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well some of you read that I think about
when it’s hot outside that it’s sunny
and 70 years
well it’s not today it’s the
reality if it’s about 90 degrees the
husband said humidity who gives a
that being said September 3rd I have my
book turn in and when I realize I’m
reading this book a lot about realize I
wasn’t born this
I made them at the bottom of
insecurities fear self-doubt lies was me
buried in the fetal position
how am I got out of that was recognized
being honest with it being truthful with
it and then fixing it tonight to live on
social media relies about ourselves how
great we are get to the source and fix
educate yourself so the things that we
run from we run it from the truth we
running from the truth man
so the only way I became successful was
going towards the truth as painful and
as brutal as it is it changed me it
allowed me to become in my own right
Who am today I’m at a quarter of a mile
walked home sound the cows depressed I
said man there’s no way I can do this
but what I realized though is I wasn’t
going to give up had already given up a
many times and I thought about how would
I feel at 50 years old if you gave them
enough if I gave up now I’m not to have
you know so I kept all their stuff in my
mind you know basically I started
becoming obsessed I slowly it didn’t
happen that night on the couch right
over a period of time I started becoming
obsessed with studying with weight with
being somebody was making people who
thought was gonna be nothing kind of
like feel like I became obsessed with
you have to make this right in other
thirty miles from home now I often talk
about taking Souls this morning this
person I usually train alone of course
important Robin
I said 5:15 this morning comes their
stores coming in this way and the person
cause I said hey why don’t we do it
taking sold the
I’m gonna run 15 today and I roll
through it getting tomorrow
that’s what taking so it’s about don’t
worry about the elements and what’s
going on you gotta get out there and get
it and that’s taking souls and obviously
he wasn’t the only one I fell upon
taking the day off because the storms
coming in right now and there’s not a
soul out here but me a lot of times I’ll
be the tours in my run or something like
that and I’m all jacked up body’s broken
mines broken spirits broken I started to
say what if I can pull this off when I
first walked into the Navy SEAL
recruiters office he looked at me and
said only been 35 african-americans and
seventy years make it through you know I
said to myself what if I can be the 36th
it’s the what if I can pull off a
miracle what if I can become
someone that no one thinks I can be and
just that just means talking about that
I have the hair growing up on my arms
because it makes me just like what if a
body is Groundhog Day again for David
Goggin if you pan it down here you see
about three o’clock in the morning and
there’s not a car or a person in sight
if you pan over here it’s the same thing
not a car or a person in sight people
want to know where I find my strength
that where I get my strength I get it
from a lot of places but right now this
morning I’m getting it from there’s none
of them that’s up there’s not a car
there’s not a person everybody’s in
their bed sleep dread and that is some
they hate us on Monday and I’m loving it
I’m loving that we’re buyers getting
weaker I’m getting stronger it’s not
about the running the swimming to push
up to sit ups it’s about what those
things do for your mentality you don’t
get better on the daggone couch you get
better by coming out here and getting
after every daggone day I’ve so many
different parts of my life that so many
people resonate with different spots
maybe it’s do a beach party
maybe it’s the bullying part maybe it’s
a learning disability part maybe it’s
the abusive parent part whatever it may
be so many people draw from my story
that started getting these emails and I
was like God man you know I’m a big
believer in something more powerful than
me I don’t know what it is but I’m not
the end-all so I was like I got to start
doing more hmm if I’m touching these
people’s lives
few people hearing that right maybe I
need to go out here and do some more God
put me in a very interesting spot of
life where he made Hell my teacher
he made help my teacher and a lot of
people don’t understand that so I’m
trying to give people a different
thought process of life where failure
hell disappointment discomfort is a
great learning tool and many people
don’t understand that and a lot of
people won’t won’t even understand this
interview we would get done with it but
it’s these few moments in life that you
have like for me I always talk about it
rocky won round 14 that 1/2 minute in 13
second clip of rocky getting up when
Apollo’s knocked him down that one clip
when I was going through a very bad time
of my life I saw what I wanted to be
there wasn’t a guy that won the one that
guy that won everything he did it was a
