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Top 10 Punisher Season 2 Easter Eggs and Facts

we weren’t expecting many big crossovers
or direct references to other MCU in
Netflix series but that doesn’t mean
Frank castles latest adventure isn’t
full of winks and nods welcome to honey sure season 2 mmm
so some of this shit you did is it
explained all those scars before we
begin we publish new content every day
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for this list we’ve picked our favorite
and most notable facts from season 2 of
this Netflix Marvel series that a lot of
people might have missed whether they’re
comic book references allusions to
previous Netflix shows or notable
changes to the character himself beware
if you haven’t seen Punisher season 2
yet there may be spoilers ahead number
Billy’s mask how are you doing Billy
face hurts
Punisher season 1 ended with Frank
Castle giving his friend turned enemy
Billy Russo a complete facial makeover
it’s well known by now that this means
Billy’s transformation from Billy into
his persona of longtime Punisher villain
jigsaw is on the horizon however in the
comic books and other appearances by the
character Jake saw his face is way more
messed up than it is in the show
fortunately for purists as a compromise
Billy’s purge mask much more accurately
reflects jigsaws grisly comic book
appearance looks good
number nine speaking of masks I was I
was the best version of myself it flicks
as superhero shows especially Punisher
have never been very subtle and masks
play a huge part in season two both
physically and metaphorically to start
dr. Kristen Dumont’s therapy room has
masks in the background the members of
Billy’s crew all have unique masks
customized to each person and when a
member is killed his mask is retired
even Punisher wears a mask when he
confronts Billy even though he’s openly
declared himself and doesn’t hide behind
a persona
this is just more proof that the masks
aren’t really there to conceal anyone’s
identity they’re to reflect how these
characters want to be seen by others
Billy even tries to abandon his mask to
be more his true self but in the end his
true self and the masks are one in the
same you asked me what face it is I want
the world to see everything that I ever
did wrong written all over it
number eight turks bong shop so far
small-time criminal Turk Barrett has
appeared on every Netflix Marvel series
and his character is always evolving and
changing but is ties to an information
about the criminal underworld always
come in handy I need to find a Russian I
know before you found this straight and
true path you’re on you should sell guns
to the Russian war look like the United
Nations to you at one point in Punisher
season two Punisher sends Turk into a
bad situation and uses the crook as a
double bluff to lure mobsters away from
his real target the fooled mobsters end
up at a bong shop which Turk calls his
place for those of you wondering what
the heck that means it’s a reference to
Turks appearance in the second seasons
of Luke Cage and iron fist where we
learned that Turk has opened a
legitimate business one that Danny
and seems a bit too interested in being
nefarious is good for business hey Luke
I like this one a small number seven one
bad day season two seventh episode sees
both Frank and agent Madani getting more
unhinged and desperate while pursuing
Billy Frank resorts to torture and
Madani contemplates murdering Billy
rather than arresting him why are we
meeting like this why don’t you have
Curtis in some interview room with a
bunch of lackeys around us because you
know what you realize this only ends
with Billy dead both characters are
potentially one bad day away from
becoming the very thing they hate and
while the episode title one bad day is a
direct comic-book quote it’s not a
Marvel comic the line comes from Frank
Miller’s Batman The Killing Joke when
Joker says quote all it takes is one bad
day to reduce the sanest man alive to
lunacy he loved this nod because it
transcends comic book publishers and
it’s rare to see Marvel and DC reference
each other in this case it’s especially
fitting because not only to Frank and
Billy Sheeran origin but most of Billy’s
followers are also soldiers who had one
too many bad days themselves and turned
he’s he’s good did that feel number six
the battle fan Frank castles van might
not be the most iconic superhero ride
ever but for fans of The Punisher the
battle van is an important part of his
arsenal its castles mobile base of
operations allowing him to stay on the
move and still have a place to store
equipment and arm himself the van made
an appearance towards the end of season
1 and makes a comeback at the very
beginning and end of season 2 since
