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Top 10 Saddest Farewells in Anime

parting is such a sweet sorrow
please know
that I love you
for the top ten saddest farewells in
anime before we begin we publish new
content every day so be sure to
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videos for this list we’ll be looking at
the times where anime characters
tearfully went their separate ways
keep in mind we won’t be including any
death scenes but ghosts and spirits
heading off to the great beyond are
still viable for consideration
prepare for fails and spoilers down the
number ten
besties till the end Hunter hunter it
didn’t matter if they were up against
rival hunters the Phantom troop or
chimera ants these two stood by each
other through thick and thin cutes get
enough kiddo ha you know hold on yada
yada with gone being the it’s Hanul
optimist with unfathomable power and
kill one being the oddly cheering Master
Assassin their friendship proved to be
the emotional core of many of the arcs
of this hit shown in demo of course all
things have to come to an end and while
the two of them promise to meet again we
can’t help but get a little choked up
seeing the dynamic duo go their separate
yeah number nine Menma passes on an
Ohana the flower we saw that day we all
knew it was going to happen but that
didn’t make it any less painful when we
had to say goodbye to this adorable
cherub to her old friends confess their
feelings of guilt sorrow and undying
Menma appears before them for the final
time she can at last move on to a better
while it’s a celebratory moment it still
doesn’t change the fact that the whole
cast are left crying their eyes out
while their beloved friend vanishes into
number eight the proposal yuu-yuu
hakusho uske humor she may not be the
most romantic individual on the planets
but even he knows when he’s got a good
thing going here’s your food
enjoy don’t choke on it I enjoy it more
if you sat with me why just because okay
knowing that he may never return from
his journey to the demon world the
spirit detective decides to set the
record straight with his love interest
Keiko not only promising to come back to
her one day but also wondering if she
then let’s get married he’s no Casanova
but considering this is Yusuke we’re
talking about proposing to Keiko like
this is practically sheiks period just
give me a sign that everything’s gonna
be number seven hot chick who G
disappears monogatari second season this
wandering spirit certainly was a handful
with Araki making things way more
complicated with his usual outrageous
however beneath all the hilarity and
groping there was a sincerity to their
relationship to the point where the
thoughts of his suddenly vanishing was
unthinkable don’t know you know hot
squidgy goat I take any wa kimi wa alas
after finally finding her peace hunchy
KU g is all set to move on much to
Iraqis heartbreak oh you good oh you’re
not yeah she was something of a biting
faint but she was also an essential
component in his ever-expanding harem
number six last right now of the digital
world Digimon Adventure you would have
thought that after saving both worlds
from destruction
the digidestined would be entitled to
some downtime kickin it back with their
digital partners alas fate is rarely
that sky
well actually you only have the two
hours because once the portal is closed
it’s closed forever with the portal
between both planes of reality shrinking
the kids are forced to say goodbye to
their beloved friends from there the raw
emotion just gets bigger and bigger as
we see each pairing say their goodbyes
in their own unique way culminating in a
tear-jerking final send-off sure they’d
hop back over next season but as far as
conclusions go this had every 90s kid
number five brotherly bonds Naruto
Shippuden Itachi hasn’t had it easy
forced to kill his own family for the
sake of the village frame himself as a
criminal even dying at the hands of his
vengeful younger brother you would have
thought he could rest in peace after all
that but no it was reincarnated as a
tool of war by kobato this turns out to
be a blessing in disguise as he’s
finally able to reconcile with Sasuke
without having to worry about any
cover-ups I must tell you everything
before I say goodbye and be part for
good passing on the will of the Uchiha
its Angie’s second departure is just as
emotional as the first only no he gets
to say goodbye by confessing just how
much he cares about his sibling no
matter what I will love you always
number four the end of Adam ukyo
considering they spent the entire series
sharing one body it’s fair to say that
Yugi and the spirit of the Pharaoh were
pretty close you taught me anything if
you put your heart into your Jacqui and
do with everything you’ve got
after finally defeating Zork Neko fades
Adam is given one last chance to return
to his own time
but it requires Yugi to best him in a
no-holds-barred duel Yugi big grudgingly
manages to pull it off
much to the dismay of his friends I mean
I feel like we were all just getting to
know you in fact you were just beginning
to get to know yourself and now you’re
being taken away from us after saying
his emotional farewell Aten departs for
the spirit world and is finally granted
the peace he has longed for
number three bye-bye butter free Pokemon
to this day no other departure in this
long-running series has measured up to
thats I’m ash said goodbye to this
particular Pokemon now the pink
Butterfree is doing the courtship dance
for your Butterfree all right good for
you butter free saving as a key member
of the wannabe Pokemon masters original
Butterfree was not only capable in
battle but also the fist Pokemon he ever
caught alas it was not to last after
falling in love with another Butterfree
Ash’s Pokemon decides to part with his
trainer and settle down but not before
he and her share a heartfelt goodbye
I’ll just tell all the other Pokemon
that you’re on a trip and you’ll come
back someday maybe admit it you didn’t
shed a bucket when Ash kicked the bucket
but as soon as you saw that Butterfree
disappear into the sunset you cried your
bloody eyes out number two the going
merry goes away one piece because of
course this show was able to make us cry
over a pirate ship don’t worry we’re
after reaching the end of the line the
straw hats decided it’s time for a new
vessel to take them to the new world but
in the process have to say goodbye to
the ship that’s kept them afloat for so
long it’s no easy task
in fact the Mary’s fate almost ends up
shattering the crew however the straw
hats ultimately designed to leave them
but not before giving it the most
heart-wrenching funeral that his ship
damn you odor how do you keep getting us
like this
number one kanaday leaves limbo angel
beats just when you thought this anime
was gonna give us a happy ending it
decided to twist the knife in one last
time so suddenly dinner tada
cuz anything could have deciding to
spend the rest of his afterlife helping
other spirits find peace
Otonashi seems pretty happy about
staying in limbo just as long as he has
his beloved angel next to him just one
now that canadaís last regret has been
taken care of
she’s due to pass on as well all OH –
nah she can do is hold on to her while
she thanks him for loving her before
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