guy that kept getting up after being
knocked down so I realized if that 2
minutes and 13 seconds changed my life
so I was
I saw something that I needed to be mmm
in the world I was living in maybe my
story will give someone to 2 minutes and
13 seconds they need to change their
life these that people live in a very
comfortable place that’s fine don’t
listen to me a lot of people are looking
for that 2 minutes and 13 seconds mm and
I might be that person and I believe
that we’re all were all teachers we’re
all teachers and if you don’t learn
something and give back we got like what
you learned
yeah what’s the point of living you’re
wasting yeah your ways that you give all
this knowledge of what you learned
something might think you’re crazy
some people may you know may put a title
on you but it’s it’s it is you know if
there’s a few people who are like you
know what I need to hear that let’s talk
about something I don’t talk about
enough hard work or I have the three H’s
humility honesty and hard work so as far
as that goes you be honest with yourself
are you smart
are you not smart are you in good shape
or not in good shape
are you fat whatever you are that you’re
not happy with it takes a lot of hard
work to improve that about yourself for
me I wasn’t smart one of the best
athlete so most people could study for
an hour long study for six and seven
hours for a test to run hundred mile
races and a pudding hunt twenty mile
weeks somebody’s putting 74 the pull-up
record I fell three times at least
67,000 pull-ups in eight nine months and
still filmed that in the day hard work
may not be enough you still may feel
just stay out and when what we don’t do
is we don’t go inside so literally turn
yourself inside out read the book that
says like we’re writing a book every day
for lives every day we’re seeing who we
are as people when I was growing up I I
lied for people to accept me because I
did accept myself so I would make up
stories so then you would accept me into
your world I would uh everything I did
was for someone else to like me it was
until I started reading my own book
about how pathetic I was as human being
I could blame my dad I can blame kids at
school I could blame having health
ATD my mom not being around great mom
but she was doing her thing right I
could blame a lot of people and that’s
the book I was reading and I put it off
on everybody else it was until I say you
know what for me to fix this I get a
read what the hell what the is
wrong with David Goggin not not blame
anybody read my books okay I’m afraid of
my shadow how can I overcome that go
into military get your ass kicked
do things you hate to do it’s something
I invented as you all know your mom has
a cookie jar and sometimes you might
have an Oreo sometimes you might have a
chips of Hawaii sometimes you might have
a OPA raisin cookie you never know just
in there my cookie jar has every single
failure and success of my life sup my
overcame so what happens in this in time
of life when you’re stressed out and
things get bad even the hardest guy in
the world me everybody thinks and I
think I’m the hardest guy in the world
you got to believe that you got believe
you are something I will in my mind
reach into my cookie jar and sometimes
you forget how hard you are in times of
need because you’re you’re stressed but
you forget I’m a Navy SEAL I’m a ranger
I’m this and that but you forget all
that cuz your life sucks I calm down
take that one second get control of my
reaching the cookie jar remind yourself
the ogle I used to be in town I talked
yesterday change yeah looky people
tality that’s work
I hate to say it the best way for me to
get how I feel across I can’t steer and
say you know what I went through hell
week and met it was it was really hard
no that takes your damn soul rips it
inside out and then they say now we’re
going to start it it allows me to
express where I was at at a point of my
life if I won’t give you all of me why
the hell am I here why how will you
learn from me
people take so much offense to me you
will never learn from people if we
always tap-dance around the truth oh god
I love that we tap-dance around the
truth by finding the right words I don’t
hurt you because you have thin skin no
tighten up people it’s okay
trust me thicken your skin become more
of a human being don’t be afraid of the
reflection in the mirror because that’s
all you can be afraid of once you
overcome the reflection in the mirror
you’ve done it
don’t get it twisted
it’s not about flipping tires I’m in Las
Vegas right now and it’s hot as
there’s not about any of that but what
it is about is a lot of us give total
control to life we don’t have any
control of it we just give all control
life I do this every morning to
prepare my mind for what life’s gonna
throw at me a healthy body gives you a
healthy mind that’s what it’s about so
if you go into battle
you’re gonna go in about the right
mindset the right gear and combat you
wear body armor but what we do wrong
