m
like it’s a best-selling book you know
the guy that told me that never read it
never never wrote a book he’s so busy
reading books and not doing anything by
the way how many books have you not
if you want more grant check at the top
50 rules video I made on him the link is
right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there dude you don’t get attention today
you have absolutely zero chance of being successful money follows attention
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