season 2 begins with Frank semi-retired
however the van isn’t armored up and
ready for battle and Frank is just using
number five
Amy Bendix and her other aliases Rachel
or is it Susan no hey or maybe Stephanie
in the comics Amy Bendix is limited to a
four issue story arc where she befriends
Frank Castle and helps him out before
getting kidnapped and ultimately rescued
but on TV Amy is more fleshed out as a
street smart grifter who reluctantly
teams up with Punisher for
self-preservation why are we here
in New York in her place what is she
like your ex or something because this
place looks like it belongs to a serial
killer what’s really interesting is that
while being interrogated by the police
it’s revealed that amy has other aliases
and two of those names match other
characters from The Punisher comic books
specifically Stephanie and Rachel Rachel
Cole is a vigilante who partners with
Punisher to kill bad guys bad guys like
Stephanie Gerard a short-lived Punisher
villain who Rachel personally finishes
off number four many new original
characters it’s not too late to put this
right we can do that you and I so far
almost every major character in the
Netflix Marvel shows has had some sort
of comic book origin or equivalent the
most notable exception to this point is
Sigourney Weaver’s character Alexandra
read from the defenders but now Punisher
season 2 introduces even more major
characters that have no comic book
counterpart the two biggest ones are dr.
Krista Dumont who plays a huge role
throughout this season and the series
new main antagonist john pilgrim you
took your time
you got news for me
you’re the news brother while he may
seem like the type of over-the-top
character that could only have come from
comic books Pilgrim is actually an
original Netflix creation number three
the iconic pose in season two
Punisher completely does away with the
black trenchcoat and rifles akimbo look
in favor of more discreet clothes in
Frank’s reliable m1911 this makes for a
lot more realistic tactical action but
also means we don’t get as much of the
over-the-top schlock that Punisher is
associated with even so we do get this
perfect shot of Jon Bernthal hamming it
up and firing off two guns at once is
this scene dumb and cheesy of course it
is but of all the Netflix shows Punisher
stays away from fanservice as much as
possible so when moments like this do
number two O’Rourke whoa here early
happen to catch the Express record time
during the final episodes of season 2
Punisher is at his most vulnerable and
with a bounty on his head
scumbags come out of every nook and
cranny to take him down one crooked cop
named O’Rourke is after Frank not just
for the bounty but because Castle killed
his cousin who was a member of the Irish
mob that Punishers so violently ended
when he was first introduced way back in
daredevil season 2 anyone crosses us
will paint the streets red with their
blood and when they’re gone we’ll make
your father proud and purge ourselves
are the filthy traitors who betrayed
their own kind and make Hell’s Kitchen
ours again it’s nice to see Netflix
keeping the continuity so tight by
referencing big moments from characters
pasts but what’s even better is this
great moment when a work tells Frank to
does he oblige of course not in the
comic books Castle almost never smiles
so Frank’s refusal to play along is just
No number one Netflix crossovers it’s a
Netflix superhero show there can’t not
be crossovers but with Rosario Dawson’s
Claire temple apparently out of the
picture following her blowout in Luke
Cage season two you really didn’t know
what to expect we already mentioned
Turek who’s a good fit no matter what
show they put him on
and then there’s Brett Mahoney who was a
beat cop when Frank first started
shooting up New York and he gets a great
arc this season but the biggest
crossover character is Karen page
I’m Karen page I work with Nelson and
Murdock Baird mr. castles lawyers of
record okay we know not everyone is her
biggest fan but for those who are it is
great to see her again you know what
else is strict the Bill of Rights
especially the sixth amendment which
establishes a defendant’s right to the
assistance of counsel especially with
the cancellation of daredevil after
season three seeing her month later on
Punisher means we get a little more
closure on her and by extension on Matt
Murdock and foggy Nelson and we know
their legal company Nelson Murdock and
Paige is still going strong what oh he
just wrote all of our names didn’t he
how can you know that because I was
thinking the same okay okay guys I’m not
a lawyer there
with an investigator I’m Way more stable
than Jessica Jones do you agree with our
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