it’s really strengthen our minds you
guys train your mind take control of
that so then when you get out in the
real world and they can you up you
got protection the hardest obstacle was
myself I started realizing more and more
and more that all these people were gone
what was haunting me was me I can’t
control all these things but they were
things that kept me down it’s starting
to become my reality my reality was what
they made it out to be and I became the
most important conversation you ever had
with your life you know in your life
isn’t help yourself mm-hmm and my
conversation was absolutely horrifying
what were you saying yourself I’m dumb
I’m nobody my dad I mean my dad was
great in mental warfare a drunk insecure
man hmm
will make everybody around him feel like
hell yeah because he wants to give you
no power and that’s why he was so mean
and my mom and myself and my brother
because he didn’t want anybody to get
above him mm-hmm he want to keep you
down low so when you’re growing up with
all this stuff all this hate and it
wasn’t the beatings I kept the beatings
all day it was a mental torture so when
at a young age your your parents put a
dialogue in you of
confidence or your nobody hmm so that
voice in my head was I’m a loser and
then it was confirmed when I got in
and in third grade I was falling behind
they want to put me in a special school
yeah you know with kids who can’t learn
then was confirmed well you know what my
dad was saying so that confirmed it then
I started cheating so I realize you know
there’s 44 degrees and it’s nice and
rainy outside but no one cares about
that it’s not about the ring before the
rain represents life is always giving
you a test trying to give you a way out
trying to give you your juice not to
show up this is my excuse today but
you gotta have the mentality to show up
every day of your life my wit
life throws at you it’s our
responsibility to soldier the Coliseum
of life prepared for battle
I’ll kill what you’re going through what
life’s thrown at you it’s your
responsibility finds your new hundred
percent take it upon yourself to do that
what power have you found in the
darkness first I will be for answer that
question I want to say everybody listen
to this I’m the happiest man on the
planet Earth so people may take this and
as so many people do we live in a very
weakened Society so when they hear a
throwback guy like me from back in the
ancient days of Garanimals they often
think this guy’s just whatever so if you
think that I’m some unhappy guy you’re
wrong having lived a life I’ve lived in
seeing the other side not being afraid
to attack what was in front of me has
made me happy say that again and in fact
let me make sure I understood it getting
to the point where you’re not afraid to
face the thing on the other side of the
door that wants to attack you has made
you happy right right it’s really
powerful I hope people heard that right
it made me very happy so basically I
just don’t walk around with a daggone
smile my face off so you know Merry
Christmas but but basically what the
dark side is is we all have a cookie jar
and we all have a jar that’s its
official name it’s a jar of Man which
just it’s just ain’t going right and in
hell week what they do in hell week
because this is where I really went to
the dark side we’re doing hell week is
they designed hell week to find your
flaws and they do a really good job of
that it’s 130 hours of continuous
training you may get two hours of sleep
and they beat this data you will find
everything wrong with your mentality and
then they start hell week and that’s the
beauty of it and for me I’m not some not
you know nasty guy giving guy you know I
don’t have a great bit of talent in
anything so what got me through horrible
times was the dark side whereas I
created my name is David Goggins I
created Goggins Goggins is the guy that
can take anything you put in front of
them you want to break my legs so be it
I have a way of going to a place I could
did in that race where all the pain and
suffering that they put on top of me in
hell week I will reverse that pain and
suffering and I will take your soul so
every instructor that put me through
buds my job what drove me was I wanted
you to go home that night after you beat
the living out of me and I smiled
in your face I wanted you to feel worse
than I did and you were going home to a
nice warm bed with your wife or your
kids in a nice meal and I was still out
there in the grip suffering for another
100 hours I want you to think about me
knowing that I’m comfortable being very
uncomfortable and I want you to think
about when you went through hell week
how uncomfortable you were and how bad
you wanted to quit knowing I’m not
thinking that way so the dark side is
something that I’ve designed it’s an
evil place I can go that very few things
can hurt me I used to hurt you’re trying
to put on me I flip it upside down and
use it you try to use it for Kryptonite
know its power pillars for me I’m using
it for strength I just flipped negative
I get one question a lot
when will I ever be satisfied I’m very
happy but I’m not satisfied I’ve
accomplished lot in my life and I’m very
proud of that
but I want to be you know it I run past
a cemetery a lot of hope and I run past
a cemetery
it saddens me because there’s a lot of
people there not because of dead because
a lot of untapped potential a lot of us
die never tap it into our full potential
they don’t often look at wash rags when
I ring them out to hang them up as my
soul and I’ll be satisfied until every
drop of that wash rag which is my soul
is completely growing out so in my life
I won’t be satisfied until everything I
have in me is completely out of me
I was not always this strong guy you see
I went through a lot of hard times in my
life to get here today and a story I’ll
tell you with real quick I tried once to
get in the Air Force to be Air Force
pararescueman and I quit for a fear of
the water I was 175 pounds
I left the Air Force four years later at
300 pounds I went from 175 to 300 pounds
there’s a long story in there on how
that came to be by sat around and read a
book on the Medal of Honor in those guys
all I wanted to be was an uncommon man
in my whole life I was not that much
worse than that I read stories about men
like you doc who had the courage to jump
on grenades and stuff like that so I
came home one day from working at a job
called Ecolab where I spray for
cockroaches made $1,000 a month weighing
300 pounds and I got home and I watch
the show on Discovery Channel of guys
carrying boats and logs maybe still
training and inside to make a change in
my life and I called the recruiter up
and he asked me these questions he had
to be had to meet a certain a like a
certain height in weight limit I was six
foot one and 300 pounds he laughed at me
seven other recruiters laughed at me
one recruiter finally said come on in
I’m too busy to talk to you on the phone
he didn’t know how much I weighed I
walked through the recruiters office and
he looked at me and he said you’re fat
and you’re black got someone to be a
Navy SEAL I didn’t know they’d only been
35 african-american Navy SEALs at that
time in over 70 years he said I
basically had to lose 106 pounds in less
than three months because of my age I
was getting too old
I came back three months later 160
pounds lighter I thank you
and literally I spent 18 months going
through buds which is a six-month
program went through three hell weeks
that is where I went marcus luttrell
Danny Dietz Michael Murphy another Medal
of Honor winner I went through hell week
with all these guys real heroes I am NOT
a hero I served with real heroes and
from there I went on to raise over 2
million dollars for Special Operations
it’s constantly fighting against you
it’s the only thing in the history of
the world that shows up on time
every time he has the tactical advantage
over you it knows your fears and those
insecurities he knows everything about
she might be the only thing in that
world that knows all about you you’re
gonna know about it it’s gonna show up
when you don’t want to show up it’s gets
up at the worst time possible when you
want to be successful it’s gonna say
take the easy road take the easy way out
you gotta learn your brain like the
brain has learned you I came home one
night from work spraying for cockroaches
and long story short I turned on the
Discovery Channel and I saw some guys
going through Navy SEAL training and
they were going through hell week and
they were getting their ass just beat
you know in out of the water
guys ringing the bell there was
suffering and I was waiting like 297
pounds and I had to make a change in my
life you know I was at all-time low and
I wasn’t going anywhere and I was
exactly what everybody said I was going
and grab realize for myself a lot of
Media they try to find your best self
so there’s tricks to all this crap in
life why does one be hate it
what trick in this situation is so I
didn’t want to rob someone I do I figure
out a couple of days yet there’s some
possible let me knock what do you think
that you’re giving into it so I said you
know instead of going for a twenty mile
or so go out for an easy six or seven
what that did to my brain was that okay
me t Aki thought it one so let loose a
little bit and let go with it oh she
gonna suck this could be okay it’s not
too bad the second should get to my on
to guess what happens
greatness pulls mediocrity in the
mud get out there and get after
Marcus is alive and I go on to want to
raise money for families all these guys
die they all had kids I want to raise
money for the Special Operations Warrior
Foundation it’s a foundation where 100%
tuition goes to these kids to go to
college you know a full tuition whatever
so I found this great foundation I’m
gonna raise money for it so I say no
what I have to Google something that’s
that’s evil something very hard I knew
nothing about ultramarathons
I hadn’t even a marathon I knew nothing
about this world so I googled that did
all the top 10 hardest races in the
world and what comes up is about water
135 so hundred thirty-five mile race
through Death Valley in the summer time
I thought it was a stage race I thought
I was a race where you run like 20 miles
set up camp you know
barbecue outside and then go run some
more the next day so I called the race
director up at the race and said hey
Chris and then was Chris Causton I want
to do your race so we had a long
conversation you know I was I was much
heavier then and I had to put running
shoes on over a year I’ll have area at
this point I’m around between 240 to 270
whoa I’m in there I’m in that register
I’ve my weight is buried a lot through
the SEAL Teams and I was so team so I
was a heavy guy but the long and short
of it all was I am put running shoes on
in over a year I was a big-time power
lifter I lifted weights heavy that’s
what I did I just got back home from
Iraq we straight to freefall school and
then this happened
so I called Chris cost me up on a
Wednesday he says look man the only way
you can qualify for my race is to run
100 miles at one time in 24 hours or
less there happened to be a race that
Saturday so four days later and he said
if you qualify by running 200 miles or
less in 24 hours I will consider you my
race I’m gonna cut to the chase I signed
up for this race it’s called the san
diego one day were you running around a
one-mile track for 24 hours – sending
miles you can get my goal was 100 miles
so I got 2 miles 70 and I cleared 70
miles in like 12 13 hours pretty quickly
but I was done
my feet were broken I was stretched
fractured shin splints muscles were
tearing I was in bad shape I was eating
rich crackers and drinking that’s all I
had no water didn’t know what the hell I
was doing out there had on some tube
socks it was just ridiculous it was it
and I can’t stand up can my my blood
pressure’s all messed up
I’ve been in three whole weeks Ranger
school overcome so many obstacles in my
life this last 30 miles of this race is
when I realized a human being is not so
human anymore we have the ability to go
in such a space if you’re willing to
suffer and I mean suffer your brain and
your body
once connected together can do anything
and this 30 miles was the life-changing
moment I was out of it I wasn’t the
worst pain in my entire life I was to me
on the brink of death and I was able to
chunk this 30 damn miles into small
pieces I was so driven and I’m not gonna
say motivated cuz motivations crap
motivation comes and goes when you’re
driven whatever’s in front of you will
get destroyed so I sat in this chair and
I was so driven to succeed in this race
and at this time
everyone’s were you thinking about the
guys that died and I’m not gonna lie to
you I wasn’t this became a personal
this became me against this race me
against the kids that called me nigger
me against me it just became something
that I took so so violently personal and
I broke this thing down into small
pieces I said okay I got to get
nutrition I gotta be able to stand up
before I can get off this curb and golf
this chair and be able to go 30 miles so
I went through all these small steps and
I was able to stand up and then from
staying up I was literally walking
around with my wife at the time and she
goes you not gonna make the time she
goes you mean you’re walking like 37
minute miles I got tomorrow 81 and the
second she said that I’m not gonna make
the time I ran the last 19 miles
non-stop and I can show you right now
when we get done with this smack back I
want to show you right now this was
years ago and I had to put compression
tape on my own and I had so this was
go I had literally the size of half
dollars I had to get compression tape
and I taped up my ankles and i taked up
my feet and that’s how I got through
that race it was like a hematoma I mean
what do we what happened was like my
shins hurts so bad from having stress
fractures that’s the only way I could
continue on was I taped it so I wasn’t
doing the flexor motion that that
activates your shins
so I taped my ankles and my shins up and
I got that from because of my throat
hell week they were good let me go back
to you know train anymore right so I
literally went through all the buds my
last seal training with stress fractures
and shin splints and how I did it was I
would take my ankles all the way up to
my calf every morning so for the first
hour the pain was excruciating but what
happened is my feet would go numb and I
did that every single day for six months
whoa that’s how I got through my third
hell because I was so broken from the
first two that the commander said hey
the CEO said this year last time I sent
you through so that’s how I got the idea
to do that so with the right and people
may listen to this and say this guy is
sadistic he’s crazy he’s know if you
know how I came up you realized I was
just a scared kid that found driving
passion to be something much better than
what he thought he was that’s all it is
self-talk and visualization of the two
keys to my success I believed for that
I said to myself who on this earth would
still be going right now you are you are
you got to be the hardest on the planet
is it true I don’t give at that time it
got me to the finish line of that race I
believed it I believed it today I
believed it enough to where my body said
he’s not gonna stop and that’s I took
all the negative things I need to go to
the hospital this and that and I uses
all who the hell could even get on that
chair you did who the hell would even
think about taping stress fractures up
you did all those things are used for
motivation I just had an intense
conversation about managing your
expectations how people need to manage
the next big know their expectations and
about tripling down on your strengths
and don’t worry about your weaknesses if
anybody out there knows who I am I
totally disagree with all of that crap I
think it’s crap and that’s exactly how
the people in the world become weaker
people it’s by copying your brain it’s
by putting this kind of garbage in it
about not attacking what you’re not good
at it’s about putting a cap on managing
your expectations if I live that way if
I had any kind of thought process like
managing expectations I would be a
400-pound man by now working some job
that made nobody and I would not never
know my capabilities I would never have
become a Navy SEAL I knew it Ranger
school all these things I did
I’ve never honestly the greatest lessons
he ever taught me is a lesson that she
thought she doesn’t know how much she
taught me because she wasn’t much in the
teaching mode my dad took her soul but
what I did as a young kid is I observed
everybody I wasn’t really smart in the
books if I was real smart when it came
to life
yeah and I was able to sit back and
watch her mistakes I was able to see how
she struggled through life and how I
don’t want to struggle through life and
I was able to see she never picked me up
the biggest thing she did for me and
this is honest-to-god truth and she
doesn’t know she did it without busting
my ass but I would fail you know when I
was at the bottom of the sewer she never
picked me up she never gave me that
cookie and said hey son you know it’s
gonna be okay
no she didn’t have time for that and
sometimes she gets upset when I talk
about my past because if it paints her
out to be not the best mom if I had any
kind of mom in that kind of environment
I would have never made it mmm because
she forced me for ever reason she forced
did you better figure this out are you
gonna be a statistic mom and this is
something she didn’t sit down and tell
me I realized this this is the world
that is in front of me and what most
people do is they see this world and
they look at it as an excuse to get out
of it yeah I started looking at it as
this is the ultimate training ground for
the rest of my life mm-hmm I have all
these valuable lessons because if you
look out of the world right now today
it’s not a nice place I’m very prepared
for it yeah you are
I prepared for it I’m prepared for all
the failure coming my way I’m prepared
for everything my way and that’s the
biggest lesson that she taught me by not
teaching me mm-hmm
by never saying it’s gonna be okay
matter of fact she told me the exact
it’s another early morning you’re you’re
probably thinking um I have so many
videos with me putting my shoes on early
in the morning well the video is all
very different if you really think about
it every morning every day of our lives
we have choices to make you have the
choice to stay in bed to say forget it
I’m not going to work out today or
forget it I’m not going to work hard
today you always have a choice every
single day of your life so it’s a very
different video because yesterday I made
the choice to get up early and run but
today’s never dead
today’s no dead now I’m faced with
another choice to make
so I’m making the choice again to put my
shoes on early this morning and get
well I’m a big believer in doing
something that sucks every single day in
your life I believe it’s a key component
and to strengthening your mind every day
you’re trying to find more I put your
kid pull up and that’s the big question
what are you capable of stop doing the
things that you do every day run every
day go swim my bigtire flipper but uh
flip the towel one time for a mile
they’ll definitely build something so my
bought cows in the mine do something
that sucks well on my way back right now
we’re half mile out I’m gonna half a
mile back one thing I found out life is
if you want to get better do the
that no one else wants to do do the
that no one else is even thinking about
doing do the that people think is
stupid it makes no sense because
all you’re doing is getting better I
the more things you can do get outside
that zone that zone is that is only
makes you feel good the stronger your
minds gonna get it starts getting used
to doing like this it’s not fun my mind’s used to it
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